满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dogs are a very popular pet in the Unite...

    Dogs are a very popular pet in the United States. Most dogs just live with their families, but some dogs have very special jobs to do.

A very special group of dogs are known as “Therapy (治疗) Dogs”. These dogs are family pets with special training. The training allows them to go into public buildings and comfort people in need. The dogs are trained to be calm and quiet. Loud noises and unfamiliar places don’t frighten them. Therapy dogs can improve people’s health as well. Studies show that when people spend time with animals, their blood pressure goes down. They are calmer, and their mood improves.

Some therapy dogs work in schools and libraries. In one town in California, therapy dogs have become children’s reading friends. The dogs belong to a therapy dog group. Eight of these special dogs have been trained to be listening friends for young readers. The library is trying to encourage kids to enjoy reading. The children are invited to meet at the library. They are paired up with a therapy dog and can read to it.

The dogs make a great audience. They don’t judge a child who cannot read well; they just listen quietly. The children can read at their own speed and they find it less nervous than reading in front of their class. The children look forward to reading to the dogs, and the dogs love the attention. The library and the teachers are very happy with the program.

1.Which of the following about therapy dogs is TRUE according to the text?

A.They love to be comforted by people. B.They are trained to frighten strangers.

C.They are quiet and make little noise. D.Their mood improves when they help people.

2.We know that the library mentioned in the text ________.

A.wants to help kids to enjoy reading B.invites kids to meet outdoors

C.trains eight dogs to help kids D.divides kids into groups

3.The dogs in the library can make a great audience because they ________.

A.love spending time with children B.don’t comment on children’s reading

C.don’t mind whether children are reading D.understand children’s feelings

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Dogs are popular among American families B.Dogs help children become better readers

C.Dogs work in libraries in California D.Dogs are children’s best friends


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了一群经过特殊训练的“治疗犬”,训练使它们能够进入公共建筑,安慰有需要的人。文章着重说明了一些治疗犬在学校和图书馆工作,可以帮助孩子成为更好的阅读者。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中The dogs are trained to be calm and quiet. Loud noises and unfamiliar places don’t frighten them.可知狗被训练得平静而安静。巨大的噪音和不熟悉的地方不会吓到它们。由此可知,C选项“治疗犬很安静,很少发出噪音”正确。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中The library is trying to encourage kids to enjoy reading.可知图书馆正试图鼓励孩子们喜欢阅读。由此可知,文章中提到的图书馆想要帮助孩子们享受阅读。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中The dogs make a great audience. They don’t judge a child who cannot read well; they just listen quietly.可知狗狗们很受欢迎。它们不会评判一个不能很好阅读的孩子;它们只是静静地听着。由此可知,图书馆里的狗可以成为很好的读者,因为它们不会评论孩子们的阅读。故选B。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句A very special group of dogs are known as “Therapy (治疗) Dogs”.可知有一群非常特殊的狗被称为“治疗犬”。结合文章主要说明了一群经过特殊训练的“治疗犬”,训练使它们能够进入公共建筑,安慰有需要的人。文章着重说明了一些治疗犬在学校和图书馆工作,可以帮助孩子成为更好的阅读者。由此可知,B选项“狗帮助孩子们成为更好的读者”最符合文章标题,故选B。

    Kong Zi, also called Confucius (551-479B. C. ), and Socrates (苏格拉底) (469-399 B. C. ) lived only a hundred years apart, and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas, and how these ideas in turn, shaped their societies.

Neither philosopher lived in times of peace, though there were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very large and feudal, while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical (激进的) than Confucius. Unlike Confucius, Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern effectively. Thus, Socrates was able to be more idealistic, focusing on issues like freedom, and knowledge for its own sake. Confucius, on the other hand, advised those in government service, and many of his students went out to government service.

Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the conduct of life: “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” He assumed that all men were equal at birth, though some had more potential than others, and that it was knowledge that set men apart. Socrates focused on the individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom. But like Confucius, he also believed that the superior class should rule the inferior (下层的) classes.

For Socrates, the family was of no importance, and the community of little concern. For Confucius, however, the family was the centre of the society, with family relations considered much more important than political relations.

Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.

1.Which of the following is TURE according to the first paragraph?

A.Socrates and Confucius had much in common.

B.Confucius had much influence on Socrates’ ideas.

C.There were cultural exchanges between China and Greece.

D.The societies were influenced by the philosophers’ ideas.

2.Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that ________.

A.all men were equal when they were born

B.the lower class should be ruled by the upper class

C.the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom

D.do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you

3.What made some people different from others according to Confucius?

A.Knowledge. B.Potential. C.Family. D.Community.

4.This passage is organized in the pattern of ________.

A.time and events B.comparison and contrast

C.cause and effect D.definition and classification



Here is a true story about a famous man who worked in the White House and a criminal. They once faced the same thing: their mother gave them apples when they were young.

The criminal said: one day, my mother brought some apples and asked my brother and me: “Which do you want?” “The reddest and biggest one,” my little brother said. My mother stared at him and said to him angrily: “You should learn to give the good things to others; you shouldn’t always think of yourself.” Seeing this, I suddenly changed my idea and then said to my mother, “Mum, please give me the smaller one and give the bigger one to my little brother.” Hearing my words, my mother was very happy. She kissed me on my face and gave the reddest and biggest apple to me as a prize. From them on, I learned to tell lies, fight, steal and rob. In order to get what I wanted, I played hard. As a result, I was sent into prison.

The famous man from the white house said, One day, my mother brought some apples. She said to my brother and me: “You all want the reddest and biggest one, right? Well, let’s have a competition. Now I divided the grassland in front of the gate into two and I will give one to each of you and you must shear(修剪) it well. And I will give the reddest and biggest apple to him who does it the most quickly and best.”

After the competition, I won and I got the biggest apple. In our family, as long as you want to get the best things, you must take part in competition. I think it is fair. No matter what you want, you must pay lots of efforts.

1.The criminal got the reddest and biggest apple because______.

A.he knew how to make his mother happy from her answer

B.he told the truth that he wanted a smaller one

C.elder brother should of course have the bigger one

D.his mother loved him more than she loved the younger brother

2.We can conclude from the passage that _______.

A.it’s wrong to ask children to choose apples when they are not old enough.

B.it’s wrong to ask children not to always think of themselves.

C.it’s important to make children aware that no matter what they want, they must pay work

D.it’s always necessary to have a competition when we give children apple.

3.The writer tells the story by _______.

A.organizing it in the order of time.

B.describing it in the order of space

C.providing some scientific information

D.making a comparison between two men

4.It is implied in the passage that _______.

A.a mother’s educational method has a great influence on a child’s growing.

B.in order to get what we want, we should play hard.

C.we should always try to win competitions which can bring us a lot.

D.giving children apples will lead them to become criminals.



    Volunteering abroad is a great way to help othersimprove your skills and become a more confidentindependent person. If you are interested in volunteering abroadhere are some places to go.


If you seek a life on the beachin a great climate with friendly peopleAustralia might be your best bet. With thousands of volunteers already signing up to leave for Australia during the holidaysit will be a very popular option.


This vast country has some great opportunities on offer and is especially popular this year. A lot of volunteer work is available in Brazil centers on conservation and ecological projects. With the world's largest rainforest in Brazilof which huge part is in dangerthere are lots of different jobs you can do.


Kenya is the destination for those seeking an African experience. Generally volunteers in Kenya work in orphanages (孤儿院) or with local children living in slums. There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in povertyso if you truly feel like making a difference to a communityKenya should be at the top of your list.

Costa Rica

Golden sandy beachesclear coastlines and beautiful cities are what Costa Rica is all about. Because of its small sizeyou can see a lot of the country in just a short time. You can really make the most of your time as a volunteer. A lot of work is needed with wildlife and ecological workso if you want to look after turtles on the beachCosta Rica could be just the place for you.

1.If you are interested in protecting the environmentyou will probably go to        .

A.Australia B.Brazil C.Kenya D.Costa Rica

2.It can be inferred from the passage that volunteers in Kenya mainly work with        .

A.animals B.plants C.the elderly D.children

3.If you choose to go to Costa Ricayou are supposed to        .

A.take care of trees in the forests B.surf with children in the water

C.work with animals on the beach D.look after children who have lost their parents



假定你是李华,2020521日是第一个“世界茶日(International Tea Day)”。你的英国笔友Steve想了解一下茶在中国的情况。请你给他回封邮件,介绍一些常识。

















Yesterday I had my twin sisters in the pushchair and went to shop. I had two paper bags of daily product. Just as I stepped onto a busy main road, both of the bags split. As I tried to pick them from the ground, the pushchair slide downhill. At that moment, I couldn't choose but to watch it going fast. Suddenly the well-dressed man grabbed the girls and got them to safe. He then came to me to check what I needed any extra help. With his timely help, my story might not have had so a happy ending. My faith in humanity has been restoring since that moment.



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