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How to Become a Glass Half-Full Person T...

How to Become a Glass Half-Full Person

Times are tough and many people are struggling. But just because we can find lots of reasons for feeling down doesn’t mean that we should. We all get to wake up every day and choose whether we are going to be a glass half-full, or a glass half-empty person.1.

Set your intention. Before you step out of bed, take one minute to set your intention for the day by coming up with one word about the attitude or spirit you want to bring to the day. 2.It helps you better focus your time and energy.

Carry yourself like an optimist. Scientists have actually proven that how you present and carry yourself on the outside has a huge impact on how you feel on the inside. 3.Talk with people as though you were the outgoing, confident, optimistic and successful person you wish to be and you will attract all sorts of positive people and opportunities into your life.

4.Often the very thing we need to improve out circumstances require courage. That is, closing the gap between where you are now and where you would like to be in will require stepping outside your comfort zone and doing something that scares you away.

Turn a problem into an opportunity. You can’t solve your problems by complaining about them.5.Where pessimists (悲观主义者) see problems, optimists find opportunities. If you change the way you look at your problems, your problems change and transform into a rich array of opportunities to grow, learn and discover inner resources you never knew you had!

Please try one of these strategies today and let me know how it helps! As an optimist, I am sure it will!

A.Perform an act of courage.

B.Expect good things to happen.

C.Stand tall and smile confidently.

D.Being intentional acts like a compass.

E.Surround yourself with positive people.

F.Below are tips on filling up your cup of optimism.

G.But you can solve them by approaching them from a new angle.


1.F 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了让你充满乐观的小窍门。 1. 根据后文各段落小标题“Set your intention.(设置你的意图。)”,“Carry yourself like an optimist.(保持乐观的心态。)”和“Turn a problem into an opportunity.(把问题变成机会。)”可知,设空句应是起到承起后文的作用,即:提出后文段落为一些关于如何保持乐观的方法或建议。选项F“Below are tips on filling up your cup of optimism.(下面是一些让你充满乐观的小窍门。)”中“below”与后文相呼应,符合语境需求。故选F项。 2. 根据本段小标题“Set your intention.”可知,本段的核心词汇为intention,且结合后文“It helps you better focus your time and energy.(它帮助你更好地集中你的时间和精力。)”可知,设空句应是在讲述“设定目标”的积极作用。选项D“Being intentional acts like a compass.”提及有意识的行为就像指南针,解释了设定目标的积极作用,且intentional呼应段落核心词intention。故选D项。 3. 根据本段小标题“Carry yourself like an optimist.(保持乐观的心态。)”可知,本段在讲述如何保持乐观的心态,且后文“Talk with people as though you were the outgoing, confident, optimistic and successful person you wish to be and you will attract all sorts of positive people and opportunities into your life.(与人交谈,就像你是一个外向的,自信的,乐观的,成功的人,你会吸引各种各样的积极的人和机会进入你的生活。)”提到了保持乐观心态的行为方式,由此可推知,设空句应也会提及一些行为方式。选项C“Stand tall and smile confidently.”提到挺直腰板,自信地微笑,这些可以看作为乐观心态的行为方式,符合语境。故选C项。 4. 设空句为本段小标题。根据空后的进一步解释“Often the very thing we need to improve out circumstances require courage.(通常情况下,我们需要改善的事情需要勇气)”可知,本段在讲述的核心词汇应是“courage”。选项A“Perform an act of courage.( 表现出勇气。)”复现了核心词汇“courage”,且合理概括了该段内容,符合语境。故选A项。 5. 根据本段小标题“Turn a problem into an opportunity.”可知,本段在讲述把问题变成机会。结合后文“If you change the way you look at your problems, your problems change and transform into a rich array of opportunities to grow, learn and discover inner resources you never knew you had!( 如果你改变了你看待问题的方式,你的问题就会改变并转化为成长、学习和发现内在资源的丰富机会。)”可知,作者要强调的是乐观主义者会改变看待问题的方式,即:换个角度思考问题。选项G“But you can solve them by approaching them from a new angle.(但是你可以从一个新的角度来处理它们。)”符合该段主旨要义,其中“approaching them from a new angle”与后文的“change the way you look at your problems”相呼应,且与前文形成转折关系,符合语境。故选G项。

    In the film The Matrix, Agent Smith, a super-computer in human shape, says, “You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern: a virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. ”

Yes, relatively speaking, we are just a large virus. While most species live in balance with their ecosystems, we fail to do so. We are taking more from nature than it has to give. We wipe out animals and plants as a virus might invade and kill a host. We are destroying our host, the earth.

Our brain has been our most successful tool for survival. The funny thing is that our mind has developed to such a degree that we have thought up solutions to more survival problems. We are for the first time in earth's history changing nature to suit our comfort and desires. Being a human, I do like the advancement of technology and medicine as we nave the chance to survive longer and sometimes feel less pain. After all, nature is cruel and we can soften its blow through these inventions. However, people surviving genetic faults or illness, could they be actually making the gene pool more “dirty” and could even more people in the future suffer due to an increase in faulty DNA? It seems that even though we deal with a short-term problem we could be causing more. Are we being kind to be cruel?

We are lucky enough to own a brain complex enough to think and create. But we fail to realize the only way to really survive is through respect of our host, the earth, and working with it as the only way a living thing can benefit is by benefiting its host as it depends on it to survive.

1.According to the passage, what characteristics do humans and viruses share?

A.They take and give. B.They expand and destroy.

C.They create and consume. D.They balance and survive.

2.What does the author think of modern technology and medicine?

A.They can help humans control nature. B.They can guarantee purer human DNA.

C.They may reduce humans' effect on the earth. D.They may bring humans more harm than good.

3.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A.To appeal for humans' respect for nature. B.To put forward ways to advance medicine.

C.To talk about a film character, Agent Smith. D.To argue against comparing humans to viruses.



    Everyone procrastinates(拖延). “It's part of the human condition, ”says procrastination researcher Tim Pychyl. “We want to feel good now. The way to do that is avoid the task.” He admits that in the short term, procrastination is powerfully rewarding. The present self-benefits, of course, but not the future self.

His research has shown that people can procrastinate on nearly anything, even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation. Some people procrastinate cleaning. Some people procrastinate by cleaning. The top tasks people delay are advancing their careers, taking care of their health, and planning their finances.

One big factor for them is fear of failure, of not living up to expectations. Kelli Saginak, a 57-year-old health coach from Wisconsin, procrastinated about looking for a new job for years. That inability to take action only confirmed her belief that she would never do any better. “It's totally fear of judgment,” says Saginak. “If I don't take the risk, I don't have to face the judgment. Yet it's simply me judging myself.”

Some people embrace procrastination, insisting that the white-hot pressure of a last-minute completion makes his or her work better. But researchers have proved it wrong. “I did an experiment, putting procrastinators under restrictions of time. They did worse than non-procrastinators, but they thought they did better.” says Joseph Ferrari, a psychology professor. “Non- Procrastinators focus on the task that needs to be done. They have a stronger personal identity and are less concerned about what psychologists call social esteem's how others like us.”

Procrastination is usually not going to be good for you. Just thinking about what you haven't done may cause discomfort. So if you have been procrastinating on starting an exercise routine, just put on your walking shoes. If you've been putting off a work project, reread your boss's notes about it.

1.According to Tim Pychyl, people procrastinate because        .

A.it simplifies the tasks B.it offers temporary relief

C.it allows more time for planning D.it benefits one's self development

2.What did Kelli Saginak mean by “Yet it's simply me judging myself”?

A.She has false expectations. B.She makes quick judgement.

C.She regrets taking no action. D.She values her present career.

3.What does Joseph Ferrari's experiment show?

A.Procrastinators usually lack confidence.

B.Procrastinators turn pressure into motivation.

C.Non-procrastinators care much about others 'feelings.

D.Non-procrastinators perform better within a time limit.

4.What is the author's attitude towards procrastination?

A.Favorable. B.Reserved. C.Opposed. D.Objective.



    Fernando, Lucia, and their moms were heading downhill. Tired and hungry, Fernando was eager to have a rest and eat up the sandwich buried in his pack. Lucia desperately wanted to rest her tired feet and legs, which ached terribly from the challenging climb up the mountain. Mountain climbing was not her greatest talent.

Distracted by hunger pains and by the beautiful view of the valley below, Fernando didn't see the large fallen branch steps ahead of him. His foot caught on it, sending him down a steep path. After rolling to a stop, he knew something was wrong with his ankle.

His mom supported him as he tried to stand, but it was much too painful. They tried calling 911, but the surrounding trees blocked their cell phone signals. Analyzing their dilemma, the group decided that Lucia and her mom would climb back to the top of the mountain, where they would set off the emergency flares they carried. Lucia really began to worry when the group settled on this plan. She wasn't confident that her overtaxed muscles could carry her up the mountain a second time in one day!

Fernando's mom stayed with her son, and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.  The air on the mountain was dry and turning cooler. She wrapped him in her jacket to keep him warm and periodically gave him sips of water.

Meanwhile, Lucia and her mom climbed up the mountain-again! A feeling of pride washed over Lucia when she finally made it to the mountaintop-she was tougher than she thought! Then pride turned to amazement when she spotted a helicopter approaching. Quickly, her mom fired a flare, and they shouted and waved to attract attention. The helicopter flew round to let them know that he had seen them. The plan nearer and the pilot circled had worked-they were going to get Fernando safely off the mountain!

1.What happened to Fernando?

A.His ankle got injured by accident. B.A branch knocked him on the head.

C.He went missing in the deep valley. D.He could find his sandwich nowhere.

2.Why did Lucia climb up the mountain again?

A.To signal for help. B.To wait for the helicopter.

C.To search for water. D.To look for Fernando's cellphone.

3.Which words can best describe Lucia's second climb?

A.Painful and fruitless. B.Dangerous but exciting.

C.Tiring yet worthwhile. D.Challenging and enjoyable.













In Britain and American, people were feeling depressed because the bad economic situation. Charlie understand their problems. His character “the little tramp”, knowing throughout the world, was poor but homeless. However, everybody loved he for his kind heart and a way he dealt with his difficult situation. Charlie Chaplin made people laugh at some of these terribly situations like being without food or money. He wrote to and directed some his own film and received an Oscar for his outstanding work.



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