满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I grew up in New Jersey and didn’t spend...

    I grew up in New Jersey and didn’t spend a night outdoors until I turned 30, when I decided I should know how to set up a tent. I attended a month-long course in the Absaroka Mountains in Wyoming and learned to be comfortable without a roof over my head. Ever since, I’ve tried to go camping once a year, to keep up my skills.

I’d been telling my son about the joys of the great outdoors, and he was eager to join me. And I was eager for him to experience at a young age what it had taken me so long to discover. Yet I was also worried. It seemed that every time I went camping, I forgot something---like a frying pan or my knife. I could get by with these mistakes when I was on my own. But with my son along, it was a different story.

So, with our supplies checked again and again, we piled into the car and headed north. After 20 minutes, my son turned and asked, "How much farther, Dad? "I’d worried that five miles might be too much for him, but the lake had seemed the perfect destination. I began to tell stories. But after a steep grade, he quit. Then I reached for my bag of M&M’s---the normally forbidden treat meant to be saved until our work was done.

Three dozen candy-coated chocolate later, we found the lake. We were excited. I showed him how to set up the tent. As darkness fell, my son laughed himself to sleep. In the morning, the stove wouldn’t light. My son had sardines and M&M’s for breakfast and pronounced it the best meal he had ever eaten. After a few hours, we went back home.

The following year, we got rained out, and the year after that, time got away from us. But next weekend, we’re heading out for another overnight. A bag of M&M’s is already in my pack.

1.It can be concluded that the writer used to_________.

A.take his knife each time B.meet some unexpected trouble

C.fail to reach his destination D.prepare very well

2.The underlined sentence "it was a different story" in Paragraph 2 means________.

A.he was a careless man B.he should be more careful

C.his son would help him a lot D.his son would handle the mistake

3.Why did the writer tell the stories during the walk?

A.To encourage his son. B.To meet his son’s request.

C.To let his son forget the walk. D.To take a good rest.

4.Why will the writer still carry a bag of M&M’s during the next camping?

A.Because they were his best meal. B.Because they were main camping food.

C.Because they were easy to carry. D.Because they were his son’s favorite.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者过去常常遇到一些意想不到的麻烦,但作者希望自己的儿子能有更多野外生存的技能。 1. 推理判断题。根据第二段中第二段的It seemed that every time I went camping, I forgot something---like a frying pan or my knife.“好像每次我去露营,我都会忘记一些东西——比如一个煎锅或我的刀。”由此可知,作者过去常常遇到一些意想不到的麻烦。故选B。 2. 句意猜测题。根据第二段中Yet I was also worried. It seemed that every time I went camping, I forgot something---like a frying pan or my knife. I could get by with these mistakes when I was on my own.“但我也很担心。好像每次我去露营,我都会忘记一些东西——比如一个煎锅或我的刀。当我一个人的时候,这些错误我可以应付过去。”再根据第二段最后一句中But with my son along,“但有我儿子在,”中的but可知与上文“出错误”构成转折关系,也就是说“有儿子在要更加细心”,所以划线句子的意思是“他应该更加细心”。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据第三段中After 20 minutes, my son turned and asked, "How much farther, Dad? "I’d worried that five miles might be too much for him, but the lake had seemed the perfect destination. I began to tell stories. But after a steep grade, he quit. Then I reached for my bag of M&M’s---the normally forbidden treat meant to be saved until our work was done. 20分钟后,儿子转过身来问道:“还有多远,爸爸?”我曾担心5英里对他来说可能太多,但湖区似乎是个完美的目的地。我开始讲故事。但在经历了一段陡峭的下坡路后,他停了下来。然后,我伸手去拿我那袋M&M巧克力豆——这是通常被禁止的东西,应该被保存起来,直到我们的工作完成。由此可知,作者在散步时讲故事是为了让他的儿子忘记路程。故选C。 4. 推理判断题。根据第三段中Then I reached for my bag of M&M’s---the normally forbidden treat meant to be saved until our work was done.“然后,我伸手去拿我那袋M&M巧克力豆——这是通常被禁止的东西,应该被保存起来,直到我们的工作完成。”和最后一段中But next weekend, we’re heading out for another overnight. A bag of M&M’s is already in my pack.“但下周末,我们又要出去过夜了。我的包里已经有一袋M&M了。”由此可知,作者在下次露营时之所以还会带一袋M&M 's,是因为它们是他儿子的最爱。故选D。

Smart Home Products for Living a Connected Life

What makes something a smart home product? Generally, it’s defined by its ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network, allowing users to interact(互动)with it from their smartphones.We’ve rounded up some cool, diverse offerings that you’ll love to have in your home.

Nest Cam IQ



The Nest Cam IQ is a beautifully designed home security camera that can recognize faces. It can warn you if there’s a stranger in your home. The device also supports two-way communication via built-in microphones and a powerful speaker.

Logitech Harmony Elite



The Logitech Harmony Elite is one of the best universal remote controls available on the market. It can control just about every piece of electronics you ownit supports over 270000 devices!)in every room of your house or apartment, including TVsstreaming devices, and sound systems.

Apple HomePod



The Apple HomePod has better audio quality than any other smart speaker available today. Available in white or space gray, the Siri-powered device also allows you to control a number of devices with your voice.

August Smart Lock Pro



The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible(兼容的)with most locks. A mobile app allows you to manage access to the lock, check its usage history, and get informed when someone opens the door. You can control it and check on the state of your door with voice commands.

1.What can the Nest Cam IQ help you do

A.Properly use your smartphone camera

B.Control electronics with your voice.

C.Check the locks of your house.

D.Keep your home safe.

2.Which device can help you operate almost all your electronic equipment remotely

A.Nest Cam IQ.

B.Apple HomePod.

C.August Smart Lock Pro.

D.Logitech Harmony Elite.

3.Which column of a website is the text most probably taken from








Mr. Dawson was always complaining about everything, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick a delicious apple, even off the ground, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his ball bullet gun.

One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy. They had to walk by Dawson’s house on the way to Amy’s house, but as they got close Janet saw him sitting on his front porch and suggested they cross over to the other side of the street. Like most of the children, she was scared of the old man because of the story she’d heard about him.

Amy said not to worry, Mr. Dawson wouldn't hurt anyone. Still, Janet was growing more nervous with each step closer to the old man’s house. When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his usual frown, but when he saw it was Amy, a broad smile changed his entire face as he said, “Hello Miss Amy. I see you’ve got a little friend with you today.”

Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to. music and play games. Dawson told them that sounded fun, and offered them each a fresh picked apple off his tree. They gladly accepted. Dawson had the best apples in town.

When they got out of Dawson on earshot, Janet asked Amy, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

If we remember what Amy’s grandma said, that everyone wears an invisible smile, we too will find that most people can’t resist our smile after a while.




1.It is said the boy has great p______(潜质).

2.She walked slowly down the road, e______ (显然) in pain.

3.The moon was casting a rainbow through the s______ (喷雾) from the waterfall.

4.A wise mother never e______ (暴露) her children to the slightest possibility of danger.

5.Do not u_______ (从事) exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest.

6.P_______ (诗歌) is usually full of symbols, and “A Red, Red Rose” is no different.



    Classical music deals with adult emotions and ideas.______, you can still love aspects of it as a kid. If you continue to be attracted to what you have heard, your understanding will only________ as the years pass by. You don’t need to be ________ trained, or incredibly smart, to “get it.”

As a boy growing up in New York City in the 1950s, I first heard the overture(序曲) to Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman as the ________ music for a science-fiction television show called Captain Video. It was absolutely exciting. When I first ____the opera many years later, that childhood memory of the music was still somewhere in the ________ reaches of my mind. Music can be written to bring a(n) ________ sound, mood or scene into mind, yet can be heard differently in different contexts. Wagner’s overture gets our attention with a heroic-sounding ________ from the horns and then a description of a stormy sea. As a kid, I ________ knew the hero was Captain Video. When I grew up, I came to understand that the very first notes were ________ to represent the scream of a ghost seeking redemption(救赎). The notes were the same, but I certainly was not, and yet there was ________ in revisiting something from my childhood with the _______ of an adult’s knowledge.

But does it still happen today? That question was ________ last summer when my two great nephews, ten-year-old twins, finished playing with Legos. One of them ________singing the Magic Flute from Mozart. The other joined in, singing in innocent ________ They kept going, but the words were_______ “What’s that?” I asked. The answer was about a famous cartoon: “Captain Underpants(内裤超人)!”

A time will come when they hear a performance of the Magic Flute and the weak memories of their youth will still be ________ to the classical music they heard from the cartoon, even though the original ________ of the music had nothing to do with it. Still, two boys born in 2010 ________ knew that a composition from Mozart was and ________ to be classical. No one is teaching them “how to love classical music.”

1.A.Besides B.However C.Instead D.Therefore

2.A.increase B.recover C.struggle D.fade

3.A.gradually B.firmly C.originally D.classically

4.A.theme B.rock C.festival D.folk

5.A.ruined B.conducted C.balanced D.opened

6.A.closest B.farthest C.highest D.lowest

7.A.specific B.disgusting C.accurate D.romantic

8.A.word B.figure C.voice D.melody

9.A.hardly B.mostly C.only D.even

10.A.said B.due C.advised D.meant

11.A.loss B.evidence C.comfort D.strength

12.A.example B.benefit C.need D.burden

13.A.raised B.answered C.heard D.predicted

14.A.imagined B.avoided C.began D.admitted

15.A.fun B.sorrow C.anger D.regret

16.A.gone B.long C.different D.similar

17.A.used B.committed C.connected D.contrary

18.A.version B.writer C.impression D.intention

19.A.possibly B.certainly C.particularly D.formally

20.A.continues B.tends C.occurs D.prefers




Starring Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick, Mr. Right tells the story of a young woman named Martha (Kendrick) who’ having, as her friend puts it, a very early mid-life crisis. After being cheated on by her boyfriend, she falls into a low mood that only stops when she meets the equally bizarre and charming “Mr. Right” (Rockwell). The two hit it off so quickly that they're already head-over-heels for one another when a tricky obstacle(障碍) comes to the surface: Mr. Right is a hitman (职业杀手) who’s on the run from the same people who hire him to do jobs.

So does it work? I anticipated that a movie like this would leave me with a definitive answer to that question. It seemed certain to either succeed or fail. But as it turns out, there’s both good and bad in Mr. Right.

The bad really comes down to pacing and exposition. Simply put, the whole thing feels abrupt(突兀的). We're used to our rom-com(爱情喜剧) characters falling for one another in a matter of days, because there’ only so much time in a movie. But in this case, the relationship still felt sudden in a way you couldn't quite buy.

________ , the crime side of the story - the shady figures hunting down Mr. Right - is done in a surprisingly confusing fashion. Basically, there’ a network of villains(恶棍) doing evil things, and you know they're all after Mr. Right. However, their chain of command and respective motives all get a little disorderly along the way.

The good, as it had to be, is entirely in the performance of Rockwell and Kendrick. The former is weird but attractive, presenting a character deeper than he would have been in most any other hands. Kendrick, meanwhile, is wonderfully unusual in her own special way. She actually makes you believe there’s a girl out there whose reaction to her boyfriend killing a rival killer would be “Ah, screw it, let’s get margaritas(玛格丽特酒).”

In the end, the movie’s best scene defines it. Rockwell is good at making an energy flow of sorts that he’s able to tap into. He classifies all “things” as islands, and talks about learning to feel the water in between them to get a sense of where they are and how they're moving. It’s a poetic moment in the movie, and it's actually not a bad way to approach the experience.

1.This article is a________ of a film.

2.The first paragraph mainly talks about the ________ of the film.

3.Write a linking word for blank ________ to show the logic relationship of Para 3 and 4.

4.What or who does the underlined phrase “the former” in Para 5 refer to?

5.Which sentence in the article best presents the author’s comment on the film?



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