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注意:1).词数 100左右;


参考词汇:ecological garden 农业生态园



Dear Tim, We're planning to pay a visit to an Ecological Garden this Saturday morning.I'm writing to invite you to join us. We are to gather at the school gate and go there by bike at 7:30 am.It will take us 30 minutes to get there.The garden is known to have a wide variety of flowers,trees and plants,which you can fully indulge yourself in.Besides,we are allowed to go into the fields to pick fruit and vegetables,with which we are to make our lunch.You' ll certainly have great fun and get a good knowledge of modern agriculture. Looking forward to your participation. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封邮件,邀请外教Tim来参加农业生态园活动。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 要求: 1.邀请他参加; 2.时间、集合地点、出行方式; 3.活动安排。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) plan to do sth; pay a visit to; invite; is known to do; a wide variety of; indulge yourself in; Besides; be allowed to do; have great fun; get a good knowledge of; looking forward to 第三步:连词成句 1. We're planning to pay a visit to an Ecological Garden this Saturday morning. 2. I'm writing to invite you to join us. 3. We are to gather at the school gate and go there by bike at 7:30 am.It will take us 30 minutes to get there. 4. The garden is known to have a wide variety of flowers,trees and plants,which you can fully indulge yourself in. 5. Besides,we are allowed to go into the fields to pick fruit and vegetables,with which we are to make our lunch. 6. You' ll certainly have great fun and get a good knowledge of modern agriculture. 7. Looking forward to your participation. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, Not only…but (also)…, Including 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, But, Although + clause(从句), In spite of + n/doing, On the one hand…,on the other hand…, Some…,while others…,As for, So…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰 第五步:润色修改



2.他在音乐方面很有天赋,使我印象深刻。(定语从句,have a gift for)

3.我怀有一个信念:人类要与野生动物和平共处。(同位语从句,belief,in peace)





    I am at present a student teacher.With four children to feed,I struggled to live on an)_______income.The other day,my shoe broke while I was teaching._______,I had to run to the store to get a new pair and get back to _______before the first parent-teacher meeting.I wanted to buy a pair of _______shoes because I had $10 _______ in my pocket. I_______to go to Walmart,since they have cheap shoes there.However,I _______a shop at Payless instead,for they were holding an end-of-season _______ -buy one get 50%off the second pair.I _______ many pairs before I found the perfect pair that fit me,________ it was priced at $25.Obviously I couldn't afford it.________,I remembered in my purse there was a credit card near its maximum limit. I called the bank and________ that there was  $ 48 left.

When I turned around,I ________ a woman who was looking for shoes.She tried on a lot of pairs but found no suitable ones.She had big ________ like mine and I guessed we were the same size.So I ________her the shoes I was trying on and she liked them.She tried them on and they fit her perfectly.I told her she could ________ them and then I walked away to look for a different pair.After I found another pair,I saw the woman was ________ coins.

I walked up to the woman ________ and took her shoes.I then went straight to the cash register(收银台)and ________both pairs.I turned around,gave her the pair and said,"Have a nice day!"Then I ________.I was in a hurry to get back to the school.

1.A.high B.low C.extra D.average

2.A.Actually B.Usually C.Instead D.Therefore

3.A.sleep B.study C.work D.dinner

4.A.strong B.comfortable C.fancy D.cheap

5.A.at most B.at once C.at last D.at least

6.A.failed B.planned C.offered D.happened

7.A.passed B.called C.entered D.ignored

8.A.sale B.show C.party D.game

9.A.stared at B.tried on C.worn out D.threw away

10.A.but B.for C.or D.so

11.A.Above all B.All in all C.All at once D.After all

12.A.worked out B.made out C.pointed out D.found out

13.A.knew B.noticed C.consulted D.visited

14.A.feet B.eyes C.hands D.ears

15.A.bought B.showed C.sold D.lent

16.A.steal B.repair C.buy D.pack

17.A.counting B.collecting C.hiding D.changing

18.A.sadly B.breathlessly C.hesitantly D.directly

19.A.looked for B.charged for C.begged for D.paid for

20.A.bowed B.waited C.left D.apologized



    More and more frequently,classes,training for businesses,and personal development courses are offered online.1.

Set a daily schedule.2. Additionally,setting starting and stopping points can make studying seem less frightening.Break down each subject and task into small parts and make a schedule to complete each of these smaller tasks.

Use a specific(特定的)study place.Set aside an area in your home only for study. 3. As a result,they will try to avoid too much noise.Additionally,it is easier for you to focus your attention on studying and avoid distractions(分心). If you find it impossible to study at home without distraction,try to find a good spot at a local library.Libraries are quiet,adequately lit,and free from distractions.

4. The biggest mistake made by students who want to study online is not using a reliable,fast internet service.This is important to get all the necessary documents,course schedules,and other information throughout the class.

Avoid non-study websites.Don't let temptation(诱惑)to visit social media,check email,and click the latest top ten list turn your attention away from studying.Set a time limit for yourself.Use a timer to track time spent on non-course websites,and limit yourself to five minutes at a time5.

A.Make sure your internet connection is reliable.

B.It's also important to step away every so often.

C.Studying at the same time every day helps you focus.

D.This lets people know you are studying when you're there.

E.If you're new to online studying,here are some tips for you.

F.If you need a little extra help,there are a number of websites and apps that can help.

G.It's good to take breaks,but make sure you know how long you're pending on breaks.



    For many children in the United States, going back to school means more than returning to classes. It means getting back to school groups and student organizations interested in environmental protection.

April Peebler is the leader of a California-based group called Heirs to our Oceans. It tries to help 12-to-17-year-olds from around the world to learn about and fight for environmental protection. Peebler believed that young people are usually more active in environmental protection than adults.

Perhaps the most famous teenage environmental protector is 16-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden, the leader of Green Angel. She inspired others to start climate-change campaigns around the world last year. At a recent meeting in Davos, Thunberg said, "I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act." Thunberg plans to speak at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York City Inter this month. She will join world leaders who are expected to discuss plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (排放)which are the main reason for global warming.

Joelle Alley is head of Earth Team, a California-based group. It offers programs for children interested in environmental protection and pays those who finally sign up. Alley says Earth Team organizes teams of 14 students from each high school in the Richmond, California. Then they work with adults to find environmental problems around them and then come up with measures to help solve the problems.

The Food Recovery Network is one of the largest student-led movements fighting food waste and hunger. Students at U.S. colleges connect college dining halls, local shelters and food bank to make sure leftover food is given to those in need. Regina Anderson, the group's director, says students have recovered 3.9 million pounds of food so far this year.

1.How many organizations are mentioned in the passage?

A.3. B.4.

C.5. D.6.

2.The Food Recovery Network fights food waste and hunger by______

A.setting up local shelters

B.delivering food to colleges

C.making full use of food waste

D.producing food for the hungry

3.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Ways to Protect the Environment

B.Small Acts Make a Big Difference

C.How to Set Up a Student Organization

D.Student Organizations to Protect the Planet



    A man in Senegal(塞内加尔)is trying to prove he can build and sell drones(无人机) in his home country.

Mamadou Diop has experience working with drones in the photography and health industries.Diop,called Dr.Drone on social media,is also one of the few people in Senegal who can repair drones.

But recently,he decided to take his knowledge of drones a step further.He is trying to build a drone made entirely in Senegal.Dion's goal is to use local materials and skilled Workers in Senegal to make the drones.He wants to prove that it is possible to make the technology in his home country.Diop says he has been able to communicate with other drone makers in France and China through the Internet.He has learned about their experiences to help him with his home-grown drone project.Diop plans to build his first locally-produced drone for use in the health industry.The drone will be designed to spread chemicals to prevent serious diseases.

However,not all of the necessary materials are available(可获得的)right now.One of the materials needed for Diop's drone is a carbon fiber that is not available in Senegal.He says he bought the material from China,and worked with local workers to shape the pieces for his drone.He got aluminum from a broken fridge to form part of the body for his drone.

Manadou Diallow is the owner of a photography shop who often uses Diop's drone services and supports his efforts to create the first"Made in Senegal"drone."There is not a large market for drones in Senegal right now,but need for the flyers is rising,"says Diallow.Diop welcomes the help,saying it is important to start making drones locallybefore foreign companies come in and sell them at much higher prices.

1.Diop's first drone is meant to

A.train skilled drone makers

B.serve in the health industry

C.attract attention on social media

D.take photos of his home country

2.One problem Diop faces with the home-grown drone project is that

A.he gets little support from the local people.

B.he doesn't have enough money for the project.

C.he faces much competition from both home and abroad.

D.he can't get some necessary materials in his home country.

3.From Diallo's words in the last paragraph,we can infer drones in Senegal will be.

A.increasingly popular.

B.hard to make locally.

C.too expensive to afford.

D.widely used in all fields.



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