满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Pinocchio may be just a children's fairy...

    Pinocchio may be just a children's fairy tale, but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called ''Pinocchio effect'' and found that our noses don't grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.

Dr. Emilio Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography to tell if people were lying, and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful, the temperature of the tips of their noses dropped up to 1.2, while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5. Scientists also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink, although the difference is undetected by the human eye.

''One has to think in order to lie, which rises the temperature of the forehead, '' Dr. Gomez Milan explained the findings. ''At the same time we feel anxious, which lowers the temperature of the nose. ''

For this study, researchers asked a number of 60 students to perform various tasks while being scanned by thermal imaging technology. One of these tasks involved calling a 3 to 4 minutes call to their parents, partner or a friend and telling a significant lie. Participants had to devise the lie by themselves during the call, and the thermal cameras picked up this ''reverse Pinocchio effect'' caused by the fluctuation (起伏) in temperature in the nose and forehead.

Interestingly, the thermal lie doctor picked up the temperature difference in 80 percent of test subjects, which is a better rate of success than that of any modern lie doctor.

''With this method we have achieved to increase accuracy and reduce the occurrence of 'false positives', something that is frequently with other methods such as the polygraph (测谎仪) , '' said Dr. Emilio Gómez Milán, who added that law enforcement interviewers could one day combine other lie detection technology with thermal imaging to achieve better results.

The thermal lie doctor has been the most reliable in the world, 10% more than the popular polygraph.

1.Why does the author mention ''Pinocchio'' at the beginning?

A.To tell a fairy story B.To warn us not to lie.

C.To introduce a research. D.To inspire us to doubt old beliefs.

2.According to the research, what might happen if you tell a lie?

A.Your nose gets longer.

B.Your nose becomes smaller.

C.Your temperature gets higher.

D.Your temperature remains stable.

3.What can we learn about the research?

A.Researchers conduct the study by interviewing.

B.Researchers design difference lies for participants.

C.The thermal lie detector will prove a popular one.

D.The thermal lie doctor may assist law enforcement.

4.Which might be the best title for the passage?

A.Will lie detectors tell the truth?

B.Will lying make your nose longer?

C.Will lying make your temperature rise?

D.Will thermal imaging technology be reliable?


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。匹诺曹一说谎鼻子就变长? 文章由匹诺曹为切入点,介绍了一个研究,该研究发现人在撒谎时鼻尖温度会降低,这会导致鼻子稍微变小。这就是“匹诺曹效应”。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段Pinocchio may be just a children's fairy tale, but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called ''Pinocchio effect'' and found that our noses don't grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.(匹诺曹可能知识一个孩子们的童话故事,但是西班牙Granada大学的科学家最近进行了一个名叫“匹诺曹”相应的研究,并且发现,我们撒谎时鼻子不会长长,而事实上会稍微缩小)以及下文内容可推测,第一段提到匹诺曹是为了引出一个关于人们说谎时鼻子会稍微缩小的研究。C. To introduce a research.(为了引出一个研究)符合以上推测,故选C项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段的found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful, the temperature of the tips of their noses dropped up to 1.2℃, …Scientists also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink(发现参与者无论什么时候说谎,他们鼻尖的温度会下降多达1.2℃……科学家们发现鼻尖温度的下降实际上会让鼻子稍微缩小)可知,研究发现说谎时鼻子会稍微缩小。B. Your nose becomes smaller.(鼻子会变得更小)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段''With this method we have achieved to increase accuracy and reduce the occurrence of 'false positives', something that is frequently with other methods such as the polygraph (测谎仪) , '' said Dr. Emilio Gómez Milán, who added that law enforcement interviewers could one day combine other lie detection technology with thermal imaging to achieve better results.(“埃米利奥·戈麦斯·米兰博士说:“用这种方法我们提高了测谎准确率,降低了误报的发生率,而用测谎器等方法经常会出现误报。”他还说,执法部门负责审讯的官员有一天将能把热成像技术和其他测谎技术结合起来以达到更准确的结果。)可知,热感测谎医生在将来可能会帮助到执法部门。D. The thermal lie doctor may assist law enforcement.(热感测谎医生可能会帮助到执法部门)符合以上说法,故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第一段的Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called ''Pinocchio effect'' and found that our noses don't grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.可知,匹诺曹一说谎鼻子就变长? 文章由匹诺曹为切入点,介绍了一个研究,该研究发现人在撒谎时鼻尖温度会降低,这会导致鼻子稍微变小。这就是“匹诺曹效应”。B. Will lying make your nose longer?(撒谎会让你的鼻子变长吗?)可以作为本文标题故选B项。

    If plastic had been invented when the Pilgrims (清教徒移民) sailed from Plymouth, England, to North America and the Mayflower had been stocked with bottled water and plastic-wrapped snacks, their plastic waste would likely still be around, four centuries later. If the Pilgrims had been like many people today and had simply thrown their empty bottles and wrappers over the side, Atlantic waves and sunlight would have worn all that plastic into tiny bits. And those bits might still be floating around the world’s oceans today, waiting to be eaten by unfortunate fish, and eventually perhaps by one of us.

Because plastic wasn’t invented until the late 19th century, and production really only took off around 1950, we have a mere 9.2 billion tons of the stuff to deal with. Of that, more than 6.9 billion tons have become waste. And of that waste, a shocking 6.3 billion tons never made it to recycling facilities.

No one knows how much unrecycled plastic waste ends up in the ocean, Earth’s last sink. In 2015, Jenna Jambeck, a university of Georgia engineering professor, caught everyone’s attention with a rough estimate: between 5.3 million and 14 million tons each year just from coastal regions. Most of it isn’t thrown off ships, she and her colleagues say, but is dumped carelessly on land or in rivers, mostly in Asia. It’s then blown or washed into the sea. It’s unclear how long it will take for that plastic to completely biodegrade (降解). Estimates range from 450 years to never.

Meanwhile, ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species, including endangered ones, are known to have been affected by it. Some are harmed visibly-strangled (勒死) by abandoned fishing nets. Many more are probably harmed invisibly. Marine species of all sizes, from fish to whale, now eat microplastics, the bits smaller than one-fifth of an inch across. On Hawaii’s Big Island, on a beach to which no paved road, I walked ankle-deep through mocroplastics. After that, I could understand why some people see ocean plastic as an approaching disaster, worth mentioning in the same breath as climate change.

And yet there’s a key difference: Ocean plastic is not as complicated as climate change. There are no mean waste deniers (否认者), at least so far. To do something about it, we have to remake our planet’s entire energy system.

“This isn’t a problem where we don’t know what the solution is,” says Jambeck. “We know how to pick up garbage. Anyone can do it. We know how to deal with it. We know how to recycle.” It’s a matter of building the necessary institutions and systems, she says--ideally before the ocean tums, for centuries to come, into a thin soup of plastic.

1.In the first paragraph the author emphasizes the fact that ______.

A.British people migrated to America four centuries ago

B.people have kept doing research in plastic for four centuries

C.there was no plastic pollution four centuries ago

D.plastic waste would remain in the ocean for four centuries

2.How are marine animals harmed invisibly by ocean plastic?

A.They eat microplastics.

B.They drown in microplastics.

C.They are coated with waste plastic bags.

D.They are struggling in abandoned plastic nets.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.People all agree reducing plastic production is the solution.

B.People tend to agree plastic waste has caused ocean plastic.

C.It has been scheduled to reverse the trend of climate change.

D.It has been scheduled to reverse the trend of ocean plastic.



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Dear Blair Connie,

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■Discover exceptional academics. With thousands of courses to pick from each semester, you can engage with professors who are leaders in their fields and make meaningful connections with your fellow students in our technology-packed active learning classrooms.

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Executive Director of Admissions


Heidi Meyer

1.What does the underlined phrase “a Golden Gopher” refer to?

A.A freshman. B.A professor. C.An amateur. D.An inspector.

2.Which of the following is the benefit of choosing the U of M?

A.The university invites leaders in different fields to teach on campus.

B.There are numerous clubs which offer students various activities.

C.It is so ideally located that you have easy access to famous top brands.

D.Many magazines rank it among the top universities with high tuition.



    Nowak has been running her own lawn care business since she was 12 years old. The income from that job put her through two years at a_______ college in her hometown of Cheyenne.

But in the fall, when she _______  to the University of Wyoming for a bachelor’s in business and marketing, she discovered her seasonal_______ wouldn’t go as far. In Cheyenne, tuition (学费) was low and Nowak lived with her parents. In Laramie, tuition went up and there was _______ to pay. She had to take a second_______, helping other students write resumes.

Nowak’s parents _______  her decision to go to college but couldn’t support her _________, so she’s been paying for it on her own. She’s _______  of her ability to take care of herself, but she knows she’s _______. She sees how easy it is for friends who don’t work to get ________with student clubs and networking opportunities-things she ________ to find the time for. If she didn’t have to work, she would have a college________ like other students.

A state-funded scholarship would have ________ her out. High schoolers have to meet certain    ACT requirements to ________  for it. She heard about it in eighth grade, but it didn’t __________  again  until she was applying to community college. And that was too __________  to bring her ACT score up by the two points to get the most out of it.

Despite all the________, Nowak is right where she needs to be. She still received the scholarship, but a lesser __________. With her struggle through and determination, she’s __________  to graduate next year. Eventually, she’d like to use her degree to________ her lawn care business.

1.A.royal B.senior C.private D.community

2.A.adjusted B.travelled C.objected D.transferred

3.A.earnings B.factors C.changes D.harvests

4.A.tax B.rent C.loan D.debt

5.A.job B.look C.place D.chance

6.A.judged B.backed C.doubted D.abolished

7.A.academically B.mentally C.financially D.socially

8.A.careful B.worthy C.afraid D.proud

9.A.missing out B.working on C.standing by D.running off

10.A.confused B.informed C.involved D.pleased

11.A.happens B.struggles C.promises D.demands

12.A.admission B.degree C.background D.experience

13.A.sought B.wore C.allowed D.helped

14.A.qualify B.account C.enquire D.provide

15.A.give up B.go up C.come up D.clear up

16.A.late B.rare C.serious D.popular

17.A.challenges B.experiments C.discoveries D.priorities

18.A.capital B.amount C.avenue D.charge

19.A.on trial B.on edge C.on board D.on track

20.A.launch B.defend C.expand D.contact



Some teenagers have independent tastes, but most tend to _______.

A.lose their heads B.spill the beans C.swim with the tide D.mend their ways



—Gosh, I feel I have messed up my whole life.

—Cheer up. Things will _______.

A.hold out B.work out C.stand out D.set out



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