满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A travel journal is one of the best ways...

    A travel journal is one of the best ways to keep a long voyage in memory. Many details that don’t seem important while you are writing your travel journal often turn out to be so memorable.

Get into the habit of writing your travel journal every day. 1. You may promise yourself that you will write later, but that almost never happens. Take a few minutes every day and put down what you have seen and heard. It doesn’t have to be long, just on a regular basis.

2.. There is a surprising amount of sitting around while you go traveling. You can always put down a few lines in your travel journal when you are on trains, waiting for planes, drying your laundry, or waiting in line.

At the beginning of your journal, write down the day, where you are, who you are with, maybe even the weather and what you eat. 3.. Years later when you read your journal, you will know exactly what you were doing on that day.

Focus on writing about how you feel. Listing facts and figures is fine but that isn’t why you traveled. A long journey is a time for self-reflection. Memories of these feelings disappear quickly with time. 4..

5.. Whenever you use a ticket for a train or a museum or a ride, tape the stubs(存根)to your journal.They are pieces of history from your journey. Years later you can look at the ticket stubs and see exactly what you were doing on a specific day and how much it cost.

A.Keep ticket stubs

B.Book your ticket in advance

C.These are the first details you tend to forget

D.You’d better write down as much as possible

E.Use your“down time”for your travel journal

F.When you are on a busy journey,it is easy to forget to write

G.Writing about those experiences while the memories are fresh is important.


1.F 2.E 3.C 4.G 5.A 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文,介绍了如何写旅行日记的几点建议。 1. 空前说养成每天写旅游日记的习惯,空后又说你可能会说以后再写,但却从未写过,这说明旅行时,你很容易忘记写旅行日记,故F项(旅行时,你很容易忘记写旅行日记)符合语境。故选F。 2. 空处位于句首,为本段主题句,根据本段内容,特别是空后一句可知,旅行时,你有很多坐着的时间(你可以用这些时间写旅行日记),因此本段主要讲的是你可以利用休息时间写旅行日记,故E项(利用休息时间写旅行日记)符合语境。故选E。 3. 空前说在日记的开头,写下哪一天,你在哪里,和谁在一起,甚至还有天气和吃了什么,此处承接这一话题,C项中的“These”指代的就是前面提到的“哪一天,你在哪里,和谁在一起,甚至还有天气和吃了什么”,故C项(这些是你最容易忘记的细节)符合语境。故选C。 4. 空前说长途旅行是进行自我反省的好机会,这些感想的记忆会随着时间的流逝而迅速消失,此处总结上文——最好在记忆还清晰的时候,把你的所感写下来,故G项(在记忆犹新的时候,写下那些经历是很重要的)符合语境。故选G。 5. 空处位于段首,为本段主题句,根据本段内容,特别是空后一句可知,把你在旅行时的火车票、博物馆票和乘车票的票根贴在日记里,因此本段主要讲的是保留旅行时的票根,故A项(保留票根)符合语境。故选A。

    The widespread use of Internet technology has made our lives easier but causes a big challenge to senior citizens (长者), who are not always comfortable with smartphones and so many new apps.

Only a few senior citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that new technologies offer. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of people aged 60 and above was 253.88 million in 2019, about 18.1% of China’s population. But only 23% of the senior citizens were able to use the Internet. That means more than three-fourths of the elderly are deprived (被剥夺) of the digital benefits.

Many senior citizens who can’t use smartphones are facing difficulties during this pandemic (流行病). Even with a smartphone in hand and Internet available, many of them still feel helpless. They don’t know how to call a taxi through the apps. There have been reports of many shops turning away elders who don’t know how to pay using smartphones, instead of letting them pay with cash. Worse still, as they don’t know how to get the Internet-based health code (健康码), they are refused to enter many public places. Presenting individual health code is part of the epidemic prevention (防疫) and control measures

New technologies become popular because they are often of great use in our daily lives. But many senior citizens, especially those living in the countryside or those whose grown-up children don’t live with them, are not able to use the Internet or smartphoneseither because of financial (财政的) problems or because they cannot learn new things beyond a certain point. The digital gap between the elderly and the young is becoming more obvious.

However, the senior citizens should not become a silent group deprived of digital benefits. It is our responsibility to help them bridge the digital gap, and be patient with them when they face difficulties catching up.

1.What do the statistics show in Paragraph 2?

A.There are a small number of senior citizens in China.

B.Only 23%of the senior citizens can use the computer.

C.Three fourths of the elders are unwilling to use smartphones.

D.Many elders fail to enjoy the convenience of the digital devices.

2.What does the author try to tell us?

A.Cash is no longer accepted in most shops.

B.It’s a must for everyone to have a health code.

C.Most elders need guidance on how to use the apps.

D.Many shops now refuse to offer service to the elderly.

3.The elderly can’t enjoy digital benefits for the following reasons EXCEPT_____.

A.their living areas

B.their financial conditions

C.their relationship with children

D.their difficulty in learning new things

4.Which word best describes the author’s attitude to the current situation of the elderly?

A.Positive B.Worried C.Negative D.Indifferent



    There has been a debate for some time that food can be addictive (上瘾的). Most  researchers may not agree with it. But this spring, experts on health discovered that for some, obesity (肥胖症) is “an addiction like smoking.” One month earlier, a lecture showed that food and drug addictions have much in common, especially in the way that both damage the parts of the brain involved in pleasure and self-control.

Earlier this year, some scientists carried out brain-scan studies on children who looked at pictures of chocolate milkshakes (奶昔) and later ate the milkshakes. Children who are regular ice-cream eaters may require more and more ice cream for the reward centers (奖励中枢) of their brains to tell that they are satisfied.

However, meditation and exercise can help the brain to overcome food addiction. Food addicts (嗜食者) should look for alternatives that still give pleasure — a fruit smoothie, for example, instead of ice cream.

Food addiction seems to be linked to the types of foods we’re eating. It’s easier for human body to deal with foods found in nature, not processed (加工的) foods. When a highly processed food is eaten, the body may go uncontrollable. Potatoes are not addictive, but when they are processed into chips, what happens? Products like chips are described as super-delicious foods. They were the right combination of something salty, sweet and fatty along with “mouth-feel.”

1.Why may regular ice-cream eaters need more ice-cream over time?

A.To stop being addicted to it. B.To meet the needs of the brain.

C.To control the centre of the brain. D.To satisfy the needs of the stomach.

2.What does the underlined word“alternatives”in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Replacements. B.Fruits. C.Methods. D.Drinks.

3.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.Processed foods are healthier. B.People are born with food addiction.

C.Processed foods usually have a better taste. D.Processed foods are usually more expensive.



    I had had an unusual relationship with my mother, who passed away in June 2019. From a young age, her life didn’t turn out as she’d hoped. As a result, anger and bitterness set in and developed deep roots. After a lifetime battle with depression (抑郁) and every kind of smoke- related illness, she began showing signs of dementia (痴呆). In 2014, we moved her into an assisted living facility (疗养院), which changed her life greatly.

The ladies there made her come down for lunch and dinner. They went to her room to bring her to bingo. They signed her up when they went out for an outing. Within weeks, she was changing and enjoying her new-found social life! And the dementia allowed her to forget her anger and bitterness. She started loving things again and even made us laugh. I got the mother of my childhood back that year. After she passed away, both staff and neighbours came in to see my sister and me. They cried. They told me how they would come in to see her on their days off. They told us how she waved every time they walked by and always had a compliment (赞许). But they didn’t stop there. They gave each of us a small wooden butterfly box filled with handwritten notes about my mom.

The mom of the final two years was not the mom I had for most of my life. And these women provided memories that I will keep in mind forever.

1.How was the author’s mother before moving into the facility?

A.Fun and happy. B.Sad but energetic

C.Relaxed and brave. D.Depressed and angry.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The author didn’t look after his mother well.

B.The author’s mother had ahard time all her life.

C.Only assisted living facilities can change one’s life.

D.The author’s mother regained her joy in her later years.

3.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.My Memories of Mom

B.My Thankfulness to the Ladies

C.My Relationship with Mother

D.My Mother’s Struggle with Dementia



假如你是李华, 你收到外国朋友Anne的来信, 她告诉你她不适应中文老师讲的课, 在学习中文方面有些困难, 以至于跟不上其他同学, 因此她感到非常着急。请你根据以下提示给Anne写一封回信, 想办法帮助她解决这方面的困难。







3.信的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

参考词汇:适应adapt to

Dear Anne,

From your last letter I know you have some difficulty in learning Chinese.


Best wishes,


Li Hua









It was Grandma’s eighty birthday yesterday. Father, mother and I went to visit her. He lives with my uncle in a village not too far away to our house. In the early morning we bring some presents and got there by bus. Grandma and uncle was very glad to see us. We gave the presents to Grandma and she was such happy. Then my parents helped uncle prepared lunch. I talked excited with grandma about my study and other things. At 4 o’clock in afternoon, we said goodbye, and went back to home.



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