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阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Diet Coke, di...


Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable dict...We are surrounded by the word" diet" everywhere we look and listen. We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically.

Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically. On one level, influenced by diet products, people tend to watch their weight rather than their diet. Diet products make us Jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead. All we have to do is to recognize the word" diet" in food labels in the supermarket. On another level, diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle. For example, every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don't have to work to get results.

The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they cause. Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients. Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products. Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially dangerous.

Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them. Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemicals. Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the potential harm that comes from using them.


Nowadays we are obsessed with diet products, which turn out both physically and psychologically harmful(要点1).First, we are tempted into paying more attention to our physical weight than eating habits(要点2).People also tend to believe losing weight is effortless, thus causing psychological harm(要点3).Second, diet products bring about physical harm, for what they contain are not nutrients but potentially dangerous chemicals(要点4).Accordingly, we should think twice before purchasing diet products and try to say goodbye to them(要点5). 【解析】 这是一篇概要写作。讲述了目前人们对节食产品依赖的现象并指出节食产品对人们的身心健康都有危害,应该抵制节食产品。 文章第一段为总起句,“Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable dict...We are surrounded by the word" diet" everywhere we look and listen. We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us.”讲述了现在人们对节食产品的依赖,“We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically.”点出节食产品对我们的身心都有伤害。所以第一段的概括为“现在我们对节食产品很依赖,这种产品对我们身心都有伤害。”,即“Nowadays we are obsessed with diet products, which turn out both physically and psychologically harmful”,第二段和第三段分别讲述节食产品对心理的坏处和对身体的坏处。第二段从两方面论述节食产品对心理的坏处,第一方面是“On one level, influenced by diet products, people tend to watch their weight rather than their diet. Diet products make us Jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead. All we have to do is to recognize the word" diet" in food labels in the supermarket.”,讲述了人们更关注体重而不是自己的饮食习惯,第二方面是“On another level, diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle. For example, every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don't have to work to get results.”,讲述了人们认为减肥不用付出努力,节食产品从这两方面对我们的心理造成伤害,所以第二段的主旨大意为“First, we are tempted into paying more attention to our physical weight than eating habits. People also tend to believe losing weight is effortless, thus causing psychological harm.”。第三段“Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially dangerous.”讲述了是因为节食产品可能没有营养,并且其中的化学成分可能有害,所以会对我们的身体造成伤害,所以第三段主旨大意为“Second, diet products bring about physical harm, for what they contain are not nutrients but potentially dangerous chemicals.”。最后一段号召我们戒掉节食产品,故主旨大意为“Accordingly, we should think twice before purchasing diet products and try to say goodbye to them.”  

假定你是李华,得知你校外籍学生George想加人学校某一社团(club).请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.推荐社团;2.推荐理由;3. 表达祝愿。

注意:1.词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



    One day,I was in a charity shop looking at the second hand books.After a few minutes I became _______of a group of women who were poorly_______and spoke in what _______like an eastern European language.As they _______the clothes,a little girl,about three years old,came over to the _________section.Immediately her attention was caught by a toy baby carriage.She spoke to her mother and her mother_________asked the shop assistant how much it cost.3 was the _______.The mum looked down at her child,perhaps _________ what she still had to buy and how much money would have been _______.Then she simply________her head.The child didn't ________as some might.Being told no was not a new __________for her.But she couldn't keep the __________from her face.

It hit me that several days ago,a friend gifted me &100,________that I could do some good deeds with it.At that time I had four pounds totally in my pocket,two &2 coins.I knew it was the ________time to act.A moment later I tapped the mother on the shoulder, pointed to the ________I had left in the baby carriage and said,"Buy her a baby doll too." I didn't hang about to see the end result.________,it's not about being thanked.Then I made my way out of the shop and into the sunshine.

The__________my friend gave me was an investment in the happiness of the world.Was there any better way to get so much__________for so little money than to ________a toy baby carriage for a little girl?And a baby doll to sit in it.

1.A.tired B.ashamed C.aware D.afraid

2.A.raised B.educated C.dressed D.equipped

3.A.acted B.sounded C.looked D.felt

4.A.put away B.took off C.looked through D.picked up

5.A.book B.toy C.food D.clothing

6.A.calmly B.eagerly C.confidently D.hesitantly

7.A.answer B.discount C.pay D.result

8.A.expecting B.calculating C.guessing D.ignoring

9.A.raised B.borrowed C.lent D.left

10.A.nodded B.turned C.sank D.shook

11.A.complain B.care C.regret D.apologize

12.A.idea B.task C.lesson D.experience

13.A.anger B.delight C.satisfaction D.disappointment

14.A.hoping B.finding C.ordering D.warning

15.A.tough B.free C.right D.wrong

16.A.coins B.notes C.dolls D.clothes

17.A.At first B.For example C.After all D.In general

18.A.advice B.money C.help D.love

19.A.energy B.pleasure C.knowledge D.attention

20.A.buy B.book C.make D.prepare



    Social media are a powerful tool, and the go-green movement is becoming popular in the social media world. A new Facebook app is exercising this power to help people get back to work or even land their dream job.1.

With an unemployment rate of 9.7 percent in January 2010,there were nearly 15 million Americans out of work of whom 6.3 million had been jobless for 27 or more weeks. It is likely that these people have used the most traditional methods to find a job. 2.As you can see, the name of the app is Hire My Friend, not Hire Me3.One of the most important parts of getting a job is who you know. Reach out to your network of friends and you will find more opportunities than applying for a job in a newspaper advertisement. As a writer, I know that networking is the key to opening doors and getting new opportunities.

When you place the Hire My Friend app on your Facebook page, you can present your friend's job-related facts and then this information is shown through a live feed post(实时发布).4.In addition to the app itself, the Hire My Friend Facebook page has lots of useful resources for those who want to find a job. One tab(标签) has the latest jobs that are being posted on Twitter, another powerful social media tool.5.The developer of the app encourages people never to give up. If you know of someone who is out of work, I encourage you to try the Hire My Friend app.

A.That is Hire My Friend.

B.Therefore, it is designed for you to help a friend get a job.

C.But now it's time to get creative and Hire My Friend can help people do that.

D.Besides, many other job searching apps provide useful information for the jobless.

E.Then your entire network of Facebook friends can see what your friend has to offer.

F.Social media enable people to communicate with each other by sharing information online.

G.Another tab has a list of job searching blogs and major job search sites for the jobless.



    When Benjamin Cherkasky was in eighth grade, he quit the swim team. It wasn't because he lacked the passion; he just couldn't accept failures in matches. "I'm not Michael Phelps. Why am I even on the team?" he said. "My perfectionism prompted very high expectations, and that caused real suffering," he said.

Cherkasky is not alone in feeling that perfectionism can cause anxiety. So many millennials (千禧一代)suffer from the problems of being a perfectionist that psychologists are issuing warnings and schools are emphasizing the need to accept failure.

Jessica Pryor, a leading psychologist, said every generation is a sponge (海绵)for the messages it receives. "Millennials, more than any other generation in American society, are receiving clear messages about achieving," she said. "But there's an absence of the message that trying your hardest is still OK."

In college, Cherkasky found himself surrounded by so many intelligent people that he felt he should have been achieving a higher level than he was. "It makes you feel kind of crazy." he said. This type of thinking can lead people to putting in less effort, which as they fall behind, can create more anxiety. "It makes people feel kind of isolated." And that Cherkasky added, "can cause students to distance themselves from their school".

The American Psychological Association also found out that recent generations of college students have reported higher levels of perfectionism than earlier generations.

Researchers noted that social media adds pressure, along with the drive to earn money and achieve career goals. Perfectionists often create even higher goals, which can lead to a higher risk of failure.

1.What does the underlined word "prompted" in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Led to. B.Met with. C.Resulted from. D.went against.

2.According to Jessica Pryor, Millennials         .

A.are unwilling to work hard.

B.desire nothing but to succeed.

C.should learn to deal with pressure.

D.need the message that failure is acceptable when trying their best.

3.Cherkasky's experience in college is mentioned to show         .

A.the problems of college education

B.the bad influence of fellow students

C.the harmful effects of being a perfectionist

D.the pressure most college students experience

4.What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?

A.To share some experiences of a college student.

B.To show the reasons for becoming a perfectionist.

C.To present the findings of a research on college life.

D.To raise public concern over a problem of millennials.



    Now that the internet provides us with direct access to all kinds of information, some people say we don't need public libraries. This may be why some public libraries are finding new ways to serve the public.

Finnish designers used the concept of a useful public space to prove the point. Helsinki Central Library Oodi pushes the boundaries of what a library can be. The library opened its doors at the end of last year.

Antti Nousjoki, one of Oodi's architects, said the idea behind its design is to make the place “an indoor town square”. The building was designed without interior support columns, so the inside is mostly a large open space. According to Tash Reith-Banks of the Guardian, this is quite different from the normal idea of libraries-"Dull and silent".

Of course, Oodi still serves as a traditional library, with a catalogue of about 100,000 books. Finnish news outlet Yle Uutiset reports that, since opening, Oodi lends out5,000 books each day. But given the fact that Oodi has attracted almost a million viewers during the past four months, with around 7,500 daily visitors, it's providing more than just books.

While most libraries around the world offer internet access and other services, Finnish libraries often differ themselves in services, including access to e-publications, sports equipment, power tools and even karaoke.

Oodi goes even further. On the middle floor, multi - function rooms are designed to accommodate both noisy and quiet activities. It also offers facilities like a 3D printer and recording studios.

“Oodi has been designed to give citizens and visitors a free space to actively do what they want to do-not just be a consumer,” said Nousjoki.

1.What is special about Oodi?

A.It has more books. B.It's a place for both books and activities.

C.It only provides e-books D.It allows visitors to stay overnight.

2.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that Oodi      

A.has a long history B.makes architects popular

C.houses a large collection of e-books D.is successful in finding new ways to serve people

3.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Library Of More Than Books B.A Public Place For All Visitors

C.A New Way Of Reading Books D.A Unique Experience of Visitors



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