满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请按以下规则改正下列句子中的错误,每句只有一处错误。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符...





注意:每处错误及 其修改均仅限一词;

1.Why did Jim say that he can’t have simple pleasure for a while?

2.I like my music teacher for which I have great respect.

3.He can’t take the charge of the computer company because it is beyond his ability.

4.More attention should be paid to improve the quality of these products.

5.The request to buy a video for each classroom is considered at the meeting now.

6.Before the race really started, the cyclist Armstrong, as well as his teammates, were waiting at the starting line.

7.Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own strength.

8.With many problems arise, he didn’t know how to deal with them.

9.I suggested he worked out a new plan but he didn’t respond to it.

10.He is such warm-hearted a man that he often helps others.


1.can’t→couldn’t 2.which→whom 3.去掉the 4.improve→improving 5.is后加being 6.were→was 7.strength→strengths 8.arise→arising 9.worked→work 10.such→so 【解析】 本题是单句改错。 1. 考查时态。句意:为什么吉姆说他暂时不能享受简单的快乐?that从句本句跟在say后面,故判断为that引导的宾语从句,当主句是一般过去时,从句要用过去的某种时态,根据主句的did可知,要用一般过去式。故将can’t改为couldn’t。 2. 考查定语从句。句意:我很喜欢我的音乐老师,我很尊敬他。这是个定语从句,先行词为teacher,指人,关系词位于介词for后,用whom引导,先行词为人时,不能用which引导。故将which改为whom。 3. 考查冠词。句意:他不能掌管这个电脑公司,因为这超出他的能力范围。take charge of(掌管)的主语常常为人,take the charge of(被掌管),其主语常常为物,根据本句主语是he可知,是某人掌管某物,用take charge of。故将the去掉。 4. 考查非谓语动词。句意:应该更加注意提高这些产品的质量。pay attention to(注意)是固定短语,to为介词,其后的动词要用doing形式。故将improve改为improving。 5. 考查时态。句意:现在会议正在考虑为每个教室购买录像带的要求。本句的主语为The request,与谓语consider之间是被动关系,根据时间状语now可知,用现在进行时,因此,要用现在进行时的被动语态be being done形式。故在is后加being。 6. 考查主谓一致。句意:在比赛真正开始之前,自行车手阿姆斯特朗和他的队友们都在起跑线上等候。as well as连接的两个并列主语遵循就前一致,要跟前面的主语the cyclist Armstrong保持一致,谓语用单数形式。故将were改为was。 7. 考查名词。句意:幸福和成功往往属于那些善于发现自己优势的人。根据句意可知,此处的strength意为“优点”,是可数名词,根据其前的their可知,用复数形式。故将strength改为strengths。 8. 考查非谓语动词。句意:出现了许多问题,他不知道如何处理。with后跟复合宾语结构做句子的伴随状语,宾语problems与宾补arise之间是主动关系,用其现在分词形式做宾补。故将arise改为arising。 9. 考查虚拟语气。句意:我建议他制定一个新计划,但他没有回应。suggest表建议时,其后的that宾语从句中谓语用动词原形,即suggest that sb(should)do sth,should可以省略。故将worked改为work。 10. 考查副词。句意:他是一个非常热心的人,所以他经常帮助别人。such是形容词,其常使用结构:such +(a)+形容词+名词+......;so是副词,其常使用结构:so+形容词+(a) +名词+…。故将such改为so。

    Hand Sewing (缝纫) is a culture that dances on fingertips. It has passed down from generation to generation and _______ various challenges (困难,挑战). It is the fruits of human wisdom.

In China, sewing is also _______ as a basic skill for women in traditional society. They sewed for their parents, husbands and children, due to which I always thought that sewing was particularly warm and _______.

My grandma is a gentle old lady. Like’ many women of her time, she has a(n) _______ for sewing. She made all my childhood clothes with her _______ hands.

As a baby girl, rather than playing outside with my mates, I _______ to stay with my grandma to help her sew.

Later, instead of making clothes, my grandmother would sew gloves or insoles for me. She cannot stay with me all the time, but she cared about me and _______ making these things for me. The painstaking love _______ me a lot.

It was grandma who inspired my love for sewing and taught me how to _______ love and care. Almost a year ago, I was ________ to find a birthday present for my friend, then I thought ________ don’t I sew her a gift?

I ________ up my mind to make her a pencil case. Making use of my old denim skirt, I cut out the pattern (图案), drew a ________ and then ________ myself in sewing. It ________ me about two hours to finish it There is no ________ that it was the most durable (耐用的) and ________ pencil case I could make. I sent it to my friend and wished her a happy birthday.

I could never have ________ how powerful the gift is. Just yesterday, she called me and said ________ every time she sees the pencil case, she thinks of me and gets a warm feeling. Sewing is a fantastic ________ form, which can really convey our love and care.

1.A.created B.faced C.survived D.controlled

2.A.voted B.viewed C.determined D.selected

3.A.logic B.magic C.strange D.moving

4.A.gift B.interest C.request D.advantage

5.A.skillful B.rough C.powerful D.reliable

6.A.decided B.preferred C.deserved D.directed

7.A.insisted on B.turned to C.gave in D.set out

8.A.shocked B.upset C.rewarded D.warmed

9.A.escape B.release C.express D.remove

10.A.searching B.struggling C.concerning D.suffering

11.A.why B.how C.when D.where

12.A.showed B.chatted C.cut D.made

13.A.case B.dress C.pencil D.design

14.A.devoted B.educated C.buried D.trapped

15.A.cost B.took C.spent D.paid

16.A.wonder B.surprise C.possibility D.doubt

17.A.useful B.loving C.selfless D.regular

18.A.burst B.showed C.imagined D.proved

19.A.which B.what C.when D.that

20.A.art B.cultural C.worth D.style



Five safe search engines for kids

With school back in session, the Internet can be a great resource for homework, but you might be worried about your child surfing inappropriate (不合适的) websites. 1.. Therefore, your child can have the freedom to look through the Internet while you have peace of mind that he is staying safe online.


It is a safe, visual search engine for kid powered by Google. The first three results to each question are kid-safe sites and pages written specifically for children and hand-picked by the editors at Kiddle.


It is a password-protected browser (浏览器) that can be downloaded and installed for free. 2.. And it can block your child from any inappropriate information while offering a variety of kid-safe sites, games, videos, and other enjoyable choices.

Kid Info

3.. The site is organized by subjects for different grades, so your kid can find age-appropriate helpers and skill-builders. In addition to subject help, Kid Info also links to other helpful resources, and the links are checked weekly to remove any broken or inappropriate information.


It was created by librarians and is owned and run by the School of Liberty. This site focuses on a series of resources that provide age-appropriate information on different topics, so kids can look through by topic or use a search engine to get into the site. 4.. There are also helpful resources for kid facing toughing issues like being attacked or the death of a family member.


It is a search engine limited to scholarly works, and can help your child gain reliable information and resources. Google Scholar contains no inappropriate information, but most of the resources available might be .too difficult for younger kids to understand.

A.Google Scholar


C.When opened, Kido’z takes over the entire screen

D.It will not list sites that collect private information

E.It was started by a teacher as a resource to help kids with homework

F.Its topics include almost everything from homework helpers to classic games.

G.These safe search engines for kids offer age-appropriate sites and web pages



    Compared to other causes of natural disasters, volcanoes offer clues only when they are about to erupt. Now, however, developments in monitoring systems have allowed scientists to develop sensors to detect and forecast eruptions more accurately.

University of Cambridge volcanologist Marie Edmonds says that scientists are now able to use very accurate sensors to monitor the gases volcanoes give out, which can give clues on the location of the magma. The sensors help with prediction because different gases are released at different stages of an eruption. When magma rises, pressure is released along with gases. Carbon dioxide is released early on and then, as the magma goes higher, Sulphur dioxide is released. The ratio of the two gases is used to detect the location of magma relative to the surface, telling researchers the coming of the eruption.

Edmonds is connected to an international group known as the Deep Carbon Observatory that has worked to put new gas sensors on fifteen of the most active and dangerous volcanoes to improve the forecasting of various types of eruptions. The gas sensors continually measure water vapor, sulphur dioxide, and carbon dioxide. They are placed inside large boxes with surface antennae and buried underground. Advances in electronics have increased their accuracy and lowered their cost, allowing more of them to be used worldwide.

Putting these sensors atop active volcanoes is dangerous. Scientists wear reflective suits that protect against heat, plus gas masks for protection from dangerous gases. They sometimes hike long distances in remote areas to reach a site. However, according to Edmonds, the work they do to save people’s lives makes a dangerous job worth it. She enjoys doing something that helps people.

Edmonds’ team has also attached sensors to a certain plane to measure gases released from a Papua New Guinea volcano for a short time, a technique developed to gather “snapshots” of the activity. These snapshots help researchers to better understand activities that lead to eruptions.

1.How do sensors detect and predict volcanic eruptions?

A.By sending warnings to researchers. B.By testing different gases released.

C.By measuring the heat underground. D.By studying the surrounding gases.

2.What do we know about the gas sensors?

A.They should be attached to the magma. B.They are available around the world.

C.They become more accurate and expensive. D.They can check various types of eruptions.

3.Why is it risky to place sensors atop active volcanoes?

A.Active volcanoes may erupt at any time. B.It’s hard to find the top of volcanoes.

C.Scientists are short of enough suits and masks. D.There is heat and dangerous gases

4.What can the snapshots do?

A.Predict volcanic eruptions earlier. B.Attract people’s attention to volcanoes.

C.Collect more information for researchers D.Avoid the danger of the researchers’ work.



    Have you got an addictive nature? Are you unable to stop yourself joining in your favorite computer games? This probably describes most of us because its only human nature to not want to miss out on something that everyone else is talking about.

Most crazes arrive suddenly and enthusiasm for them spreads quickly. They become a talking point on social media; we read about them, give them a try and, before we know it, we are hooked (钩住). In the past, these have been objects such as toys and games. Maybe you were the proud owner of a Rubik’s cube, which became the best-selling toy of all time-around 350 million have been sold so far.

Now, technology is driving the latest crazes. Games such as Angry Birds and Minecraft are crazes available on smartphones and computers that have been hard to put down.

Our addiction to crazes has been analyzed by scientists. One of them, Dr Ben Michaels, a clinical psychologist, explains that we want to experience the benefit that another person, or group of people, have experienced from something and this “hooks into an ancient evolutionary (进化的) fear of being left behind or abandoned by our tribes”; we have to join in or lose out.

Although becoming addicted to a computer game might not seem like a ‘benefit’, it can at least give you popularity among your friends. It allows you to learn new skills and gives you something to talk about at parties!

But fashions come and go and most crazes are just a flash in the pan so if one of them is not your cup of tea, don’t worry: there’ll be a new craze arriving very soon. Look at the addiction to loom bands (橡皮筋) - those little bands you could make jewellery and other things out of. For a brief period they were the must-have item for any schoolchild, now they’re the bargain bucket item in a discount shop or worse still, trash filling up our landfill sites! What crazes have you been addicted to?

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.A lot of people usually talk about the latest crazes on the Internet.

B.The toy “Rubik’s Cube” was not very popular when it was launched.

C.The majority of crazes usually last for a long time.

D.Loom bands are always thrown away in some discount shop.

2.Why are we so addictive to crazes according to Dr. Ben?

A.We just want to benefit from what others have experienced.

B.We have the evolutionary fear of being left behind or missing out by our groups.

C.Some crazes are so attractive that we can’t refuse them.

D.Crazes can bring us so many benefits.

3.Which of the following is NOT the benefit of being addicted to a particular craze?

A.Getting popularity among your friends

B.Learning new skills

C.Having something to talk about at parties

D.Improving communication ability

4.What is possibly the best title of the text?

A.The Addiction to Computer Games

B.The Fear of Missing out

C.The Benefits of Crazes

D.Nature of Humans



    Picture a young Chinese woman in a field, dressed in traditional hemp (麻布) clothing, as she picks flowers to create makeup for her cheeks. Imagine the same person making a bamboo sofa, cooking soy sauce and cooking up all sorts of delicious dishes.

It may sound hard to believe, but such a person exists in modern China, and her name is Li Ziqi. On Dec 14, she won Person of the Year in the category of cultural influence awarded by China Newsweek.

With a fan base of more than 21 million people on Sina Weibo and 7 million flowers on video-sharing site YouTube, Li has made a name for herself in a series of videos that show off a pre-industrial Chinese way of life in rural Sichuan province. “I want to do my part to let more people know about Chinese culture,” the bogger told China.org.cn. “Much of the popularity of my videos owes to the attraction of Chinese culture.”

Li sems to be a master of all kinds of sillscooking, painting, designing and farming. She raises silkworms to sew a quilt for her grandmother and grows plants. Many videos show her picking seasonal ingredients from her own garden and cooking them up with her wood-fired work. A warm bowl of soup for the winter, a lighter plate of noodles for the summer, Li follows the seasons in her cooking, as China’s traditional 24 solar terms also do, and makes food suitable for the particular climate.

“She told the stories of China’s culture and that of China.” the official Sina Weibo account of China Central Television noted. The success of Li Ziqi also comes from her “passion for life, for her home and for her culture”. Indeed, Li’s simple pleasures amaze people living in the hustle and bustle of big cities. “She leads a life that many dream of, but don’t dare to give up their current life in exchange for,” iFeng.com wrote. Her handmade lifestyle is a fantasy for many. “In today’s society, many feel stressed,” she told the South China Morning Post. “When they watch my videos at the end of a busy day, I want them to relax and experience something nice, to take away some of their anxiety and stress.”

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Li Ziqi enjoys 7 million followers on Twitter.

B.Li Ziqi won Person of the Year awarded by Chinese government.

C.Li makes suitable food to follow the changes of climate.

D.Li’s video can’t bring pleasures to people in big cities.

2.What makes Li’s video so successful at home and abroad?

A.Her love for Chinese culture B.Her confidence for Chinese culture

C.The attraction of her videos D.Her excellent ability of making handicrafts

3.What does the underlined words “hustle and bustle” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.noisy and stressful life B.busy but relaxing life

C.fantastic and enjoyable life D.quiet and comfortable life

4.What’s the main purpose of making videos according to Li Ziqi?

A.To promote the sales of Chinese food and handicrafts.

B.To attract more of fans to visit her Sina Weibo.

C.To make herself known to the public.

D.To free the stressed people from the anxiety and stress



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