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Dear Bob,

I’m delighting that you show an interest in the lecture. To help us grow up healthy, last Friday Professor Smith invited to give us a lecture. He not only offered us some advices on what we should eat, and also pointed out our eating problems.

Professor Smith’s speech has benefited from us greatly, make us realize the influence of our eating habits. As the saying goes,“we are what we eat”so that is better for us to get into the healthy eating habit.

Now we are on a balanced diet and have meals regularly, because of what we are healthier and more energetic now.


Li Hua


1. delighting→delighted;2. healthy→healthily;3.在invited前加was;4. advices→advice;5.and→but;6.去掉from;7.make→making;8.that→it;9.the→a;10.what→which 【解析】 这是一篇电子邮件。文章讲述的是上周五Professor Smith作的关于健康饮食的演讲。他的演讲使我们受益匪浅,使我们意识到我们饮食习惯的影响。因为有了一个均衡的饮食和有规律的吃饭,我们现在更健康和更有活力。 1.考查情感形容词-ing和-ed。句意:我很高兴你对讲座感兴趣。情感形容词-ing表示“令人…的”,中心词通常是“物”;-ed表示“感到…的”,中心词通常是“人”。此处表示“我感到高兴”,所以用情感形容词的-ed形式,故把delighting改成delighted。 2.考查副词。句意:为了帮助我们健康成长,上周五史密斯教授被邀请给我们做了一次演讲。此处grow up“成长”是动词词组,由副词修饰,故把healthy改成healthily。 3.考查一般过去时态的被动语态和主谓一致。句意:为了帮助我们健康成长,上周五史密斯教授被邀请给我们做了一次演讲。句子主语Professor Smith是单数第三人称, 和invite之间是被动关系,再根据时间状语last Friday可知,此处用一般过去时态的被动语态,故在invited前加was。 4.考查不可数名词。句意:他不仅就我们应该吃什么给了我们一些建议,还指出了我们的饮食问题。此处advice是不可数名词,意思是“建议”,没有复数形式,故把advices改成advice。 5.考查固定搭配。句意:他不仅就我们应该吃什么给了我们一些建议,还指出了我们的饮食问题。固定搭配:not only…but also“不但……而且”。故把and改成but。 6.考查及物动词。句意:史密斯教授的演讲使我们受益匪浅,使我们意识到我们饮食习惯的影响。句中benefit是及物动词,意思是“有利于”,此处表示“有利于我们”,所以句中介词from是多余的,故去掉from。 7.考查现在分词作伴随状语。句意:史密斯教授的演讲使我们受益匪浅,使我们意识到我们饮食习惯的影响。此处句子主语speech和make之间是主动关系,是现在分词作伴随状语,故把make改成making。 8.考查it的用法。句意:俗话说,“我们吃什么,我们就是什么”,所以对我们来说,最好养成健康的饮食习惯。此处it是形式主语,动词不定式的复合结构作真正的主语,故把that改成it。 9.考查不定冠词。句意:俗话说,“我们吃什么,我们就是什么”,所以对我们来说,最好养成健康的饮食习惯。此处表示养成“一种”健康的饮食习惯。故把the改成a。 10.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:现在我们有一个均衡的饮食和有规律的吃饭,因为这个我们现在更健康和更有活力。前面整个句子作先行词,做复合介词because of的宾语,引导非限制性定语从句,故把what改成which。  

    Yang Wenqing is the only teacher of this small school, more precisely a teaching center, _______ in Dengyunzhai Village, Luxi County, Hunan Province.

The tiny school was _______ built for this remote rural area with a small and scattered (分散的) _______. The school arranges different _______ from the neighboring areas into one single class. Situated in a mountainous region, the village is the home to many _______ children, as young and middle-aged parents have _______ into cities for jobs.

The 53-year-old teacher volunteered to come to Dengyunzhai a decade ago when Luxi County _______ its teaching center to make it _______ for the school-age children nearby to receive education.

“I _______ the second-grade students from the first -grade and kindergarten kids,” said Yangadding that she splits her 40-minute class time between different graders. Besides Chinese and math, Yang is also ________ for at least two music and art classes a week. In order to better teach the students, she ________ training programs for music teachers organized by local authorities. “________ I am the only teacher here, children should learn nothing less,” she said.

At 4:00 p. m. every school day, Yang walks out of the classroom and ________ the school bell. Hearing the bell, the students ________ orderly to return home. After the students leave, Yang would carefully clean the ________ . She is always the last one to leave the school. “Education can change the ________ of these students. The better foundation I ________ for them, the brighter future they can have through further study," Yang said.

Yang’s work has ________. For years, the academic results of her students are among the best in the whole county. She has ________cultivated (培养) more than 100 children, who later went on to________ higher education.

1.A.interested B.located C.set D.rooted

2.A.specially B.poorly C.terribly D.hurriedly

3.A.village B.area C.population D.square

4.A.graders B.villagers C.students D.teachers

5.A.worn-out B.lay-off C.left-over D.left-behind

6.A.jumped B.flooded C.flown D.grown

7.A.set out B.set off C.set down D.set up

8.A.amazing B.fortunate C.possible D.attractive

9.A.separated B.differed C.told D.judged

10.A.considerate B.available C.responsible D.respectable

11.A.held B.made C.combined D.attended

12.A.Because B.Whether C.Although D.If

13.A.rings B.observes C.presses D.knocks

14.A.stand up B.line up C.speak up D.take up

15.A.windows B.floors C.blackboards D.classrooms

16.A.future B.character C.dream D.expectation

17.A.pave B.base C.lay D.settle

18.A.turned down B.turned up C.paid for D.paid off

19.A.diligently B.successfully C.frequently D.wisely

20.A.explore B.manage C.adore D.seek



Easy ways to have the best day ever

Having to set an alarm every day to wake up early is an awful feeling. So what if you could wake up in the morning and be ready to take the day on head first? Well, it takes just several simple steps. Wake up, and be awesome!

Get ready the night before.

The first approach to becoming a morning person and ensuring you have an amazing day is getting ready the night before. Keep your bags ready to go, filled with a snack for the day and all your belongings. 1.

Try and stay off your phone.

We are all guilty of getting upthen going straight on our phones, then two minutes turns into 20 and then it is rush, rush! Avoid going on your phone apart from turning your alarm off. 2. They can be read afterwards.


When you get to work/ school or even if you are home for the day, prepare for some tasks in advance. Put the most important one at the top in red so that you know that you have to get it done firstly.

Eat breakfast.

There is no denying that the best way to feel and look good for the entire day is by eating your breakfast. Just eat something, a breakfast bar or even a piece of fruit. 4. Your body needs food to keep it going and a hungry stomach puts you in the worse mood.

Be positive

The last way to have the best day ever is not to think of all the things that went wrong yesterday or all the things you need to get done but haven’t got enough time for. The thought will stress you out even more. 5.

Now you’re on the path to having the best day ever.

A.Ignore the messages.

B.Write a list of things to do.

C.Find the best feeling to finish a task.

D.Make sure you will not forget anything.

E.A positive mind is beneficial for you to solve all the problems.

F.So focusing on the good things that could happen will be helpful.

G.This will energize your brain and start to make the nervous system work.



    An ordinary cotton T- shirt can be changed into body armour(盔甲), thanks to scientists from South Carolina, Switzerland and China. They combined the carbon in the cotton with boron to create a tough, lightweight fabric of boron carbide(碳化硼), the same material used to protect tanks.

Available at Wal-Mart, the new T- shirt would be not only bulletproof, but also resistant to ultraviolet light from the sun and life -threatening radioactive rays.

“The present armour is strong, but it’s not flexible and it’s very heavy. We tried to solve this problem with a different approach. In our approach, we used cotton T- shirts,” said Xiaodong Li, a scientist at the University of South Carolina. The trick for the scientists was combining melting boron with the carbon fibers inside the cotton fibers to form boron carbide. The great research began with a package of plain, white T-shirts purchased at Wal-Mart, which the scientists cut into pieces. They put those white cotton pieces into a black liquid of boron. After an hour, the cotton pieces were taken out from it and baked in an oven at a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius for an hour. As a result, only carbon and boron was left and then boron carbide came into being.

The resulting material is very different from the original ones at the start of the process—it’s lighter, stronger, tougher and stiffer than the original cotton, but it can still be bent, unlike normal boron carbide armour.

Li said that the physical features of the new material are still being tested, but “from our initial results we can say the test has been very, very promising.” “We expect that the material can stop a bullet,” Discovery News quoted Li as saying.

Covering cars or aircraft with cotton-based boron carbide, instead of the metal used today, would make these vehicles much lighter and more fuel- saving.

1.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.The features of new boron carbide. B.The advantages of new boron carbide.

C.The disadvantages of former boron carbide. D.The process of making new boron carbide.

2.What can we know from the text?

A.Many T- shirts are used to produce new materials.

B.The new T- shirts must be popular with children.

C.The new boron carbide contains many chemicals.

D.The new material has more advantages.

3.What’s Li Xiaodong’s attitude towards the new material?

A.Confident. B.Negative. C.Neutral. D.Ambiguous.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.Traditional T-shirts are out of date. B.An ordinary T- shirt can become body armour.

C.New boron carbide has been widely used. D.Cotton- based boron carbide will easily change our life.



    Wherever we look, we see advertisements that attract us to buy. In today’s society, we are under pressure to constant shop. Of course, most people only buy what they need and what they can afford. However, there are some people called shopaholics, who can’t control their desire to spend money buying things. This kind of addictive behavior can lead to money problems, family conflicts, and deep unhappiness.

What are the symptoms of a shopaholic? People with this problem often spend hours and hours shopping on the Internet or at the mall. Their closets are full of clothing and jewelry that they have never worn, with the price tags still on them. Their homes may be filled with shopping bags and boxes that they bought but never used. Many shopaholics are aware of their own problems, but when they go to a store, they simply can’t resist the urge to buy. Some of them are ashamed of their weakness and try to hide it by storing their purchases in places like the attic(阁楼), where others won’t see them.

Psychologists think there are several reasons for a shopping addiction. For some people, it is a way of reducing stress. For others, shopping is a way to fight loneliness or depression. For people with less confidence, shopping can be a way that they prove their self-worth. Sometimes the problem develops out of boredom. It replaces other hobbies and interests to help kill the time. Although shopping can temporarily make people feel good. they often feel ashamed and guilty later.

When shopping habits get out of control, people need professional help. They can either see a counselor(顾问) or join an organization such as Shopaholics Anonymous. Groups like this try to help people understand the reasons for their addiction and learn how to control the urge to shop. Their goal is to help people find ways to fulfill themselves rather than lead to serious debt and troubled lives.

1.What are “shopaholics” like according to the passage?

A.They often spend plenty of money in shopping. B.They are proud of spending much money.

C.They are addicted to collecting shopping bags. D.They fail to realize their desire to shop constantly.

2.Why do some shoppers hide their purchases in the attic?

A.They treasure what they have bought. B.They want to give their family a surprise.

C.They are afraid of being regarded as thieves. D.They are ashamed of their own constant shopping.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Money. B.Shopping. C.Stress. D.Self-worth.

4.What are groups like “Shopaholics Anonymous” intended to do?

A.To encourage people to overcome their bad feelings.

B.To seek professional help in window shopping.

C.To help control some people’s desire to purchase.

D.To call on more people to get rid of their bad habits.



    The bird dropped like a rock. Before lowering the gun, I realized what I’d done—I’d killed my first animal. I rushed into the brush, praying, “Oh God, please don’t let it be dead.” The pigeon lay there with blood out of its beak (), feathers scattered about and its head bent lifelessly to the side. After burying it, I hurried home and went to hide my gun in my room.

I was dead silent at dinner. I felt as though every time I lowered my head, Dad was looking at me, but whenever I stole a glance in his direction, he seemed simply to be paying attention to his food. Mom finally uncovered the main dish—chicken. The dead pigeon appeared in my mind so that I almost threw up on the plate. Pushing my chair back and I ran to my room. My head buried in my pillow, I felt Dad rubbing my back. My tears slowly disappeared and I cleared my throat. “I shot a pigeon today,” “Oh?” my father replied, his expression unchanging.” And how did it feel?” “It felt... awful,” I answered.

“I’m sure it did. That’s one of the reasons I said you shouldn’t shoot birds.” I glanced at him,” Are you going to punish me?”

“Well, you misused your BB gun, and you disobeyed me. What you need is to always remember how bad it felt to kill that poor bird. Somehow, I think you will. ”And, patting me on the shoulder, he said, “Now let’s go to get dinner.”

Little did I know that my father was right before this. I would remember killing that bird along with a lot of other things for the rest of my life.

1.How did the author feel just after realizing having killed the bird?

A.Upset and despair. B.Delighted and proud.

C.Tired and sad. D.Scared and regretful.

2.Why did the author run away when seeing the dish of chicken?

A.He had something urgent to do.

B.He didn’t like chicken at all.

C.He thought of the killed bird.

D.He was afraid to face his parents.

3.What did the father do after being told the truth?

A.To take away the author’s gun.

B.To criticize the author seriously.

C.To require the author to obey him forever.

D.To ask the author to remember killing the bird.

4.What do we know about the author’s father?

A.He was satisfied to see the author hide his gun.

B.He didn’t want the author to waste time playing.

C.He used his special way to teach the author a lesson.

D.He was tolerant of any of the author’s mistakes.



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