满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Which place will the man go to this week...

Which place will the man go to this weekend?

A.A concert hall. B.A stadium. C.A gallery.


C 【解析】 【原文】 W: I thought you were going to that concert this weekend. Shouldn’t you be on your way to the stadium by now? M: That’s next weekend. This weekend I will enjoy an art exhibition with my mom in town.  

How does the woman want her meat cooked?

A.Rare. B.Medium-rare. C.Well done.



假如你是中学生李华,你的美国网友Tim 对中国的春节很好奇,写信向你询问一些春节的一些习俗。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:

1. 春节的时间;

2. 中国人庆祝春节的方式;

3. 欢迎他来中国过春节。



Dear Tim,

In your last letter,you said you were really interested in the Spring Festival in China.


Best wishes!


Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。





I have a good friend what name is Zhang Juan. She is our monitor and one of the excellent student in our class. Though she is clever, but she studies very hard. We have a lot on common and have a lot to talk about. One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out. She was doing her homework one Sunday morning while she smelt something burning. She stopped to look out of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out of her neighbor’s house. He called 119 immediately. Ten minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. They were very thankfully for her help.




1.____________(宗教的)groups are now able to meet quite openly.

2.I ___________(道歉) for being late, but I have just had a message from the hospital.

3.Take into account your own ___________(长处)and weaknesses.

4.You need people working for the ____________(利益)of the community.

5.There is a general ___________(信念;信仰)that things will soon get better.

6.____________ (不像;不同于)most systems, this one is easy to operate.

7.When the car stopped in the town square, it was _______________(包围;环绕)by soldiers.

8.They looked at him with a ____________(混合;混合物)of horror and envy.

9.X-rays have _____________(证实)that he has not broken any bones.

10.On the ___________(正相反), those who let teenagers experience failures of their actions can do better.



    While he was driving his Ford, he saw an old lady on the side of the road, who needed help. So he _______ in front of her Mercedes and got out. He looked _______ and hungry. Even with the smile on his face, she was _______. Was he going to hurt her? He could see that she was frightened. He said, “I am here to _______ you, ma’am. By the way, my name is Bryan.”

Well, all she had was a flat tyre. Bryan crawled under the _______. Soon he changed the tyre. But he got dirty and his _______ hurt.

She couldn’t thank him enough. She asked him how much she should _______ him. He told her that if she _______ wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could _______ that person the help that he or she needed.

The lady ________ off. A few miles down the road she saw a small and shabby ________. She went in to eat. The waitress came over and smiled, ________ her a clean towel to wipe her wet hair.

She noticed that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕). When she finished her________ and the waitress went to get ________ for her hundred-dollar bill, she slipped right out of the restaurant. When the waitress ________, she saw four $100 bills on the table.

When she climbed into bed that night, she was still thinking about the ________ the lady had left to her. How could she have ________ how much they needed it?

With the birth of the baby next month, it was going to be ________. And she knew how worried her ________ was. As he lay sleeping next to her, she said in a low ________, “Everything’s going to be all right, Bryan.”

1.A.stood up B.pulled up C.came up D.looked up

2.A.calm B.strong C.empty D.poor

3.A.excited B.brave C.worried D.special

4.A.help B.see C.thank D.treat

5.A.bed B.car C.tyre D.table

6.A.feelings B.clothes C.tips D.hands

7.A.pay B.cost C.lend D.offer

8.A.actually B.exactly C.really D.carefully

9.A.throw B.give C.receive D.borrow

10.A.drove B.turned C.showed D.sent

11.A.farm B.bedroom C.village D.restaurant

12.A.recycling B.exchanging C.bringing D.washing

13.A.work B.meal C.decision D.research

14.A.change B.question C.attention D.break

15.A.dropped by B.ran away C.looked up D.came back

16.A.notice B.suitcase C.money D.present

17.A.enriched B.known C.counted D.found

18.A.hard B.popular C.safe D.painful

19.A.baby B.boss C.customer D.husband

20.A.spirit B.accent C.voice D.courage



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