满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Marsha seemed like a nice enough lady, 9...

    Marsha seemed like a nice enough lady, 96 years old. She had a(n) _______ heart and only months to live. That’s why I was _______ her at the nursing home. She was glad to hear me read from the Bible, but suddenly, she burst into _______. ''When I get to heaven,'' she said, ''I will tell God to kick() my father out of there! I don't ever want to _______ him again! '' I didn't know how to respond, but I wanted to help her _______ her heart.

I went home, wondering if I would be like Marsha at her age. A loud voice inside me was forcing an uncomfortable _______: Isn't there somebody you need to _______? Frankly(坦白地) there was something I didn't want to _______.

I grew up in Chicago. My brother John was 12 years older than me and always shouted at me. Everything I did was _______. I couldn't get along well with him, so I ________ him off. I couldn't see how old wound could hurt us ________ in the last days of life ________ I met Marsha.

I read all about forgiveness, including everything I could find in the Bible. I told myself it was to help Marsha, but ________, I was desperate to help myself. Like they say, when you can't stop being mad at someone, the person you end up ________ the most is yourself. So I finally took the ________ to call him.

''I don't want to be ________ with you anymore, '' I said. ''I'm ready to start over. Whatever our ________ have been are in the past. There was a brief ________ on the other end of the phone. ''I agree,'' John said at last. ''I'll try to do better.''

The last time I saw Marsha, she was too weak to ________. I don't know if she forgave her father when she would get to heaven. Either way, I ________ they worked it out, like my brother and I.

1.A.healthy B.limited C.weak D.curious

2.A.encouraging B.visiting C.persuading D.seeking

3.A.tears B.anger C.amusement D.laughter

4.A.cheer B.love C.see D.lose

5.A.control B.break C.win D.unlock

6.A.question B.idea C.song D.movie

7.A.pay B.forgive C.gather D.harm

8.A.give up B.build up C.think about D.depend on

9.A.religious B.natural C.wrong D.gentle

10.A.turned B.cut C.put D.moved

11.A.even B.only C.just D.always

12.A.since B.although C.when D.until

13.A.closely B.honestly C.slightly D.politely

14.A.consulting B.cheating C.hurting D.admiring

15.A.courage B.place C.benefit D.belief

16.A.popular B.angry C.disappointed D.familiar

17.A.achievements B.traditions C.problems D.strengths

18.A.silence B.shade C.noise D.statement

19.A.argue B.think C.stand D.talk

20.A.doubted B.guessed C.hoped D.supported


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要描述了玛莎对父亲的愤怒让作者想起了和哥哥之间的矛盾,作者主动迈出第一步,和哥哥联系,最终化干戈为玉帛。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她心脏虚弱,只有几个月的生命。A. healthy 健康的;B. limited 有限的;C.weak 虚弱的;D.curious 好奇的。根据下文的only months to live可知此处用“虚弱的”,故选C项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那就是为什么我在养老院去看望她。A.encouraging鼓励;B.visiting 探访;C.persuading 说服;D. seeking 寻找。根据下文的She was glad to hear me read from the Bible可知作者在养老院看望Marsha,故选B项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她很高兴听到我读圣经,但突然,她勃然大怒。A.tears眼泪;B. anger愤怒;C.amusement 娱乐;D.laughter 笑声。上下文是转折关系,故此次用“愤怒”符合语境,故选B项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“等我到了天堂,”她说,“我会告诉上帝把我父亲踢出去!我再也不想见他了!”A.cheer欢呼;B.love 爱;C.see见;D.lose失去。根据上文的I will tell God to kick(踢) my father out of there推测Marsha不想见到她的父亲,故选C项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道该怎么回应,但我想帮她打开心扉。A. control控制;B.break 中断;C.win获胜;D.unlock 解锁。根据上文的'I will tell God to kick(踢) my father out of there! I don't ever want to ___4___ him again!可知Marsha恨自己的父亲,由此推测作者想要帮助她打开心扉,故选D项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我内心的一个响亮的声音迫使我提出一个不舒服的问题。A.question问题;B.idea 想法;C.song 歌曲;D.movie 电影。根据下文的Isn't there somebody you need to ___7___?可知这是个问题,故选A项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有你需要原谅的人吗?A.pay支付;B.forgive 原谅;C.gather收集;D.harm 危害。根据下文的I read all about forgiveness, including everything I could find in the Bible.可推测,作者想到了原谅别人的事情,故选B项。 8. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:坦白地说,有件事我不想去想。A.give up放弃;B.build up积累;C.think about 思考;D.depend on依靠。根据下文的I grew up in Chicago. My brother John was 12 years older than me and always shouted at me.可知这是作者回忆的事情,故此处用“想”符合语境,故选C项。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我所做的一切都是错的。A.religious宗教的;B.natural自然的;C.wrong 错的;D.gentle温柔的。根据上文的My brother John was 12 years older than me and always shouted at me可知作者的哥哥常常吼他,由此推测哥哥总是认为作者做的事情是错误的,故选C项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和他相处得不好,所以就和他断绝了联系。A.turned转向;B.cut 切割;C.put 投入;D.moved 移动。根据上文的I couldn't get along well with him可知此处用cut off“切断(联系)”符合语境,故选B项。 11. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我看不出甚至是在生命的最后几天,旧伤也会伤害我们,直到我遇到Marsha。A.even甚至;B.only只有;C.just只是;D.always总是。此处用“甚至”加强语气,表示事情出乎意料,故选A项。 12. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:我看不出甚至是在生命的最后几天,旧伤也会伤害我们,直到我遇到Marsha。A.since从;B.although 尽管;C.when当;D.until 直到。根据句意可知,此处考查固定搭配not…until…“直到……才……”,故选D项。 13. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我告诉自己这是为了帮助玛莎,但老实说,我非常想帮助自己。A.closely紧密地;B.honestly 老实说;C.slightly稍微;D.politely 礼貌地。根据下文的I was desperate to help myself可知,这实际上才是作者的真实目的,故此处用“老是说”符合语境,故选B项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像他们说的,当你无法停止对某人的愤怒时,你最终伤害最深的人就是你自己。A.consulting咨询;B.cheating欺骗;C.hurting伤害;D.admiring 赞赏。此处是指生别人的气,最终受伤害的是自己,故选C项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以我终于鼓起勇气打电话给他。A.courage勇气;B.place 地点;C.benefit利益;D.belief信仰。根据上文的I couldn't get along well with him, so I ___10___ him off.可知作者和哥哥断了联系,所以要主动联系哥哥需要很大的勇气,故选A项。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我不想再生你的气了,”我说。A.popular流行;B.angry愤怒的;C.disappointed 失望;D.familiar 熟悉的。根据上文的when you can't stop being mad at someone可知此处用“生气的”符合语境,mad和angry是同义词复现,故选B项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我已经准备好重新开始了。不管我们过去遇到了什么问题。A.achievements成就;B.traditions 传统;C.problems问题;D.strengths优势。根据上文的My brother John was 12 years older than me and always shouted at me. Everything I did was ___9___. I couldn't get along well with him, so I ___10___ him off.可知作者和哥哥的关系不好,他们之间存在问题,故选C项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:电话那头沉默了一会儿。 A.silence沉默;B.shade 阴影;C.noise 噪音;D.statement 声明。结合上下文可知,此处是指作者的哥哥对作者的话感到意外,于是先沉默了一会,再回答作者,故选A项。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:上次我见到玛莎时,她太虚弱了,不能说话。A.argue争论;B.think思考;C.stand 站立;D.talk 谈话。根据 she was too weak作者上次见Marsha时她没有说话,故选D项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不管怎样,我希望他们能像我和哥哥一样解决问题。A.doubted怀疑;B.guessed 猜测;C.hoped 希望;D.supported支持。结合上下文可知,此处是指作者希望Marsha去到天堂后也可以像作者和哥哥那样把他们之间的问题解决掉,故选C项。

    Drinking coffee is a morning habit for many people. Coffee helps get us up as much as it prepares us for the day ahead. 1. Perhaps you have wondered where everything began or when the first coffee was developed. For all of these who enjoy coffee, here are some amazing facts that you probably didn’t know about coffee.

2. We hardly find anyone who can consume 100 cups of coffee at a time. This has been thought the lethal dose(致命的剂量) for the average-sized man or woman. Too much coffee will lead to heart failure.

● A French doctor told his patients to drink coffee with milk to greatly reduce their illnesses. 3. But there still are a large number of black coffee lovers.

● Being a barista(咖啡师) is really a good job in Italy. 4. There you will find middle-aged men and women who take great pride in their work.

● The ancient Arabs took coffee seriously. The only way a wife could legally divorce(……离婚) her husband was if he did not give her enough caffeine. 5.

Hopefully these facts make you enjoy your coffee a little bit more. People who keep themselves from drinking tasty coffee just do not get it!

A.It sounds crazy, but we all know the danger of coffee!

B.It takes up to 12 hours to clear caffeine from the body.

C.For many people, this drink provides a sense of relaxation.

D.Stop drinking at 99 cups, because that last one will kill you.

E.This is the preferred combination of choice for many people today.

F.The average age for baristas in the U.S. is half that of those in Italy.

G.People in New York drink 7 times more coffee than those in other cities.



    The Disneyland parks are full of amusements, but they're also small cities that deal with deliveries, rubbish, and groups of visitors. People need to move from one place to another; they have to refuel and relax. To meet these requirements, the parks are well-equipped in reality. For example, Disneyland Park in California has a reliable transport system. In Walt Disney World in Florida, dustbins are spaced 30 feet apart, and all of them are emptied through underground tubes(地下管道).

None of this happened by accident. Walt Disney first had his idea for a play land in 1937. He first imagined the park’s buildings in a small size. He spent years collecting ideas by visiting other places. He studied Beverly Park in Los Angeles, including rebuilt historic villages. He visited Colonial Williamsburg, where employees dressed up and walked around… Then he organized a team of engineers and designers to plan and build a small world he called Disneyland. Walt Disney had blueprints(蓝图) drawn up, and tried to get the permission to break ground(破土动工).

In 1952, he showed his plan to the Burbank City government, for a 16-acre site between Griffith Park and his studio in Burbank. They didn't go for it. ''We don't want the carnival(嘉年华会) atmosphere, '' an official said. ''We don't want the loud music and screaming.''

The failure got Disney thinking even bigger. In 1953, he closed a deal to buy some land in Anaheim. Some designers thought it was too far, but Disney went ahead. It was like building a new city. Pipes had to be fixed. Railway track had to be laid around. Disney chose the hub-and-spoke(轴辐式) street pattern that many cities have. ''I want Disneyland to be a place where you can't get lost, '' he said. Designers and architects also diagrammed(图解) the rides and made models, while artists painted the background.

Finally in July 1955, the visitors came. If they picked up maps, they could see the results of years' planning: the shops and restaurants, the square, and the streets. The magic city had finally jumped off the drawing board and come into real life.

1.What does the author want to show about Disneyland parks in the first paragraph?

A.The convenient environment.

B.The amusing tourist attractions.

C.The differences between the parks.

D.The visitors' common requirements.

2.Why did Walt Disney travel to different places including Beverly Park?

A.To choose a place for construction.

B.To advertise his Disneyland Park.

C.To experience American culture.

D.To get inspired for his park.

3.What led to the Burbank City government refusing Disney's application?

A.Upsetting noises.

B.Possible safety dangers.

C.Harm to the local environment.

D.Large areas for building the park.

4.What kind of person is Walt Disney according to the passage?

A.Considerate and hard-working.

B.Stubborn but kind-hearted.

C.Careful and determined.

D.Confident but selfish.

5.What's the best title of the text?

A.It is worthwhile to build large parks

B.Disneyland has been built like a brand-new city

C.How a theme park was built in a big city of USA

D.Disneyland --- a famous park around the world



Working or learning in a foreign country can be a difficult experience, both professionally and personally, because of the culture shock.

The hardest part of working abroad isn't finding a place to stay or learning the language. It's learning to overcome the culture shock. The anthropologist(人类学家) Kalvero Oberg first put forward the term ''culture shock''. He reported that the culture shock was caused by the ''anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse(社交) while living and working in another culture''.

These things are part of everyday life, and include many signs, gestures, facial expressions, and customs. When we enter a new culture, these cues(提示) are usually not present or so different that they're no longer understandable to us.

''When a person enters a foreign culture, '' wrote Oberg, ''all or most of these familiar cues are eliminated. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded he or she may be, lots of props(支柱) have been knocked out from the environment.''

This is what happened to Lara, a young IT consultant(顾问) from America moved last year to their company in southern Europe. Three weeks after she arrived in Europe, Lara sent a desperate e-mail begging to return home. ''The people are so unfriendly, '' Lara wrote. ''They eat at strange hours and I'm starting to get allergic(过敏的) to the local food. I can't get anything done because their way of doing business is so disorganized and so inefficient and I have a terrible skin itch because of the water. I want to come home!''

What Lara and other IT consultants meet on their first assignment abroad is a culture shock. While you can't prevent the culture shock from happening, you can take some measures to cut down its effects.

1.What is the most difficult part for a foreign student?

A.Learning the foreign language. B.Adapting to the local culture.

C.Finding a right place to live. D.Entering a famous school.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “eliminated” in Paragraph 4?

A.observed B.removed

C.solved D.measured

3.What happened to Lara when she arrived in Europe?

A.Her life got into a mess.

B.She worked more efficient than at home.

C.She couldn’t get on well with her colleagues.

D.She was out of condition because of the weather.

4.Why does the author describe Lara’s experience?

A.To show us where we’ll meet with the culture shock.

B.To show us how to adapt to the culture shock.

C.To explain to us what the culture shock is.

D.To tell us how she manages to work well.

5.What would be talked about in the paragraph that follows the last one?

A.Why Lara wants to come home.

B.Who will come across the culture shock.

C.What a person meets in a foreign culture.

D.How a person adapts to the culture shock.




1.What is the speaker talking about?

A.People like eating healthy food.

B.Japan and France have different diets.

C.A healthy diet helps people live longer.

2.What is the average age Japanese women can live to?

A.80. B.87. C.100.

3.What can we learn about French people?

A.They eat snacks between meals.

B.They eat fatty foods but are still thin.

C.They eat foods with high calories.

4.Why do French people live longer?

A.They always eat less.

B.They buy products in small stores.

C.They eat nutritious foods every day.




1.Why does the man need to get up early?

A.To take a taxi. B.To eat breakfast. C.To catch a plane.

2.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Arrange a wake-up call. B.Deliver breakfast to his room. C.Set down his room number.

3.Where does the woman work?

A.At the airport. B.In a hotel. C.In a tourist company.

4.How long does it take to reach the airport?

A.30 minutes. B.35 minutes. C.45 minutes.



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