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People eat more when they are glued to t...

    People eat more when they are glued to the television, and the more entertaining the program, the more they eat, according to a new research.

It seems that distracted(分心的)brains do not notice what the mouth is doing, said Dr Alan Hirsch, neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. Hirsch explored the effect of smell, taste and eating behaviors while watching TV by measuring the number of potato chip eaten.

Forty-five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted while they watched programs by late- night talk show hosts David Letterman and Jay Leno. They were also given chips to eat when the television was off. Hirsh found people ate an average of 44 percent more chips while watching Letterman and 42 percent more while viewing Leno, than when they did not watch TV.

“If you can concentrate on how the food tastes you’ll eat less because you’ll feel full faster,” Hirsch said in an interview all the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Toronto. “So if that’s the case, let’s look at the opposite. What if you’re distracted? If you’re distracted, in theory then , eat more.”

Through his research at the foundation, Hirsch has helped people overcome the loss of sense and taste sensation, which typically results in weight gain became the brain does not know when it should stop eating.

The ventromedial nucleus(腹内侧核)in the hypothalamus(丘脑下部)where the so-called satiety (饱足)center is located, tells the body whether it is hungry or full. If it is stopped tricked the result can be changed in eating patterns, he said,“People who cook spaghetti all day don’t feel like eating spaghetti at the end of the day,” said Hirsch. “By being exposed to a smell all day long it’s tricking the hypothalamus.”

Volunteers were asked to concentrate on the sensory characteristics of the food such as taste and smell. Researchers say these sensory taste and smell, in addition to internal body changes, signal satiety. But when distracted, a person does not pay attention to either the body’s sensations of feeling full, or to the sensory characteristics of the food.

Many studies have linked obesity to watching television and that link is likely due to inactivity. But perhaps entertaining shows are also contributing. “If you want to lose weight, turn off the television or watch something boring,” Hirsch said.

1.What does the underlined word “glued to” in Para. l mean?

A.away from B.performing in C.close to D.lost in

2.How did Hirsch carry out the research?

A.By watching people eat. B.By interviewing people.

C.By counting how many chips people eat. D.By observing how people watch television.

3.What do Hirsch’s words in Para.6 mean?

A.They think spaghetti unhealthy. B.They have smelt spaghetti enough.

C.They don’t like eating spaghetti. D.Spaghetti has affected the hypothalamus.

4.What do we know from Hirsch’s study?

A.Inactivity is likely to make people fat.

B.Entertaining shows are the main causes of obesity.

C.The more concentration on food taste, the less you’ll eat.

D.The ventromedial nucleus can tell whether one is hungry or full.

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.People eat more when watching TV. B.It is not good for our health to eat chips.

C.People enjoy eating while watching TV. D.How people can enjoy the TV programs.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。新的研究表明:当人们目不转睛地盯着电视看时,他们会吃得更多,而且,节目的娱乐性越强,人们吃得就越多。 1. 词句猜测题。根据下文the more entertaining the program, the more they eat(节目的娱乐性越强,人们吃得就越多)可推断,人们全神贯注看电视时,吃的更多,故划线词组含义与lost in意思相近,表示“沉浸于;迷失于”。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段的Hirsch explored the effect of smell, taste and eating behaviors while watching TV by measuring the number of potato chip eaten.(赫希通过测量吃薯片的数量,探讨了在看电视对嗅觉、味觉和饮食行为的影响。)可指,赫希通过计算人们吃了多少薯条进行了这项研究。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据下文By being exposed to a smell all day long it’s tricking the hypothalamus.( 整天暴露在一种气味中,它在欺骗下丘脑)可推断,划线句句意:整天吃意大利面的人在一天结束时不想吃意大利面,表示他们闻够了意大利面的味道。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。根据第四段If you can concentrate on how the food tastes you’ll eat less because you’ll feel full faster.如果你能把注意力集中在食物的味道上,就会吃得少一些,因为你会更快地感觉到饱胀感。因此推断从这项研究可知,越集中在食物味道上,饱腹感越强,你就会吃得越少。故选C。 5. 主旨大意题。根据第一段People eat more when they are glued to the television, and the more entertaining the program, the more they eat, according to a new research.可知,据最近一项研究显示,当人们目不转睛地盯着电视看时,他们会吃得更多,而且,节目的娱乐性越强,人们吃得就越多。所以短文主要在说人们看电视时吃得更多。故选A。

    The earliest films were short, lasting only one minute or less. People could, for one cent, see simple action of trains, fire engines, parades(游行),crowds on city streets, and similar subject. Soon, 20-minute pictures of news items were being shown in theatres at the end of the regular stage show. Later, films used a new method (putting the beginning of one scene upon the end of the scene before) for magical effects and to tie a story together. In 1903 a film was made about a train robbery. Much of the action took place at the same time — the robbers escaping, the men meeting and planning to capture them — and the scenes shifted smoothly, back and forth from one scene to another instead of unnaturally showing each scene separately.

This was the early successful film in which scenes were filmed al different places and times and then combined to make a logical story. A short time later, theaters showed for five cents a whole hour’s entertainment of short films — comedy, travel, and drama. These films were simple and rough, and many were vulgar(粗俗的). Gradually, the tastes of the audiences improved as the techniques improved.

1.What do we know about the films before 1903?

A.Their subjects were very simple . B.They were all about stage shows.

C.They were long and very expensive. D.They had regular 20-minute news items.

2.Which film was the first to have a logical story?

A.The one about a train robbery. B.The one about actions of trains.

C.The one with a stage. D.The one with pictures of news.

3.What does the underlined word “ rough”mean?

A.In good condition. B.Unlucky.

C.Not carefully made. D.Humorous.

4.What can we infer from the last passage?

A.It was too difficult to see a drama at that time.

B.The audience tastes improved because films got longer.

C.The early films were filmed at the same place and time.

D.More techniques were used in film making as time went on.

5.Which is the best tile for the passage?

A.The Charm of Films B.The Early Films

C.Changing Films D.The Success of Films



    Thanksgiving is an important festival in North America. We interviewed several students from America and Canada. Here is what they think about their Thanksgiving experiences.

Josie from New York, USA

In America, Thanksgiving is celebrated every year at the end of November. It is to remember the first group of people from Europe to live in America. When they first arrived, they found the environment strange. But they learned to survive after some American friends showed them how to grow and find food. Thanksgiving is meant to be traditional celebration.

Ian from

Saskatoon, Canada

In Canada, Thanksgiving is held on the 2nd Monday in October. On the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day, many people go to church. Thanks is given for all the good things that happened to them during the year. I always give thanks for the nice big turkey I’m going to have at the family dinner Like all festivals, Thanksgiving is about food

Todd from

California, USA

Thanksgiving is the first day of Christmas shopping. That means we have four weeks to buy Christmas presents for our families and friends to thank them. For me and my friends , the most important part of the festival is the big football game on TV. The match is watched by millions of people all over America Thanksgiving is seen as an exciting day for football!

Katie from

Maritimes, Canada

On Thanksgiving Day, we have dinner with all our cousins aunts and uncles. It is always very busy. Sometimes we have two Thanksgiving dinners because we go to both our grandparents’ houses. The dinner is usually attended by more than twenty people at each house! My mother and my aunts do all the cooking but the washing-up is done by me and my cousins. And that’s not an easy job! But I don’t mind because Thanksgiving is warn to be a time to give thanks. meant to be a time to give thanks.




1.What does Joise say about Thanksgiving?

A.It is to thank Americans. B.She can buy presents for friends.

C.She can have dinner with the family? D.It is to remember the first European settlers.

2.When do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving?

A.At the end of November. B.The day before Christmas.

C.On the day of family union. D.The second Monday of October.

3.Who feels that Thanksgiving is all about football?

A.Ian. B.Josie. C.Todd. D.Katie.

4.Where does the person who gives thanks for turkey come from?

A.New York. B.California. C.Maritimes. D.Saskatoon.

5.What do the four opinions have in common?

A.Thanksgiving is a time of thanks. B.Thanksgiving dinner is important.

C.Religious celebration is necessary. D.Buying presents for friends is a must.



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

假设你是明启中学高三学生王放,最近你即将前往几所初中向那里的学生介绍你就读的学校, 写一篇发言稿,内容须包括:

1. 你的学校最吸引你的地方是什么

2. 你当时选择这所学校的原因是什么




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.只有通过有效的监管, 提高市民的意识,共享单车才能起到服务大众,节约资源的作用。(Only



Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.

e-learning: Hazy past—better future?

How much of an effect does technology have on students’ learning? A significant one, it seems, according to experts. Currently available technologies, the most important of which are computers and the Internet, apparently provide a learning environment in which problem-solving and intellectual enquiry can flourish. The process of learning in the classroom may become significantly more effective as students can deal with information on the computer. Or so the theory goes. My own viewpoint is rather different, I’m afraid.

Computers have been around for two decades as part of school equipment. There are, of course, obstacles like costs to overcome, but it’s just a matter of time and effort. This is because schools have done what every organisation does when it sees an innovation—it applies the innovation to its existing model, which adds cost but doesn’t transform the standard classroom. We have, during that period, spent over $60 billion on them, but in my view they seem to have had little or no effect on learning in schools. Content is king and the mode of delivery is irrelevant. If a teacher makes the subject matter interesting, it does not matter what, if any, equipment is used.

However, change is on the horizon. I think student-centred learning will become the norm and transform education. Computers will pave the way for far more independent learning. Students who currently don’t have access to schools or teachers are now able to get online. They can study from home thanks to the fact that more learning programmes are being written for learners who are forced by their circumstances to be self-sufficient. This would prove especially beneficial in those areas of the world where quality education is limited or extremely expensive. Therefore, in a few years’ time we could have a completely different conversation about technology and its impact on learning.



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