满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When it comes to dog training, I’ve come...

    When it comes to dog training, I’ve come to understand that some things can be taught quickly, while others take a while. Do you know how I learned that lesson? From a French teacher I had in college.

It was beginner’s French, and from day one she had a “no English” class rule. I was confused by 99% of what she said, but I decided to give it a shot. I was excited as we began learning numbers and the alphabet, something I could easily follow, but when it came to putting together phrases, I was lost.

My teacher came up to me and said “quel est votre passe-temps favori?” which sounded like complete nonsense to me. I knew she was asking me a question, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I said “Sorry, I don’t understand.” Well, that broke the “no English” rule, so I just froze because I had no idea as to how to apologize in French.

So what did she do? She kept getting closer to me, repeating ‘quel est votre passe-temps favori?’ over and over, each time a bit louder, as if I had a hearing problem, rather than a complete shortage of comprehension.

I think about that class often. I really did feel hopeless, and the laughter from everyone else in class didn’t help. It’s not that she was a bad teacher. It’s just that she had very little patience for students like me who didn’t catch on immediately.

Well, it taught me to be more patient with Laika when learning new things. And since I don’t want her to be like the embarrassed kid in class, I don’t speak loudly at her or repeat myself when she doesn’t “get it.” I go back and figure out how I can help her understand and put meaning to my requests.

1.How did the author find the “no English” class rule?

A.She was confused and decided not to obey it.

B.She was excited as she could easily follow it.

C.She found it challenging and was eager to break it.

D.She thought it hard but originally was willing to try it.

2.Why couldn’t the author answer her French teacher’s question?

A.Because she didn’t hear the teacher clearly.

B.Because she didn’t know the correct answer.

C.Because she couldn’t understand the question.

D.Because she couldn’t express herself in French.

3.What does the author learn from the experience of the French class?

A.A good teacher should not set strict rules for class.

B.A good teacher should be more patient with students.

C.A good teacher should repeat herself when necessary.

D.A good teacher shouldn’t cause students’ embarrassment.

4.Who is Laika mentioned in the last paragraph?

A.The author’s student. B.The author’s classmate.

C.The author’s pet dog. D.The author’s daughter.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在学生时期的法语课上,掌握知识速度比较慢,但由于老师缺乏耐心,并没有给他鼓励和理解知识的时间,让作者感到无助。这件事件告诉作者,一个好的老师对待自己的学生应该更有耐心。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段关键句“I was confused by 99% of what she said, but I decided to give it a shot.”可知,面对“不讲英语”的课堂规则,虽然作者听不懂老师说的99%的内容,但他还是决定试一试。由此可知,面对这个规则,作者觉得很难,但是最初还是愿意尝试的。故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段关键句“I knew she was asking me a question, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.”可知,我知道老师在问我一个问题,但是我不理解这个问题是什么意思。由此可知,作者不能回答法语老师的问题,是因为他不能理解这个问题的意思。故选C项。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句话“Well, it taught me to be more patient with Laika when learning new things.”可知,这件事情教会了我在教授别人新东西时,要更有耐心。由此知,作者从这件事中学到的是一个好的老师应该对学生更有耐心。故选B项。 4. 词句猜测题。本文主要通过讲述作者学生时期的一次经历,告诉我们一个好的老师应该对学生更有耐心。再根据第一段关键句“When it comes to dog training, I’ve come to understand that some things can be taught quickly, while others take a while.”可知,作者是在训练宠物狗时,回想到了这次经历,故可推测出划线部分单词代指的是作者的宠物狗。故选C项。

    Bumblebees(大黄蜂) are clever: when pollen(花粉) is short and plants near the nest are not yet flowering, they have learned to force them to bloom. Research published on Thursday in Science shows that the insects puncture the plants’ leaves, which causes them to flower about 30 days earlier than they otherwise would. How the technique developed and why the plants react by blooming remain unclear.

Consuelo De Moraes, a chemical ecologist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, says she and her teammates were observing one kind of bumblebee in an unrelated experiment when they noticed the insects were damaging plant leaves and wondered why. “At first we thought they might be feeding on the plants,” she says. And because previous research had shown stress could cause plants to flower, they also wondered whether the bees might be creating blooms on purpose.

To find out, the team placed bumblebees together with tomato plants in cages. The bees soon cut several holes in the leaves of each plant. As a test, the researchers tried to copy the bumblebee damage in additional plants with a knife. Both sets of plants with injured leaves bloomed faster, but the ones punctured by the bees flowered weeks earlier, suggesting that chemicals in the insects’ saliva(唾液) may be involved as well.

Next, the researchers moved out of the laboratory to see whether bumblebees would continue to damage nonflowering plants near their nest even if blooming plants were available farther away. They did so. The findings suggest the bees’ behavior is an adaptation that improves food-hunting efficiency(效率).

In the future, scientists could test how the behavior may have developed and how widespread it is among other wild bumblebees, as well as what is happening in plants after a bee bite. Understanding those questions could help us better face the climate change.

1.What does the underlined word “puncture” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.bite B.touch

C.kiss D.eat

2.What inspired Consuelo and her team to do the present research?

A.The stress causing plants to flower. B.The difference in plants’ flowering time.

C.The bumblebees’ feeding on the plants. D.The bumblebees’ damaging plants’ leaves.

3.Why did the researchers copy what the bumblebees did?

A.To prove a knife cut can work as a bee bite.

B.To figure out what helps plants flower faster

C.To find out why bumblebees damage plants.

D.To show bumblebees’ saliva helps plants bloom.

4.What have the researchers made clear?

A.What happens in plants after a bee bite.

B.How bumblebees have learned the technique.

C.Whether bumblebees are clever in finding food.

D.Whether all the bumblebees have learned the skill.



    An aquarium(水族馆) that has closed because of the COVID-19 outbreak is asking people to make video calls to the aquarium’s eels(鳗鱼).

The reason? Aquarium workers fear the sensitive creatures may not remember humans’ existence, nor remember that humans do not present a threat. The aquarium has been closed since the start of March. Its sea animals have become used to a largely human free environment during the two-month period of calm. But the aquarium said the situation was having some unexpected effects.

“Creatures in the aquarium don’t see humans except keepers and they have started forgetting about humans,” the aquarium said on its Titter this week, “Garden eels in particular disappear into the sand and hide every time the keepers pass by.” That is causing difficulties for keepers trying to check on the health of the animals. So the aquarium decided to offer an invitation to the public. “Could you show your face to our garden eels from your home?” It is describing the new effort as a “face-showing festival”.

Garden eels are very sensitive by nature. But the 300 garden eels that live in a tank at the aquarium had become used to humans. They rarely hid in the sand from visitors. To try to reintroduce the eels to humans, the aquarium is putting five computers in front of their tank. The public can connect through the Face Time app.

Once the video calls start, people are supposed to show their faces, wave their hands and talk to the eels. But considering the quiet nature of the animals, callers are asked not to shout.

The “face-showing festival” is set to take place Sunday through Tuesday, during Golden Week holiday. It has gotten plenty of support. One Twitter user wrote, “Interesting! When you gaze at the garden eels, they gaze at you. I’m happy to take part.”

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 indicate?

A.Garden eels seldom disappear into the sand.

B.Garden eels are checked regularly by the keepers.

C.Humans sometimes present a threat to the aquarium’s animals.

D.Humans almost escape from the memory of the aquarium’s animals.

2.Without seeing visitors for two months, the aquarium’s eels_________.

A.feel excited at the sight of people B.tend to hide themselves from people

C.have health problems to be solved D.mostly remain as sensitive as before

3.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

A.What to do while making video calls. B.What to do with the eels’ memory.

C.How to connect with the eels online. D.How to show faces during the calls.

4.What can we learn about the “face-showing festival”?

A.It is going to last a whole week. B.Many people approve of the activity.

C.I’ll make no difference to the creatures. D.People can make a call through Twitter.



Posture Corrector For Men and Women

●Let Our Posture Corrector Be Part of Your Pain-free Life.

As my brother suffered clavicle (锁骨) pain after a car accident, Dr. John advised us to try posture corrector. Luckily, my brother came to his happiest self again. Besides correcting his posture, he also got relief from back, shoulder and neck pain all at the same time.

●Good Posture Is Healthy For Both Men And Women.

Wearing our back brace (背带) for some time, you’ll keep and hold back straight even without the posture corrector. Unlike regular posture correctors that are very hard and force you into one position, our back brace allows you completely free movement.

●Comfortable, Changeable And Easy To Use.

While other posture correctors dig into your armpits, hurt your skin and are uncomfortable after 5 minutes, our back brace fits your sizes from 30cm to 43cm.

●Invisible Under Clothes.

You can wear our excellent posture support brace while at work, home or out and no one will know you have it on. After a while, you’ll forget you’re even wearing the brace.

1.“My brother” is mentioned in Part 1 to show_________.

A.Dr. John was kind and helpful B.the posture corrector really works

C.every person has his ups and downs D.a car accident can cause clavicle pain

2.What is the common way used for promotion in Part 2 and 3?

A.Giving examples. B.Listing figures.

C.Making comparisons. D.Lowering prices.

3.How much does a Chinese customer have to pay for a posture corrector?

A.$66.28. B.$61.66. C.$97.95. D.$63.28.



假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Leslie 给你发邮件询问你在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间是怎么度过。请你根据下列要点写一封邮件回复她:

1.  爆发时间; 2.  怎么度过; 3. 你的感受。

注意:1.词数 100 左右;


参考词汇:疫情 epidemic situation 新冠肺炎 novel coronavirus pneumonia

Dear Leslie,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua









Last winter holiday, my brother and I went to countryside to live with our grandparents for nearly three week. Although the weather here was much colder, but we got used to it and felt at home. Every morning, we got up early than our grandparents and go for a walk. After breakfast, we went to have a chat with our new friends Peter, which we happened to come across during the holiday. Peter was a native and quite warm-heartedly boy and he was familiar to country life well. After parting, Peter and I have kept write to each other.



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