满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is widely believed that smiling means...

    It is widely believed that smiling means a person is happy, and it usually occurs when they're meeting another person or a group of people. However, a new study led by the body language expert Dr. Harry Witchel shows this isn't always the case.

In his research, he asked 44 participants aged 18-35 to play a geography quiz game consisting of nine difficult questions so that they often got the answer wrong. Participants seated interacted with a computer alone in a room while their faces were video recorded.

After the quiz, the participants were asked to rate their experience using a range of 12 emotions including “bored”, “interested” and “frustrated”. Meanwhile, their facial expressions were then computer analysed frame by frame in order to judge how much they were smiling based on a scale of between 0 to 1.

Dr Witchel said: “According to some researchers, a real smile reflects the inner state of cheerfulness or amusement. However, behavioral ecology theory suggests that all smiles are tools used in social interactions, meaning cheerfulness is neither necessary nor rich for smiling. Our study showed that in these human-computer interaction experiments, smiling isn't driven by happiness; it is associated with subjective involvement(主观参与),which acts like a social fuel for smiling, even when socializing with a computer on your own.”

Surprisingly, participants didn't tend to smile during the period when they were trying to figure out the answers. However, they did smile right after the computer game informed them if their answer was correct or wrong. Participants smiled more often when they got the answer wrong. Dr. Witchel added: “During these computerized quizzes, smiling was greatly increased just after answering questions incorrectly. This behavior could be explained by self-ratings of engagement, rather than by ratings of happiness or frustration.”

1.Why did Dr Witchel use difficult questions in the quiz game?

A.To make it hard for participants to answer them correctly.

B.To make the answer period last as long as possible.

C.To discover the most intelligent participants.

D.To create a stressful situation for participants deliberately.

2.What can we infer from idea of Behavioral Ecology Theory?

A.Other researchers' opinion of a real smile is quite right.

B.Smiles aren't necessarily useful tools in social interactions.

C.It is not associated with subjective engagement.

D.Smiling is usually connected with social activities.

3.What do we know about the text?

A.Participants were asked to interact with each other in the quiz.

B.Participants in the quiz smiled less often when they got the answer wrong.

C.In Dr Witchel's opinion, smiling is connected with subjective involvement.

D.Dr Witchel thinks that a real smile reflects the inner state of cheerfulness.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.What Contributes to Real Happiness? B.How to Identify Whether a Person Is Really Happy?

C.Smiling Doesn't Necessarily Mean Happiness D.People Generally Hold a Wrong View on Happiness


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。人们普遍认为微笑意味着一个人是快乐的,但是研究表明,微笑仅仅是社交的需要,并不表明这个人一定快乐。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中In his research, he asked 44 participants aged 18-35 to play a geography quiz game consisting of nine difficult questions so that they often got the answer wrong.可知在他的研究中,他让44名年龄在18-35岁之间的参与者玩一个由9道难题组成的地理智力测验游戏,这样他们的答案就会经常出错。由此可知,Witchel博士在问答游戏中使用难题是为了使参与者很难正确回答。故选A。 2. 推理判断题。根据第四段中However, behavioral ecology theory suggests that all smiles are tools used in social interactions, meaning cheerfulness is neither necessary nor rich for smiling. Our study showed that in these human-computer interaction experiments, smiling isn't driven by happiness; it is associated with subjective involvement(主观参与),which acts like a social fuel for smiling, even when socializing with a computer on your own.”可知然而,行为生态学理论认为,所有的微笑都是社会交往中使用的工具,这意味着微笑既不是必要的,也不是丰富的。我们的研究表明,在这些人机交互实验中,微笑不是由快乐驱动的;它与主观参与有关,这种主观参与就像是微笑的社交燃料,即使是在你自己和电脑社交时也是如此。”由此我们可以从行为生态学理论中推断出,微笑通常与社会活动有关。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中Our study showed that in these human-computer interaction experiments, smiling isn't driven by happiness; it is associated with subjective involvement(主观参与),which acts like a social fuel for smiling, even when socializing with a computer on your own.可知我们的研究表明,在这些人机交互实验中,微笑不是由快乐驱动的;它与主观参与有关,这种主观参与就像是微笑的社交燃料,即使是在你自己和电脑社交时也是如此。由此可知,在Witchel博士看来,微笑与主观参与有关。故选C。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段It is widely believed that smiling means a person is happy, and it usually occurs when they're meeting another person or a group of people. However, a new study led by the body language expert Dr. Harry Witchel shows this isn't always the case.可知人们普遍认为,微笑意味着一个人很快乐,通常出现在他们与另一个人或一群人见面的时候。然而,身体语言专家Harry Witchel博士领导的一项新研究表明,情况并非总是如此。结合文章主要说明了人们普遍认为微笑意味着一个人是快乐的,但是研究表明,微笑仅仅是社交的需要,并不表明这个人一定快乐。由此可知,C选项“微笑并不一定意味着快乐”最符合文章标题。故选C。

    You'll need to take a deep breath before hearing this news. An astonishing 93% of kids around the world live in environments with air pollution levels that are damaging their health, according to a new report by WHO.

Air pollution is to blame for the deaths of 543,000 kids under 5 in 2016, with more than one in four deaths of children under five years old being related to environmental issues. Exposure (暴露)to air pollution can damage the health of kids in a variety of ways, either causing or being associated with everything from low birth weight to childhood obesity and so on.

"The large toll of disease and death revealed (揭示)by these new data should result in an urgent call to action for the global community especially for those in the health department WHO stated. “ Strong action to reduce exposure to air pollution offers an opportunity to protect the health of children. " The report stressed that health experts should communicate with families , communities and policy-makers about the serious risks of air pollution exposure. " Although more researches into how air pollution affects children's health will continue to be valuable, there is already evidence to justify strong, swift action to prevent the damage it clearly produces," WHO added.

Disease caused by dirty air is more common in low-and-middle in come countries, especially those in Africa, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific regions. Poor countries in these areas have the highest levels of exposure to household air pollution due to the use of polluting fuels and technologies for basic needs like cooking, heating and lighting.

Advised solutions include cleaner transport , cleaner cooking and heating fuels and technologies  energy-efficient housing and urban planning, safer industrial technologies and better waste management.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The way to fight air pollution.

B.The serious result of air pollution.

C.The illnesses children are suffering.

D.The deaths caused by air pollution.

2.What does the underlined word “toll” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Number. B.Threat. C.Fact. D.Report.

3.What are health experts asked to do?

A.Do more researches. B.Find ways to fight air pollution.

C.Make the serious risks known. D.Develop cleaner fuels and technologies.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Researches of this kind have stopped.

B.Air pollution caused 543,000 kids' death in 2016.

C.Nothing can be done to stop air pollution al present.

D.Air pollution is more serious in low-and-middle-income countries.



    We’ve heard of robots and AIArtificial Intelligencetaking human jobs, but I bet mayors(市长)don’t really think their jobs can be threatened any time soon. They were wrong, and the AI running for the mayor of a Tokyo district was clear proof of that.

AI can’t legally run for high-ranking public management positions yet, but one mayoral candidate from Tama City, Tokyo, intended to maximize the use of artificial intelligence in running city affairs. He was running his campaign (竞选运动) as “AI Mayor”. Basically, he was suggesting replacing human public officials with AI and having them collect city data and create fair and balanced policies that will benefit everyone.

“For the first time in the world, AI will run in an election,” human candidate Michihito Matsuda announced on Twitter. “Artificial Intelligence will change Toma City. With the birth of an AI Mayor, we will conduct balanced politics.”

The AI Mayor was campaigning very much like its human competitors. Posters were shown all over Tama City and campaign trucks were blaring out(大声鸣响)promises of an AI utopia (乌托邦)and asking for support.

Some people called Michihito Matsuda’s campaign a stunt (噱头), as a human would still be the one legally in charge. However, others said that they were excited about the future of AI running things in the background, adding that it had to be a better choice.

1.What’s the advantage of the AI mayor according to Michihito Matsuda?

A.Maximizing the use of AI. B.Replacing human officials.

C.Creating balanced policies. D.Bringing him beneficial effects.

2.How will AI run for the mayor?

A.It will abolish many old policies.

B.It will ask for support on the Internet.

C.It will make public speeches, dressed like a human.

D.It will compete similarly to human competitors.

3.What’s the citizens’ attitude toward Michihito Matsuda’s campaign?

A.They believe AI will win. B.All consider it to be tricky.

C.It is supposed to be a failure definitely. D.Some think it’s worthy of expectation.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.AI Runs for the Mayor. B.The Advantages of AI.

C.AI Replaces Human in Management. D.The Patterns of AI Management.




Elephant Reserve

Country: Thailand

This is a working vacation at a wildlife centre. Anyone can become a volunteer if he/she agrees to help the elephant keepers with tasks.

Daily tasks

Gather the elephants at 6:30 am. Take them to look for food in the forest. Clean the enclosure(围场). Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternoon. If volunteers want to relax after work, they can watch satellite television.

How this vacation helps

If these elephants hadn’t been rescued, they would still be living on the streets of Bangkok. The rural environment is much better for them than the urban environment where there is lots of pollution.

Your Comment

“I love working with these huge gentle animals.”

Gorilla safari(观赏野兽的旅行)

Countries: Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

Departures(出发): 2—3 departures per month from Aug. to Dec.

Extras: permit 220

If you’re lucky, you’ll see lions, elephants and rhinos during this safari. The highlight(最好的部分) of the trip is the opportunity to see gorillas in the mountain forests. However, you must be in good health — if a gorilla caught a cold, it would be extremely harmful to its whole family.

How this vacation helps

There are only about 600 gorillas left in the world as human activity has reduced the area where they can live. When you buy a permit, this will pay for the protection of the national park.

Your comment

“I’ll surely go back as soon as I have enough money!”

Polar bear watching

Area & Country: Arctic, Canada

Departures: sixty trips between Oct. 1—Nov.19.

Every October and November groups of polar bears gather in Hudson Bay. As they are normally lonely creatures, this is unusual. The bears wait for the ocean to freeze so that they can hunt for seals, so this is the perfect opportunity to see them. Extra activities include dog sledding(狗拉雪橇) and a night trip to see the Northern Lights.

How this vacation helps

If the Arctic ice cap melts due to global warming, polar bears will be in danger. We give a share of our profits(利益) to the charity that protects polar bears.

Your comment

“These terrible bears get all the liquid they need from their food.”



1.What will elephant volunteers do?

A.Sweep the enclosure of elephants.

B.Take food for elephants at 6:30 am.

C.Watch satellite television on elephants.

D.Wash elephants in the lake in the afternoon.

2.What do we know about the Gorilla safari?

A.You can find gorillas in Kenya and Canada.

B.You will get a cold in the mountain forests.

C.Visitors need to pay $220 to see gorillas.

D.There are about 10 trips to visit gorillas.

3.What’s the aim of these activities?

A.To help build more national parks.

B.To help protect the wild animals.

C.To help deal with the pollution in cities.

D.To help solve the problem of global warming.



阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

You never know the difference you might make if you take the time to encourage someone. I gave up the idea of being a writer the summer before I started college. I’d been writing since I was five years old. My little friends wanted toys at that time, but I just wanted paper. Childhood passed and a box of short stories gave way to my middle school days. I wrote for a magazine and by the time I was in my eighth grade, half of the annual publications were written by me. Sometimes I'd dream about being a novelist, writing books that everyone might read. My dad was always sure that it would happen. When he read my poems or stories, his eyes welled up. "That's beautiful, honey,” he always told me. "One day, the entire world will know what a gift you have.” Those words encouraged me through high school to keep believing that writing was my calling.

But somewhere along the months of my senior year, I became disappointed. The crazy injustice in this world — bad guys getting buck out on the street and doing harm again and again, changed my mind.”I m going to be a lawyer in the future,” I told my parents. My dad’s face fell, but he kept his smile. "Whatever you do, you'll be brialliant at it," he said to me.

One of my first classes at college was Journalism 100. One day, the professor, Bob Scheibel, assigned us a story about an apartment fire. He gave us the facts and we had a few days to write a news story.

I was sure that I had gotten the facts right when I wrote the story. I didn’t expect much feedback. But a few days later, Bob Scheibel asked me to talk to him after class. Questions raced through my mind. What had I done wrong? Had I gotten the facts mixed up? Did I miss anything critical in the details? Five minutes after the class, I found myself in front of the professor. His eyes met mine with great seriousness.











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