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Some of the recent scientific studies ha...

    Some of the recent scientific studies have found that people who receive higher education live longer than those who do not. According to a new study, reading books extends lifespan(寿命) by up to two years, and the more often you read, the better.

Back in 1975, economists concluded that longer lifespan is linked to the wealth of a person, and that wealth itself increases longevity. It seemed self-evident: everything people need to be healthy from food to medical care costs money. But soon it was realized that the data didn’t always fit that theory. Economic success didn’t always mean longer lives.In the 1980s, researchers found gaining higher education is connected with a greater increase in lifespan than gains in wealth.

One fact is of teachers and college professors: they live longer than the rest of the population. The reason is that they engage in research most of their lives for teaching or publishing, which increases their lifespan and most importantly also retards their aging process.

Let’s look at what benefits educated people. Educated people get routinely involved in social networks, they get access to information because of their ability to understand information. They can easily navigate (导航) the health care system; they have more social support.

Reading helps us understand how other people think and feel. Reading improves our emotional intelligence. This understanding can improve the quality of a person’s life as it would allow the person to act with better judgment and have more insight into the feelings and thought patterns of others. Research has shown that reading changes certain areas of the brain and causes certain other parts to be active. This effect can also be observed in adults who learn to read much later in life. Learning has no age bar. Each and every human is born with the right to be educated. So, don’t hold back your urge to learn. The goal of education is to improve intelligence as well as the lifespan.

1.What did researchers find in the 1980s?

A.Education does affect peoples lifespan.

B.Health has nothing to do with wealth.

C.Economic success always belongs to professors.

D.Children from poor families can rarely gain higher education.

2.What does the underlined word “retards” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.speeds up B.slows down

C.turns back D.contributes to

3.What is the advantage of educated people according to Paragraph 4?

A.They learn more about human body and medical care.

B.They can set up their own health care system.

C.They are more connected to the society.

D.They are skilled in doing research through social networks.

4.What can we know about reading from the last paragraph?

A.It is effective against cancer.

B.It can change a person’s lifestyle completely.

C.It can help people understand humans brain better.

D.It is beneficial to peoples EQ and brain health.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了最近的一些科学研究发现,接受高等教育的人比不接受高等教育的人活得更长。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段In the 1980s, researchers found gaining higher education is connected with a greater increase in lifespan than gains in wealth.(上世纪80年代,研究人员发现,接受高等教育与寿命延长的关系要大于财富增加。)可知,20世纪80年代,研究人员发现教育确实影响人的寿命。故选A。 2. 词句猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子The reason is that they engage in research most of their lives for teaching or publishing, which increases their lifespan and most importantly also retards their aging process.(原因是他们一生中的大部分时间都在从事教学或出版方面的研究,这可以延长他们的寿命,最重要的是还可以延缓他们的衰老过程。)尤其是 increases their lifespan 可知,retards意为“减缓,减慢”,slow down意为“减慢”,符合语境。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段Educated people get routinely involved in social networks, they get access to information because of their ability to understand information. They can easily navigate (导航) the health care system; they have more social support.(受过教育的人经常参与社交网络,他们能接触到信息是因为他们有能力理解信息。他们可以很容易地浏览卫生保健系统;他们有更多的社会支持。)可推知,受过高等教育的人与社会的联系更加紧密。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Reading improves our emotional intelligence.(阅读提高我们的情商。)和Research has shown that reading changes certain areas of the brain and causes certain other parts to be active.(研究表明,阅读会改变大脑的特定区域,并使其他特定区域活跃起来。)可知,阅读有利于人们的情商和大脑健康。故选D。

    I had just delivered a memorized speech, and I was about to learn how the judges decided my performance. The audience leaned forward and a period of silence fell across the room. I felt the drum rolled in my heart.

The third-place winner was announced. The name was not mine. Then the second-place winner, still not me. At last, the moment of truth came. I was about to either enjoy the warmth of victory or regret the months’ preparation. My heart felt closer to the latter.

Losing is a part of life, and I have dealt with it on more than one occasion. However, it was an indescribable feeling to drive a 200-mile round trip get up very early on a freezing Saturday morning, and yet still finish fourth out of four competitors in my group. After Lincoln lost the 1858 Illinois Senate race, he said, “I felt like the 12-year-old boy who kicked his toe. I was too big to cry and it hurt too bad to laugh.” Oh yeah, I could relate.

I had spent many hours in front of a computer and in libraries doing research for the Lincoln Bicentennial Speech Contest. After not placing in the first year of the contest, I really wanted to compete again. Lincoln had many failures, but he never allowed them to defeat his spirit or ambition, so I was not going to give upon a second contest! I reworked my speech for the following year, but again I did not place.

I couldn’t accept the fact that I failed twice in something that I had worked so hard on, until I thought about my hero. Never mind the lost prize money and praise. Through learning stories about Lincoln, I discovered that I can fail successfully.

1.How did the author feel after finishing his speech?

A.Excited B.Relaxed

C.Nervous D.Confident

2.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3?

A.He was disappointed with his preparations.

B.He hurt his toes on the way to the library.

C.He got up late on the day of the contest.

D.He was bottom of his group.

3.What made the author decide to enter the second contest?

A.The warmth of the victory. B.The inspiration from Lincoln.

C.His eagerness for the prize money. D.His desire to show himself on the stage.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Learn to fail successfully B.Never mind others’ judgments

C.Lincoln—my hero D.Losing—an indescribable feeling



    YMCA (also called the Y for short) is now offering free summer membership for high school students. If you’re starting grade 9-12 in the fall, you can take advantage of free membership at some YMCA locations this summer with the Get Summer program.

What you get

Y membership from June 1 through August 31, including access to:

* 26 Y locations in the Twin Cities. Rochester and Hudson, WI—with just a single registration(注册)

* Gyms, where you can play basketball, volleyball and more

* Indoor and outdoor pools

* Fitness Centers featuring weights and other workout equipment

* Group Exercise classes that help you build strength, speed and flexibility

* Nutritious meals

* Leadership development, service learning opportunities, and career readiness Check out where to find and how to use all these benefits in the Member Guide.

Getting started

Before you can start using the Y, you need to attend an orientation(定向) meeting.

* Give a tour of your Y

* Review the Membership Code of Conduct

* Learn about schedules and programs available for the summer

The fine print

There are 400 free membership cards max per branch available this summer, so be sure to sign up early. If you’re currently a Y member, or have been a Y member within the last 60 days, you’re not qualified to get free Get Summer membership. Visit our online join center or your local branch to purchase youth membership.

Thank you

The Y would like to thank the Schulze Family Foundation for their generous contribution to help us provide a safe environment for young people to engage in programs that promote healthy living, and build character and leadership.

1.What can we know about the Get Summer program?

A.It is only provided in Rochester. B.It provides telephone registration.

C.It is free for everyone. D.It lasts for three months.

2.What can you get as a member of the Y?

A.Access to meet celebrities(名人). B.Opportunities to swim indoors.

C.Enjoyment from playing football. D.Personal classes to develop leadership.

3.If Charlie is a Y member now, she ________.

A.needs to buy youth membership to attend the summer program

B.may take part in the summer program for free

C.can share a youth membership with another Y member

D.can join the summer program at a discount



假定你是李华,你的加拿大笔友 Peter来信询问你每周参加体育锻炼的情况,请你根据下列表格内容,用英语给他写封回信。





after school on weekdays

on Saturday/Sunday mornings


Run 1.5 km or play basketball

go cycling or climb the hill


In the playground

in the countryside


relax myselfbe good for our health



1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,

How glad I’m to hear from you!



Li Hua



    When Jack was eight years old, a terrible storm hit his hometown, Island Puerto Rico. He felt worried about his ________. It was around Christmas. Jack said he was ________ that some of the kids would not get toys, and he wanted to donate (捐赠) ________ own toys. However, he knew it wouldn’t be enough. So, ________ the help of his family, he organized an activity to collect toys. He ________ collected 300 toys and sent them to the kids.

After Jack sent the ________ to the kids, he also wanted to do ________ more. He found many homeless(无家可归的) dogs on the island, so he felt ________. Then he told his mother that he ________ his birthday money to do something for the ________. So he bought a lot of dog food. Jack kept thinking of more ________. He collected food for people in need there. He also ________ that some local families lost their houses, and then he designed a T-shirt to raise money for one of the ________ families.

The news about Jack’s ________ deed spread around quickly. A company ________ him $10,000 worth of kids clothes to donate to Island Puerto Rico. Jack ________ the clothes to 200 kids.

Jack’s latest activity includes ________ schoolbags for the kids because they ________ schoolbags.

“Giving is the best thing to do, “he says. “I love seeing the joy and ________ on people’s faces. ________ I just keep on helping others.

1.A.pool B.farm C.factory D.hometown

2.A.worried B.excited C.satisfied D.interested

3.A.my B.her C.his D.their

4.A.with B.of C.at D.On

5.A.suddenly B.finally C.coldly D.badly

6.A.food B.water C.books D.toys

7.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

8.A.happy B.comfortable C.shy D.sad

9.A.waste B.hide C.lose D.use

10.A.cats B.dogs C.pigs D.monkeys

11.A.ideas B.titles C.skills D.drinks

12.A.agreed B.found C.promised D.wrote

13.A.close B.rich C.homeless D.old

14.A.bad B.dark C.dirty D.good

15.A.threw B.refused C.gave D.returned

16.A.lent B.sent C.explained D.announced

17.A.collecting B.mending C.checking D.washing

18.A.produce B.burn C.need D.rent

19.A.smiles B.changes C.fear D.anger

20.A.So B.Or C.For D.But



The secret powers of time

Do you think about the past? 1. Or do you worry about the future? Professor Philip Zimbardo describes three types (类型) of people.

● Past types.

You sometimes miss “the good old days”. 2.. You worry about making changes or new things trying You spend a lot of time with your family.

● Present types.

3.. You like doing fun things with fun people. You don’t have a healthy lifestyle(生活方式). You avoid doing difficult or boring things.


You spend most of your time working, saving and planning for a better future. You eat well and exercise regularly. You don’t mind waiting for the good things in life. 5.. But they often don’t enjoy their free time because they are busy thinking about the next things.

According to Zimbardo’s research, everybody is sometimes the other types. However, we should try to have an equal balance of all three to be happy and successful.

A.Future types

B.Did you make friends

C.Do you enjoy the present time

D.You enjoy remembering your past

E.Many people dreamed to be teachers

F.The most important thing is to feel good at present

G.Future people are usually more successful in work



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