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The Great Barrier Reef has seen its thir...

    The Great Barrier Reef has seen its third mass bleaching (大规模白化) event in five years. For the first time, all three sections of the Australian reef have been badly affected. The damage happened in February when the area was exposed to the hottest month of water temperatures on record.

Surveys conducted by Terry Hughes at James Cook University in Australia and his team during March made it known that 25 percent of the reef had been badly bleached and 35 percent bleached to some degree. The northern, central and southern sections of the reef were all hit.

Terrible bleaching also struck in 1998, 2002, 2016 and 2017, but was limited to one or two sections. This is the first time that all three sections have experienced terrible bleaching at exactly the same time, says Hughes. “It’s heartbreaking.”

Some of the damaged corals(珊瑚)will survive, including more heat-resistant(耐热的) species. But many others were probably “literally cooked” at the peak of the heatwave in early 2020, says Hughes. Others will die more slowly from stress over the next few months, he adds. Hughes has serious concern about the southern reef, which was mostly unaffected in former bleaching events and hasn’t developed the same heat resistance as other parts.

The 2016 and 2017 events killed about half the coral on the reef. It usually takes a decade for even fast-growing corals to recover, meaning the latest damage will seriously weaken the reef’s ability to recover, says Hughes. The high frequency of mass bleaching in recent years has been driven by climate change, which results from human activity and is steadily raising ocean temperatures. The only way to deal with the problem is to immediately reduce the release of greenhouse gases, says Hughes.

1.What can we learn from the surveys by Hughes and his team?

A.The entire reef has experienced bleaching.

B.The surveys about the reef are done once a year.

C.The hottest month of water temperatures is February.

D.60 percent of the reef suffered from serious bleaching.

2.Why is Hughes worried about the southern reef most?

A.Many corals will die slowly from stress.

B.It has been badly bleached for several years.

C.It hasn’t formed the ability to fight against the heat.

D.The government hasn’t shown any concern about it.

3.What is this text mainly about?

A.Surveys on reef bleaching.

B.A report on climate change.

C.An investigation into global warming.

D.Warning messages on human activities.


1.A 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是珊瑚礁白化调查。 1. 推理判断题。根据第二段中The northern, central and southern sections of the reef were all hit.“珊瑚礁的北部、中部和南部都受到了冲击。”和第三段中This is the first time that all three sections have experienced terrible bleaching at exactly the same time, says Hughes. “It’s heartbreaking.” 休斯说,这是第一次这三个部分同时经历可怕的漂白。“这是令人心碎的。”由此可知,我们能从休斯和他的团队的调查中了解到整个珊瑚礁都经历了白化。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段中Hughes has serious concern about the southern reef, which was mostly unaffected in former bleaching events and hasn’t developed the same heat resistance as other parts. “休斯非常关心南部的珊瑚礁,因为在以前的白化事件中,南部的珊瑚礁几乎没有受到影响,而且没有像其他部分那样具有同样的耐热性。”由此可知,休斯之所以最担心南部暗礁,是因为它还没有形成对抗高温的能力。故选C。 3. 主旨大意题。根据第二段中Surveys conducted by Terry Hughes at James Cook University in Australia and his team during March made it known that 25 percent of the reef had been badly bleached and 35 percent bleached to some degree.“澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学的特里·休斯和他的团队在3月份进行的调查表明,25%的珊瑚礁已经严重褪色,35%的珊瑚礁在一定程度上褪色。”由此可知,这篇文章讲述的是珊瑚礁白化调查。故选A。

    As a child, Emily Blunt had a stutter(结巴) that made it difficult for her to even say her own name. “I started noticing it at 6 or 7,” the London-born actress says. “My grandfather, my uncle and my cousin all stutter. It feels like you’ve got this pretender living in your body.” After a teacher noticed her stutter disappeared whenever she would start to play energetically, he suggested she try performing for the school play. She found that the more she lost herself in characters, the less uncomfortably nervous she felt and the less she would stutter.

Now the star aims to help kids going through the same thing by working with the American Institute for Stuttering. “They understand that how these kids relate to their stutter is usually the issue,” says Blunt. “You’ve got to fall in love with the fact that you’ve got a stutter to accept it. But it’s not all of you. Everyone’s got somethingand this is just your thing.

Blunt’s personal experience has inspired her to help girls everywhere, regardless of the trouble they may face. The A Quiet Place Part II and Jungle Cruise star also supports Malala Fund, created by Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai to break down the barriers preventing more than 130 million girls worldwide from receiving an education. “She’s the most moving, impressive person I’ve ever met,” Blunt says. “What she says is true: When women are given more power in communities, those communities develop quickly and successfully. I want to support Malala until the day I die.”

Giving back is a quality Blunt and husband John Krasinski also hope to pass on to their daughters Hazel, 6, and Violet, 3. “Empathy is highly thought of in our house,” Blunt says. “We tell them all the time, ‘Be brave, be kind.’ ”

1.What challenge did Emily Blunt have to take when young?

A.Learning at school. B.Performing in a play.

C.Speaking fluently. D.Working with others.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.People need to accept who they are. B.Everyone’s got something in the body.

C.It’s a fact that many kids have got a stutter. D.Blunt admitted the fact that she had a stutter.

3.Why did Blunt aim to help girls worldwide?

A.She starred in two films successfully. B.Her husband inspired her to give back.

C.Her daughter suffered from the same disease. D.Her own experience encouraged her to do so.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.A London-born Actress B.Passing on the Tradition

C.Giving Girls a Voice D.Living with a Stutter



Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth

I had read American Pastoral three times and I was filled with so much respect and fear towards the book that it frightened me when it came to my own writing. Then one day it hit me that it wasn’t the first thing he’d written, so I picked up Goodbye, Columbus. It’s amazing to think of Roth, published at 26, and to see how much he grew by the time he wrote American Pastoral. The fact that you could have people just be extremely excited was a really calming, influential thing for me. It made me want to write.

Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume

I connected so much with that character as a young girl. As I got older, I realized that the settings of books that I love most are always the spiritual description. I still come back to this book all the time because of the vulnerability(脆弱性) in there. Every time I write now I think about that feeling that you get from some books, that you’ve really been let into the most frightened and quiet corners of someone’s soul.

The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris

I remember reading The Silence of the Lambs. There’s nothing more terrifying than someone who is intelligent and dangerous. He even had that longing to eat humans, which was terrible, but the magic was that he’d then say these really insightful things. I wouldn’t have written anything if I hadn’t read the line, “We strongly want to have what we see every day,” in my head. I loved the frightening insights into the possibilities of what’s existing unseen around you.

1.Why did the author decide to read Goodbye, Columbus?

A.It taught him how to write. B.The book is highly spoken of.

C.He was touched by Roth’s books. D.He was full of admiration for the author.

2.What affected the author’s writing in the second book?

A.The setting of the book. B.The description of spirit.

C.The weakness of people. D.The background knowledge.

3.What kind of book is The Silence of the Lambs?

A.A fairy tale. B.A love story. C.A science fiction. D.A horror story.








Body Language

Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




1.最富有生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。(look forward to)

2.她们总算见到了野山羊,甚至还看到了一只熊和一只鹰。(manage to do)

3.袁博士很满意他的生活,而他对自己的成名并不关心。(care about)

4.Jane宁愿呆在家里也不愿意参加聚会。(would rather do than do)

5.你了解古英格兰人是如何打理他们的农场以及照看他们的动物的吗? (run a farm)




1.The little horror never stops playing________(恶作剧)on his parents.

2.1 feel it is absolutely necessary for me to_______(提醒)him of the meeting today.

3.Only a______(有限的)number of places are available.

4.You have several oil_______(污点)on your shirt.

5.In some developing countries, more and more people are settling down in_____(城市的)areas.

6.Everyone in the restaurant_______(拥挤)around them and started singing.

7.Her strange behavior caused a good deal of________(评论).

8.We must try to cope with our own_____(失败).

9.I try to______(使……信服)him of the reality of the danger.

10.Before visiting him, I called him up in______(提前).



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