满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Recently, a scientist did some experimen...

    Recently, a scientist did some experiments. He left a group of 4-year-olds in a room with a bell and a candy. If they rang the bell, he would come back and they could eat the candy. If, however, they didn’t ring the bell and waited for him to come back on his own, they could then have two candies.

In the videos of the experiments, he can see the children hiding their eyes, trying to exercise self-control so they can wait and get two candies. The results are different. Some broke down and rang the bell within a minute. Others lasted 15 minutes.

The children who waited longer went on to get higher academic scores. They got into better colleges and had better adult success. The children who rang the bell quickest were more likely to have received worse teacher and parental evaluations (评价) 10 years later and were more likely to have drug problems at age 32.

The experiments are worth noting because people spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve education, and how to become rich. But when the result is not good, they will come back to ask “How do we get people to get the sort of self-control that leads to success?” This is to enter the world of human nature.

So these experiments, along with everyday experience, tell us that self-control is most important. Young people who can sit through sometimes boring classes to get a degree can work hard in order to learn a language well. They can avoid drugs and alcohol. For people without self-control skills, however, school is a series of failed and painful experience. No wonder they drop out and their later life is a group of foolish ideas, such as drug use, stealing and so on.

1.The scientist did some experiments to ________.

A.find good ways of training children to learn

B.show that children’s education is important

C.test children’s self-control and later success

D.test children’s intelligence of ringing the bell

2.What do the underlined words “broke down” probably mean?

A.failed to wait. B.kept waiting.

C.hid the candy. D.ate the candy.

3.How long did the scientist’s experiments last according to the text?

A.Just 15 minutes. B.Within 10 years.

C.Less than 14 years. D.About 28 years.

4.What will the children without self-control do at school according to the text?

A.They will improve their education.

B.They will suffer a lot from boring lessons.

C.They will become very rich and successful.

D.They will work hard to catch up with others.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 本文属于说明文,讲述了自控力和未来成功的关系,实验表明自控力强的人以后成功的机会更大。 1.推理判断题。由第三段“The children who waited longer went on to get higher SAT scores. They got into better colleges and had better adult success.”可知,等待的时间越长的孩子SAT分数越高,长大后会进入更好的大学,获得更好的成功,故可知实验的目的在于探索孩子自律和成功之间的关系,故选C。 2.词义猜测题。根据第二段The results are different. Some broke down and rang the bell within a minute. Others lasted 15 minutes.可知,结果是不一样的,有些孩子在一分钟内摇响铃声,而另外一些孩子坚持了15分钟,故可知对两类孩子进行了对比,故可以推出break down为崩溃,无法再坚持,故选A。 3.细节理解题。由第一段He left a group of 4-year-olds in a room with a bell and a candy.以及第三段“The children who rang the bell quickest were more likely to have received worse teacher and parental evaluations(评价)10 years later and were more likely to have drug problems at age 32.”可知,开始做实验是孩子4岁的时候,最后与32岁的时候结束,故可知,实验持续了28年,故选D项。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段“For people without self-control skills, however, school is a series of failed ordeals(煎熬).”可推知,缺乏自律的孩子,学业对于他们来说就是连续的煎熬,故选B。

    In Canada you can find dogs,cats,horses,etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their housesthey take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射) so that they won't carry disease. They have special animal food storesthough they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people's housesthey would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animalyou would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad.

People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might beTheir family ties are not as close as ours. When children grow upthey leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.

1.The passage mainly talks about ________.

A.how to keep disease from pets B.pets in Canada

C.how to take good care of pets D.life of the old in Canada

2.They give their pets injections before keeping them at their houses because ________.

A.the pets are sick

B.the pets are wild

C.they want to stop them from carrying disease

D.they want them to sleep on the way home

3.This passage shows that Canadians ________.

A.hate animals B.often kill animals

C.love animals D.don't keep pets inside houses

4.In Canadachildren leave their parents when they grow up because ________

A.they don't love their parents any more

B.they can only find jobs far from their parents

C.their parents' houses are too small

D.they wouldn't depend on their parents any more



    Here are the most popular events in Los Angeles this year.

Earth Day L. A.

Phone number: (213) 972-8080

Earth Day L.A. offers Downtown L.A.’s citizens, workers and visitors ideas, a place to drop e-waste and solutions on how to do little harm to our planet in daily life. The annual event features performances, composting (制肥堆), and plant giveaways as well as electric vehicle exhibits, which are all free to the public (and to a select number of school groups).

Jackalope Pasadena Spring 2020 Fair

Phone number: (323) 989-2278

Where Local Culture Meets Craft (手工艺)Come and shopover 200 handmade makers from fashion, home design, art and more all in one place at Jackalope Pasadena coming up April 25th & 26th. Enjoy a bite to eat from a local food truck or take part in a free yoga class offered throughout the weekend.

Explore Caltech

Phone number: (626) 395- 4652

You’re invited to Explore Caltech as the Institute brings science and engineering out the lab and into the community, sharing the excitement of discovery through family-friendly open-air laboratories, a series of 10- minute talks by Caltech researchers, and a keynote discussion.


Phone number: (310) 395-3204

There are over 100 authors and presenters including New York Times Best Sellers along with local and widely- acknowledged young adult and middle grade writers, plus famous TV, film, video game, and comic creators. A day of book signings, food trucks and rock’ n’ roll.

1.What do we know about the event Earth Day L.A.?

A.It charges less than the other events.

B.It offers people the performing techniques.

C.It contributes to participants’ going green.

D.It leads participants to prefer an electric vehicle.

2.Where can people buy handmade products?

A.Yallwest. B.Earth Day L. A.

C.Explore Caltech. D.Jackalope Pasadena Spring 2020 Fair.

3.What will visitors call if they’re interested in science?

A.(213) 972-8080 B.(323) 989-2278

C.(626) 395- 4652 D.(310) 395-3204




These days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world! The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient China. It was then known as cuju(kick ball), a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside. Goals were hung in the air. Football as we know it today started in Great Britain, where the game was given new rules.

That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. It is also a game that is very cheap to play. You don't need expensive equipment; even the ball doesn't have to cost much money. All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts 'content with a ball made of plastic bags; just like Pele did when he was a boy.

Another factor behind football's global popularity is the creativity and excitement on the field. It is fun enough to attract millions of people. You do not have to be a fan to recognize the skill of professional player-how they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to see-or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.

What's more, football has become one of the best ways for people to communicate: it does not require words, but everyone understands it. It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field. Take, for example, the famous football game on Christmas Day 1914. World War I had broken out months before, but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together-one moment of peace to remember during years of conflict.

“Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, ...... “said Bill Shankly, the famous footballer and manager. “I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” This might sound funny, but one only has to think about the Earth to realize that our planet is shaped like a football.



假如你是李华,你想申请成为2020年中国国际进口博览会(the 2020 China International Import Expo)的一名英语志愿者,请给外教James写一封邮件求助,请他帮你写推荐信。邮件内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 推荐信的内容、截止时间接收邮箱地址(infò@sinoexpo. cc);

3. 表达感谢。


1. 词数不少于80

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



    I was worried about the big math test. “It's just so_______, ”I whined (抱怨) to my mother. “You, Dad, and Tyler hardly have to work at all to understand math, and meanwhile I_______for hours to figure out every new concept.” “Sometimes things that are worth_______ take time, Honey,” she responded.

The next day in Language Arts class, when the teacher wrote “Energy and persistence conquer(征服) all things” on the board, it felt like old Ben Franklin was speaking _______to me. “Energy and persistence,” I muttered. “I'll study very day until that math test, and I’ll be  _______ to conquer it.”

The next three weeks were _______, to say the least. Once1 made my plan to spend time _______ everyone wanted me for some new and _______ activity. Each time_______ an invitation, I gritted my teeth(咬紧牙关) and ________ a math test paper with a big A+on it. Happily for me, I got plenty of ________ from various sources. When I showed my study plan to my math teacher, she was ________. At home, my brother was also happy to lend a hand.

When the day of the math exam finally arrived, I was ________ worried. But I knew I had done________ I could. I would love to say that I came home a week later with a big A+ on my exam paper. It did not happen that way. This story did have a ________ending, though. When I came home with a B on my test, my parents took turns to ________ me. “You knew the test would be ________, but you didn't back down,” said my father. “You earned that ________! Perfect grades are nice, ________ we care more about you working hard and learning. We're proud of you.”

So I guess Ben Franklin was right! I didn't get an A+, but with energy and persistence, I definitely conquered what I thought would be the ________ math test.

1.A.upsetting B.embarrassing C.funny D.silly

2.A.examine B.struggle C.pray D.hesitate

3.A.arguing B.considering C.reciting D.learning

4.A.casually B.honestly C.directly D.politely

5.A.sure B.afraid C.curious D.anxious

6.A.boring B.exciting C.challenging D.satisfying

7.A.reading B.thinking C.studying D.writing

8.A.interesting B.dangerous C.private D.violent

9.A.assessed B.confirmed C.longed for D.turned down

10.A.pictured B.checked C.held D.collected

11.A.money B.support C.praise D.reward

12.A.confused B.encouraged C.annoyed D.impressed

13.A.almost B.just C.ever D.still

14.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything

15.A.strange B.happy C.sad D.humorous

16.A.amuse B.teach C.hug D.consult

17.A.different B.tough C.special D.awful

18.A.title B.grade C.honor D.right

19.A.or B.because C.so D.but

20.A.impractical B.unfair C.impossible D.unfortunate



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