满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Wanting his audience to feel a roller co...

    Wanting his audience to feel a roller coaster of emotions, Neil Simon used his own personal experiences of family pain and sorrow to make light of the banalities(陈词滥调)of human existence.

It was this fine ability to dig his audiences' consciousness that brought him big success. With crowds turning up in groups, in 1966, Simon had four plays running on Broadway at the same time. By 1983, he was named the most notable comedy writer in the English language.

He grew up in a household filled with conflict, often caused by his quarrelsome parents' on-off relationship. When he was seven, Simon began writing comedy as a way of blocking out the “really ugly painful things in my childhood" and through the medium of laughter he escaped the heavy atmosphere at home. Often visiting the cinema, Simon was amused and then inspired by watching Charlie Chaplin and Ernst Lubitsch movies, and with his elder brother Danny created comedy sketches.

Receiving a positive reception, he would go to the local library to read books on famous comedians to help him learn the tricks of the trade. He attended DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx and studied at New York University, before starting as a clerk at Warner Brothers.

Meanwhile, Simon continued to work on his own plays, developing Come Blow Your Horn which was a fictionalized version of his upbringing. It opened on Broadway in 1961 and enjoyed relative success.

His next play, Bare foot In The Park, was a comedic account of his marriage to Joan Baim. Convinced it would be a failure before it had even begun, Simon begged the producer to pull the play. However, to his disbelief, Barefoot In The Park proved to be a runaway success, became one of Broadway's longest-running plays and pushed him to Hollywood fame when it was made into a movie starring Jane Fonda and Robert Redford.

He received an incredible 16 Tony nominations(提名)and won the best play three times. He also earned four Oscar nominations, a Pulitzer Prize, the Mark Twain Prize and countless other honours.

1.What may Simon's audience be impressed by in his works?

A.The confusing plot and painful ending.

B.The ups and downs in mood.

C.The knowledgeable and experienced characters.

D.The fine ability to recognize valuable information.

2.What can we learn about Simon from paragraph 3?

A.He was born in a large family.

B.He had a very happy childhood.

C.He worked in a cinema with his elder brother.

D.His parents couldn't offer him a harmonious family atmosphere.

3.Why did Simon go to the local library?

A.To improve himself in creating comedies.

B.To learn how to run a company successfully.

C.To make friends with some famous comedians.

D.To find out more information about New York University.

4.What was Bare foot In The Park based on?

A.Simon's marriage to Joan Baim.

B.Simon's previous failure in a play.

C.A beggar's story in Broadway.

D.A movie starring Jane and Robert.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 【解析】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了英国著名剧作家Neil Simon的作品特色,生活中的一些轶事以及他的个人成就。 1. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段Wanting his audience to feel a roller coaster of emotions, Neil Simon used his own personal experiences of family pain and sorrow to make light of the banalities(陈词滥调)of human existence.“尼尔·西蒙希望他的观众能感受到过山车般的情感,他用他个人经历的家庭痛苦和悲伤来淡化人类存在的平庸。”由此判断出,观众可能被Nel Simon的作品中情感的起起伏伏所打动。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“He grew up in a household filled with conflict,often caused by his quarrelsome parents’ on-off relationship”“他成长在一个充满矛盾的家庭,常常是由于父母分分合合而引起的。”可知,他的父母之间充满矛盾,关系时断时续,无法给他一个 和谐的家庭氛围。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段“Receiving a positive reception,he would go to the local library to read books on famous comedians to help him learn the tricks of the trade”“如果受到好评,他就会去当地的图书馆阅读有关著名喜剧演员的书籍,以帮助他学习这一行的技巧。”可知,去图书馆是为了提高自己创作喜剧的能力 。故选A。 4. 细节理解题。根据第六段“His next play,Barefoot In The Park,was a comedic account of his marriage to Joan Baim. ”“他的下一部剧本《新婚燕尔》(Barefoot In The Park)以喜剧的方式讲述了他与琼·巴伊姆(Joan Baim)的婚姻。”可知,这部剧是根据西蒙和琼·巴姆的婚姻创作的。故选A。

    The following are the events with the most reviews this week.

Free Comedy Show

Phone number: 646410-0503

From: Friday, Sep 7, 7:30pm

To: Friday, Oct 5, 9:00pm

Comedy Evening is a completely free comedy show every Friday at 7: 30 pm in the heart of the West Village featuring comedians who have appeared on TruTv, Comedy Central and more!

The show takes place in the downstair basement of the venue. Please note that you must be over 21 years old to attend as the venue is a bar. While there is no cover or item minimum for the show, it is recommended that you get a drinksoda, beer, wine, etc.or food item to support the bar and help keep the show free.

Chile Pepper Festival 2018

Phone number: 718307-7133

From: Sep 26, Sep 29,12:00 am

To: 6:00pm

Enjoy six world-class musical acts, including the Grammy-winning Lost Bayou Ramblers and global talents Coreyah, Doctor Nativo, Dahka Band, Nation Beat and more.

Yelp's Tour Of Jersey City

Phone number: (201)216-2677

From: Thursday, Oct 4, 10:00 am

To: Sunday, Oct 7, 7:00 pm

Yelp's mission is to connect people with great local businesses. As a part of the Jersey City Art &. Studio tour, Yelp can take you on a photo tour of Jersey City. We've made a gallery of some of the most awe-inspiring photos that were uploaded to Yelp by users and business owners. Help us celebrate Jersey City and the local businesses that make our five-star city shine. Don't forget to support local and share your adventures with us on Yelp!

EgyptWoodbury, NY11797

Phone number: (516)367-4584

From: Friday, Sep 21, 6:00pm

To: Sunday, Sep 30, 6:00 pm

This cultural experience includes an exclusive tour through different Pharaonic Kingdoms. Have fun in the Egyptian theme photo booths followed by tasting delicious authentic homemade Egyptian dishes.

1.What are people advised to do when attending Comedy Evening?

A.Book tickets in advance.

B.Help perform on the show.

C.Bring their kids on Friday.

D.Consume some drinks or food.

2.Which number will music fans call for more information?

A.646410-0503. B.718307-7133.

C.2012162677. D.516367-4584.

3.Which event will people choose to upload their photos?

A.Free Comedy Show.

B.Chile Pepper Festival 2018.

C.Yelp's Tour Of Jersey City.

D.EgyptWoodbury, NY 11797.




Surprises are beautiful because they come without waiting. It was not so true for Nancy though. She was sure her younger sister, Kate, was planning a surprise for her birthday. Opening the curtains of her bedroom window, she hungrily drank in the fresh morning air. Nancy was turning 30 today. “Keep calm. It’s only your 30th birthday.” she thought to herself, quickly glancing at the mirror and looking away. She never liked looking at the mirror. It always reminded her of what she had suffered. She didn’t want to think of the past and all that it had done to her.

Over these years she had worked at different factories and cleaned the floors at big hotels where perfumed men and women floated easily. Ever since their parents died, her only goal was to educate Kate. Nancy didn’t go to her dreamy university. Her emotions came running back to the present. Quickly, she wiped her tears and rushed to the door.

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” Kate was her dream, her hope, her happiness and her precious possession. She meant everything to her. Kate was so outstanding that she was admitted to Harvard University. And today, Nancy was sure Kate would surprise her with a gift like she did every year. Nancy imagined the freshly baked chocolate cake that would welcome her. Her tongue was eager to lick up the soft, brown cream and her teeth were ready to bite it. She heard the sound of Kate’s footsteps coming towards her. She waited smiling.

It seemed like an endless wait. Finally, she heard her younger sister approaching her room. Her eyes lit up, steps turned into a spring and her heart was pounding. She sniffed the  air to catch a breath of the chocolate cake but she couldn’t. “Maybe it is not chocolate flavor this  time.” she imagined with pride. Her sister was a grown-up now. She could surprise her with something else.


1、所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2、至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;



Paragraph 1:

Kate walked into her room empty-handed.


Kate handed her a brown envelope.





Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would1.the end of cold weather, planting in spring and2.in autumn.  Sometimes  celebrations would be  held after3.had caught animals. Today’s festivals have many origins, some 4., some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to 5.the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The most6. and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.  7.the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children  8.money in red paper. People love to get together to eat, drink and have 9. with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our 10.and forget our work for a little while.



    My father, a soldier, was ordered to move again. It came as a _____________  because we had   just moved into the present duty station a few weeks before.

It was the fourth time we’d got to move to a ___________  place in just two years, which was truly our “home” in Hawaii that we’d only _________________  through my father’s music with ukulele   (尤克里里)._________ was the thing that connected my father with Hawaii, a reminder of his home and_______.

Everything was  _________________  this time. We  were just arriving,  but he was already  ___________ to  leave again  without  us. Our father,  the person who could make  us _________  the “new”  family, was gone.  Suddenly, we  were surrounded  by cousins who ___________  knowing each  other, joining in  a cultural  __________________  of which we  only knew the surface. We  were  __________  in the family.

One day, I ________________  my father’s ukulele that I had watched him play was  ________________  in the corner. When I tried to play it, though unskillfully, I felt closer to him and our Hawaiian roots. Then  I picked up an old  song  book, and ____________  myself  to play. I would play  and sing, __________  my  father had been here. Finally  my  father______________with  a newly-bought ukulele, and we had a mini concert. He was________ that I had learned so much.

What I really ______________  was that  music  has the ________________  to do truly extraordinary things________ us with our culture and each other, our past and our present.

1.A.surprise B.test C.lesson D.story

2.A.dangerous B.cold C.dark D.new

3.A.suffered from B.heard about C.heard from D.looked after

4.A.Music B.Food C.Money D.Nature

5.A.language B.culture C.economy D.school

6.A.good B.wrong C.different D.sad

7.A.excited B.prepared C.eager D.pleased

8.A.put in B.break in C.take in D.fit in

9.A.grew up B.got up C.set up D.looked up

10.A.relic B.exchange C.competition D.tradition

11.A.customers B.teachers C.strangers D.doctors

12.A.found B.bought C.shared D.broke

13.A.picked B.served C.left D.limited

14.A.allowed B.advised C.taught D.told

15.A.even if B.as if C.so that D.now that

16.A.responded B.succeeded C.returned D.recovered

17.A.moved B.confident C.tired D.angry

18.A.missed B.showed C.hated D.learned

19.A.duty B.space C.honor D.power

20.A.showing B.connecting C.punishing D.praising



    When I learned that a psychology class designed to teach students how to become happier was available online to anyone who wanted to take it, I decided to see what it was about. After taking the course, I believe that anyone who follows the suggestions can truly become happier.


Increase social connections.

Talking with a friend face to face will make you happier.2. My boyfriend loves chatting with waiters, and I notice that he always wears a wide and happy smile after having a meaningful talking with them. Actually, many studies have found that the more social media, the less happy you are.


Volunteering to help someone or buying a coffee for the person behind you in line can make you happier, because helping others takes the focus away from our own worries and problems, which can increase happiness. 4. If you perform the same act of kindness over and over, it may begin to feel like a duty.

Burn some calories.

Exercise causes hormonal (荷尔蒙的) changes in the body that make you feel good and avoid negative thoughts. 5. And after ten months, they are less likely to be depressed (沮丧) again.

A.Buy someone a coffee.

B.Perform acts of kindness.

C.My favorite tips are as follows.

D.However, changing your way is very important.

E.But a meaningful meeting with a stranger also works.

F.As is reported, it is of great importance to exercise regularly.

G.A research shows that depressed people exercising regularly improve a lot.



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