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Thanksgiving is an important festival in...

    Thanksgiving is an important festival in North America. We interviewed several students from America and Canada. Here is what they think about their Thanksgiving experiences.

Josie from New York, USA

In America, Thanksgiving is celebrated every year at the end of November. It is to remember the first group of people from Europe to live in America. When they first arrived, they found the environment strange. But they learned to survive after some American friends showed them how to grow and find food. Thanksgiving is meant to be traditional celebration.

Ian from

Saskatoon, Canada

In Canada, Thanksgiving is held on the 2nd Monday in October. On the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day, many people go to church. Thanks is given for all the good things that happened to them during the year. I always give thanks for the nice big turkey I’m going to have at the family dinner Like all festivals, Thanksgiving is about food

Todd from

California, USA

Thanksgiving is the first day of Christmas shopping. That means we have four weeks to buy Christmas presents for our families and friends to thank them. For me and my friends , the most important part of the festival is the big football game on TV. The match is watched by millions of people all over America Thanksgiving is seen as an exciting day for football!

Katie from

Maritimes, Canada

On Thanksgiving Day, we have dinner with all our cousins aunts and uncles. It is always very busy. Sometimes we have two Thanksgiving dinners because we go to both our grandparents’ houses. The dinner is usually attended by more than twenty people at each house! My mother and my aunts do all the cooking but the washing-up is done by me and my cousins. And that’s not an easy job! But I don’t mind because Thanksgiving is warn to be a time to give thanks. meant to be a time to give thanks.




1.What does Joise say about Thanksgiving?

A.It is to thank Americans. B.She can buy presents for friends.

C.She can have dinner with the family? D.It is to remember the first European settlers.

2.When do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving?

A.At the end of November. B.The day before Christmas.

C.On the day of family union. D.The second Monday of October.

3.Who feels that Thanksgiving is all about football?

A.Ian. B.Josie. C.Todd. D.Katie.

4.Where does the person who gives thanks for turkey come from?

A.New York. B.California. C.Maritimes. D.Saskatoon.

5.What do the four opinions have in common?

A.Thanksgiving is a time of thanks. B.Thanksgiving dinner is important.

C.Religious celebration is necessary. D.Buying presents for friends is a must.


1.D 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本文主要讲的是美国和加拿大的一些学生在感恩节的不同经历。 1. 细节理解题。根据Josie from New York, USA中It is to remember the first group of people from Europe to live in America. 可知,Josie认为感恩节是为了纪念第一批住在美国的欧洲人,也就是说纪念第一批在美国定居的欧洲人。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据Ian from Saskatoon, Canada中In Canada, Thanksgiving is held on the 2nd Monday in October.可知,在加拿大,感恩节是在十月的第二个星期一。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据Todd from California, USA中Thanksgiving is seen as an exciting day for football!可知,Todd觉得感恩节全是关于足球的。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据Ian from Saskatoon, Canada中 I always give thanks for the nice big turkey I’m going to have at the family dinner可知,来自加拿大Saskatoon 的Ian说自己总是感谢家庭晚宴上要吃的火鸡。故选D。 5. 推理判断题。阅读四个学生的感恩节经历,结合表格一 Thanksgiving is meant to be traditional celebration.(感恩节是传统的庆祝活动);表格二Thanks is given for all the good things that happened to them during the year. (感谢在这一年中发生在他们身上的一切好事。),表格三That means we have four weeks to buy Christmas presents for our families and friends to thank them. (这意味着我们有四个星期的时间为家人和朋友买圣诞礼物来感谢他们。)和But I don’t mind because Thanksgiving is warn to be a time to give thanks(但我不介意,因为感恩节是个感恩的日子)可知,这四个学生的共同观点是感恩节是感恩的日子。故选A。

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

假设你是明启中学高三学生王放,最近你即将前往几所初中向那里的学生介绍你就读的学校, 写一篇发言稿,内容须包括:

1. 你的学校最吸引你的地方是什么

2. 你当时选择这所学校的原因是什么




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.只有通过有效的监管, 提高市民的意识,共享单车才能起到服务大众,节约资源的作用。(Only



Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.

e-learning: Hazy past—better future?

How much of an effect does technology have on students’ learning? A significant one, it seems, according to experts. Currently available technologies, the most important of which are computers and the Internet, apparently provide a learning environment in which problem-solving and intellectual enquiry can flourish. The process of learning in the classroom may become significantly more effective as students can deal with information on the computer. Or so the theory goes. My own viewpoint is rather different, I’m afraid.

Computers have been around for two decades as part of school equipment. There are, of course, obstacles like costs to overcome, but it’s just a matter of time and effort. This is because schools have done what every organisation does when it sees an innovation—it applies the innovation to its existing model, which adds cost but doesn’t transform the standard classroom. We have, during that period, spent over $60 billion on them, but in my view they seem to have had little or no effect on learning in schools. Content is king and the mode of delivery is irrelevant. If a teacher makes the subject matter interesting, it does not matter what, if any, equipment is used.

However, change is on the horizon. I think student-centred learning will become the norm and transform education. Computers will pave the way for far more independent learning. Students who currently don’t have access to schools or teachers are now able to get online. They can study from home thanks to the fact that more learning programmes are being written for learners who are forced by their circumstances to be self-sufficient. This would prove especially beneficial in those areas of the world where quality education is limited or extremely expensive. Therefore, in a few years’ time we could have a completely different conversation about technology and its impact on learning.



Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

One Dollar a Night in New York

When it comes to finding a place to stay for a night in New York, things don’t always come cheap.

However, artist Miao Jiaxin, a Shanghai native who moved to New York in 2006, is offering people the chance to stay in his apartment in Brooklyn. 1.

Guests can easily book Miao’s room on the Internet. Nevertheless, although they will be housed in his apartment, it appears to have more in common with a jail cell than a regular bedroom as a cage in the center of the room is where guests will stay.

2. Guests must stay in the cage for three hours each morning. “From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., you can’t access the Internet, and there are no electronic devices, books, radio, pens or craftwork. You can’t talk to anybody. You can’t do Yoga or any other exercises. And you can’t even sleep,” writes Miao. If you break any of those rules above, you will be fined 100 dollars.

Meanwhile, the cage is monitored and recorded by two cameras and the activity of guests is filmed for the whole time they stay in the cell.

3. They can enjoy great views of New York on the roof deck outside the room.

The room is inspired by the alienation (疏离感) Miao felt as a new immigrant—feelings he believes are universal. “It’s not for fun. It’s for an experience. 4.” said Miao.

A.It’s too expensive for common people to afford.

B.Actually, Miao’s room is so popular that you have to book three months in advance.

C.It’s only one dollar a night.

D.Miao says that to live in his jail cell, people don’t have to be a criminal, but there are a number of rules that need to be followed.

E.More like a psychological New York City experience.

F.Despite the strict rules, guests are given a key to the cage to let themselves in and out as they please.



    The goings-on in the consulting room have become more transparent(透明的)recently. Thank goodness. We know more than the lines supplied by the movies in which the therapist knows all and gives wisdom to those who, sitting on a couch, consult with them. Therapists are interested in how the individual, the couple or the family experiences and understands their difficulties. That has to be a starting place. We can be of value if our first port of call is to listen, to gradually feel ourselves into the shoes of the other, to absorb the feelings that are being conveyed and to think and then to say some words.

The thinking and talking that I do inside the consulting room is at odds with many features of ordinary conversation. Not that it is mysterious, but it isn't concerned with traditional ways of sharing or identifying. The therapist makes patterns and theories, but they are also reflecting on the words that are spoken, how they are delivered and how the words, once spoken, affect the speaker and the therapist themselves.

Words can give voice to previously unknown feelings and thoughts. That’s why it’s called the talking cure. But just as words reveal so, too, can they obscure, and this gets us to the listening and feeling part of the therapy. Whatever and however the words are delivered, they will have an impact on me as a therapist. I might feel hopeless, I might feel energized, I might feel pushed away, I might feel demanded of, I might feel pulled to find solutions.

The influence of the other is what makes any relationship possible or impossible. A therapist is trained to reflect on how those who consult with them affect them. As I try to step into the shoes of the other and then out again, my effort is to hold both those experiences, plus an awareness of my ease or discomfort with what I encounter in the relationship.

Feelings are the bread and butter of our work in the consulting room. They inform or modify our ideas and they enable us to find an emotional bridge to what can so hurt for the people we are working with. Along with the more commonly thought-about theories and ideas we have about the psyche, they are an essential part of the therapist's  toolkit, certainly for me. The talking cure means talking, yes. It also means the therapist is listening, thinking and feeling.

1.In which way is the thinking and talking the writer does different from ordinary conversation?

A.It may not be understood by patients.

B.It is full of terms used by most therapists.

C.It is a good reflection of traditional talking.

D.It involves thinking about how people speak.

2.The word" obscure"(paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to________.

A.cancel B.clarify

C.confirm D.conceal

3.Which of the following is the writer most likely to agree with?

A.Patients' influence has been neglected by therapists for too long a time.

B.Therapists need to think from their own perspectives as well as patients'.

C.It is no easy job for therapists to realize how uncomfortable their patients are.

D.Therapists had better push away those negative emotions acquired from patients.

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Awareness of feelings B.It’s good to talk—and listen

C.Theories that help therapists D.What is the point of being a therapist



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