满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day in May 1884,twenty-one-year-old ...

    One day in May 1884,twenty-one-year-old Ida Bell Wells ___a train for Woodstock.Ida sat in the first-class ladies'___ and opened her book.Minutes later the conductor __ passengers' tickets.He told Ida to go to the other carriage.

In 1884,African Americans, ___in the South,did not have the same __ as whites.They could not ___the same schools and they were expected to sit in a(n) __ railroad carriage,one that was usually dirty and smoke-filled,though they were charged __ fare.

Having paid for a first-class ticket,Ida refused to __.Then the conductor,together with two other railroad men,__ Ida from her seat,tearing her sleeve.After she was____out of her seat,Ida sued(起诉)the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.When the case went to __,the judge decided in Ida' s favor.He __ her 500 dollars in damages.But Ida' s __ did not last long.The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad appealed its case.This time,the victory went to the railroad.

Ida had lost her ___with the railroad,but not her determination to ___what was right. After losing her case,Ida wrote an article about it,which ___in a number of African American newspapers.Readers quickly recognized the __ of Ida' s words.

In 1913,Ida came to Washington,D.C.as a journalist.There she became a representative of the National Equal Rights League.The league __ President Woodrow Wilson to end segregation(种族隔离). Ida didn't live to see the end of segregation,but she did help lead the way in bringing about ___for all.

1.A.operated B.boarded C.accommodated D.stopped

2.A.room B.station C.club D.coach

3.A.collected B.purchased C.reserved D.booked

4.A.similarly B.exactly C.particularly D.absolutely

5.A.rights B.levels C.problems D.qualities

6.A.finish B.visit C.attend D.establish

7.A.empty B.separate C.available D.private

8.A.basic B.full C.casual D.low

9.A.take in B.get in C.come in D.give in

10.A.pulled B.settled C.drove D.carried

11.A.requested B.guided C.stuck D.forced

12.A.press B.system C.court D.media

13.A.awarded B.returned C.owed D.handed

14.A.measure B.victory C.position D.attempt

15.A.belief B.challenge C.battle D.opportunity

16.A.look for B.stand up for C.reach for D.pay for

17.A.appeared B.explained C.stated D.reported

18.A.meaning B.charm C.value D.power

19.A.put off B.called out C.resulted in D.appealed to

20.A.fortune B.safety C.justice D.happiness


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,记叙了艾达为争取非裔美国人在权利上的平等,呼吁废除种族隔离政策所作出的努力和贡献。 1. 考查动词辨析。句意:1884年五月的一天,21岁的艾达贝尔威尔斯登上一辆去往Woodstock的火车。A. operated操作,手术;B. boarded登机、登船、登车;C. accommodated住宿;D. stopped停止。根据Ida sat in the first-class。可知,21岁的艾达贝尔威尔斯登上一辆去往Woodstock的火车。故选B。 2. 考查名词辨析。句意:艾达坐在女性头等车厢里坐下,翻开她的书阅览。A. room房间;B. station车站;C. club俱乐部;D. coach沙发;教练,车厢。根据 the other carriage可知,艾达坐在女性头等车厢里坐下。故选D。 3. 考查动词辨析。句意:数分钟以后,乘务员来收集乘客的车票。A. collected收集;B. purchased购买;C. reserved预留,保留;D. booked预订。这里根据常识,乘务员来验票当然要收集票据了。故选A。 4. 考查副词辨析。句意:在1884年非裔美国人,尤其是在美国南部,他们没有和白人相同的权利。A. similarly相似地;B. exactly确切地;C. particularly特别地;D. absolutely绝对地。根据in the South文,可知,在1884年非裔美国人,尤其是在美国南部,他们没有和白人相同的权利。故选C。 5. 考查名词辨析。句意:同上。A. rights权利;B. levels水平;C. problems问题;D. qualities质量。根据下文They could not 6 the same schools and they were expected to sit in a(n) 7 railroad carriage,one that was usually dirty and smoke-filled,though they were charged 8 fare.可知,他们没有和白人相同的权利。故选A。 6. 考查动词辨析。句意:他们不能上同样的学校读书,而且,尽管他们购买的是全票,但他们被要求坐与白人隔离开的火车车厢,而那里通常肮脏不堪,烟雾弥漫。A. finish完成;B. visit参观,访问;C. attend上(学);D. establish建立。根据the same schools可知,他们不能上同样的学校读书。故选C。 7. 考查形容词辨析。句意:他们不能上同样的学校读书,而且,尽管他们购买的是全票,但他们被要求坐与白人隔离开的火车车厢,而那里通常肮脏不堪,烟雾弥漫。A. empty空的;B. separate分开的;隔离的;C. available可获得的;D. private私有的,私人的。根据one that was usually dirty and smoke-filled可知,他们被要求坐与白人隔离开的火车车厢。故选B。 8. 考查形容词辨析。句意:尽管他们购买的是全票。A. basic基础的;B. full充满的;C. casual随意的;D. low低的。这里通过though转折含义推出尽管如此, 也……,而购买全票后应该享受和白人一样的权利的权利却没有了,所以才这样用转折词表达。故选B。 9. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:因为支付了全票购买头等舱座椅,所以艾达拒绝屈服。A. take in欺骗;B. get in进入;C. come in进来;D. give in屈服。根据下文Then the conductor,together with two other railroad men, 10 Ida from her seat,tearing her sleeve,艾达没有屈服。故选D。 10. 考查动词辨析。句意:然后乘务员和另外两个铁路工作人员拉着艾达离开她的座位,撕扯着她的衣袖。A. pulled拉;B. settled解决;C. drove驾驶;D. carried携带。根据tearing her sleeve可知,乘务员和另外两个铁路工作人员拉着艾达离开她的座位。故选A。 11. 考查动词辨析。句意:在艾达被强迫离开座位后,艾达起诉了Chesapeake和Ohio 铁路局。A. requested要求;B. guided指导;C. stuck困住;D. forced强迫。根据前面艾达不肯屈服,是被拉起来离开座位的,所以推出她是被强迫离开座位的。故选D。 12. 考查名词辨析。句意:当法院审理案子时,法官判决挨艾达胜诉。A. press媒体,新闻机构;B. system系统;C. court法院;D. media媒体。根据前面的Ida sued(起诉)一词可以推定是法院审理的案子。故选C。 13. 考查动词辨析。句意:法官奖励艾达500美元以弥补她的损失。A. awarded奖励;B. returned返还;C. owed拥有;D. handed传递。根据her 500 dollars in damages可知,法官奖励艾达500美元以弥补她的损失。故选A。 14. 考查名词辨析。句意:但是艾达的胜诉并没有持续多久。A. measure度量,测量;B. victory胜利;C. position位置;D. attempt尝试。根据下文This time, the victory went to the railroad. 这次胜诉给予了铁路局。这里victory是关键词。它直接告诉我们上次的是胜诉方艾达, 而这次的胜诉方是铁路局。故选B。 15. 考查名词辨析。句意:艾达在这次与铁路局的战斗中失败了。A. belief信任,信仰;B. challenge挑战;C. battle战斗,战役;D. opportunity机会,机遇。根据the victory以及 After losing可知,艾达在这次与铁路局的战斗中失败了。故选C。 16. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:但这并没有让她丧失坚决维护正义而战斗的决心。A. look for寻找;B. stand up for坚决维护;C. reach for够的目的是……D. pay for支付。根据 After losing her case,Ida wrote an article about it,which 17 in a number of African American newspapers.Readers quickly recognized the 18 of Ida' s words.可知,但这并没有让她丧失坚决维护正义而战斗的决心。故选B。 17. 考查动词辨析。句意:艾达写了一篇关于此事的文章,而它大量出现在非裔美国人的报刊上。A. appeared出现;B. explained解释;C. stated陈述;D. reported报道。根据Readers quickly recognized the 18 of Ida' s words.可知,艾达写了一篇关于此事的文章,而它大量出现在非裔美国人的报刊上。故选A。 18. 考查名词辨析。句意:读者很开快就意识到艾达文字的力量。A. meaning意义;B. charm迷人;C. value价值;D. power权力,能力。读者很开快就意识到艾达文字的力量。故选D。 19. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:1913年,艾达来到华盛顿成为了一名记者。在那里她成为了一名民族权力平等联合会的一名代表。该联合会呼吁总统Woodrow Wilson 结束种族隔离政策。A. put off放下;B. called out呼喊出;C. resulted in结果导致;D. appealed to吸引,呼吁。宗族隔离政策是民众自上而下的要求,这里应该是呼吁总统结束种族隔离政策。故选D。 20. 考查名词辨析。句意:艾达没有活着看到种族隔离的结束,但她确实在为所有人争取公正方面起到了带头作用。A. fortune幸运;B. safety安全;C. justice公平;D. happiness幸福。种族隔离政策的废除本身就是废除权利不平等,不公平的社会现象。所以她确实在为所有人争取公正方面起到了带头作用。故选C。

Lessons learned in past outbreaks

The novel coronavirus dominates(主导)the headlines as one of the world's most pressing issues.It has killed more people than the 2003 SARS outbreak,according to the World Health OrganizationWHO).1.?

One of the biggest lessons from SARS was to share the latest information about the virus with the public and other countries in the world as quickly as possible.,2.,allowing scientists around the world to start developing a vaccine(疫亩)on Jan 12,according to Xinhua.

With experiences of fighting against SARS and MERS,many countries were also better prepared to stop the spread of coronavirus.3..During the 2012 MERS outbreak,research showed that infected camels caused the outbreak.According to the WHO,strict measures were enacted(实施), restricting the sale of camels and camel products in the Arabian Peninsula.There were also mass health tests for all those in close contact with diseased animals.4.

In the fight against the novel coronavirus,China has also taken many effective measures to control the virus.Under the leadership and command of the central government,all provinces and municipalities(自治区)across the country have launched a Level One emergency response to the novel coronavirus.5..It is because of these effective measures that the epidemic has been constrained (限制)successfully within China,with the confirmed cases less than many other countries.

A.They also quickly isolated(隔离)those who were confirmed infected for medical care

B.Chinese health officials published the details of the new virus online

C.The number of infections overall in China are now far more than that of SARA

D.Following the measures,the number of the infected has dramatically decreased

E.The outbreak has killed many people since the first death was reported in Wuhan

F.But there is no better prevention than stopping the source

G.What can we learn from the past outbreaks,including SARS and MERS



    Living gratefully has a huge transforming power,not just when something wonderful or special happens,but every day no matter what is happening.

I've recently been involved with two people whose lives were challenged by bad luck.I have seen how grateful living had the power to keep one of them going and how it's beginning to lift the other.One was a friend and the other is my sister.

My friend seemed to be in good health when she received a deadly diagnosis(诊断):a disease with no effective treatment.She had all the emotions that a tragedy(悲剧)brings,but she also had a powerful response to despair that gave her"the happiness that doesn't depend on what happens."She wrote online daily,honestly sharing the details of her situation.

She wrote that even though it was difficult to move,this gave her more time to notice small things.

She was grateful not only for the love and help of family and friends,but also for time to see the sun rise and watch the birds in her yard.No opportunity for gratefulness was wasted.

She taught that gratefulness is not a false cheerfulness.It's taking every opportunity to celebrate the blessings of small things.We can be grateful for the challenges that help us develop compassion(同情)for each other.Life is a precious gift.

She repeatedly blogged(写博客)that she was happier than she had ever been.

When she wrote about"the worst day",she ended with"life is still a lovely gift."She died later that day.

Her message,however,changed my sister's life.My sister's health was getting worse and worse, though nothing life-threatening.She did have a very painful knee.Her life was in danger from her defeated spirit.She was bedbound(卧床不起),getting weaker and weaker.Fearful,angry and depressed,she felt out of options for recovery.

I read my sister a few of my friend's messages.I was careful not to say,"Why can't you be more like her?"Instead,I let the words do their work.I'm grateful to say that an attitude of gratitude began to replace her anger and fear.I believe this helped her to heal.

We can't be grateful for all that happens,but we can practice gratefulness for all that happens,but we can practice gratefulness for life itself,for all we can learn to deal with,for all the ways we can help each other grow and heal.

1.How did the author's sister feel when she was ill?





2.What happened when the author's friend found she had an incurable disease?

A.She complained that life was unfair to her.

B.She started to appreciate and enjoy the small things in life.

C.She tried her best to look for treatment.

D.She repeatedly blogged about how painful it was.

3.What message does the article mainly convey?

A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B.Gratitude has the power of lifting people's spirits.

C.Health is the most important thing for people.

D.Families will always be there no matter what happens.



    You know the old phrase,"Practice makes perfect."That may not always be true.According to a recent study published in Royal Society Open Science,there are other factors for reaching elite(最优秀的)levels of ability.

The researchers set out to replicate(复制)the process of a new-famous 1993 study of top-level violinists and pianists.On average,the earlier study found that top-ranked musicians had clocked over 10,000 hours of practice by the age of 20.It put their success down to the hours spent practicing, downplaying the importance of natural,learning skills and other factors.

Author Malcolm Gladwell later relied on this study for his 2008 book,Outliers.He called 10,000 hours"the magic number of greatness”.

Questioning this conclusion,Brooke Macnamara and Megha Maitra,from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio,US,sought volunteers to put the 10,000-hour rule to the test.

The pair organized violinists into three groups,based on whether their tutors rated them as the best players,good players,or average players.They were then told to record how long they practiced every week.

They found that the“average”players had around 6,000 hours of practice.However,there was little separating the good from the best musicians.Both groups had approximately 11,000 hours of practice by the age of 20.In all,the number of hours spent practicing accounted for about a quarter of the skill difference across the three groups.

Once you get to the highly skilled groups,practice stops accounting for the difference,"Mannamara told the Guardian."Smaller factors then determine who goes on to that superelite level."

The factors depend on the skill being learned:in chess it could be intelligence or working memory,in sport it may be how efficiently a person use oxygen,"she said.She also pointed out the factor of motivation and the interactions of different factors.

Ralf Krampe,a co-author of the 1993 study,disagrees,saying the quality of practice and teaching does matter.“....I still consider deliberate(刻意的)practice to be by far the most important factor,"he told the Guardian.

It should be said that neither side discounts the value of making an effort.Even if you aren't destined(命中注定)to be the world's greatest violinist,practice will make you a little bit better than you were yesterday.

1.What can we learn from the 1993 study?

A.The 10.000-hour rule applies to everything.

B.Natural talent is particularly important for musicians.

C.Practice is the key to mastering a skill.

D.It's better to learn an instrument at a young age.

2.What did the study by Macnamara and Maitra find?

A.The three groups of violinists varied a lot in their practice times.

B.The mastering of different skills required different hours of practice.

C.Motivation and talent determined whether one could become an elite violinist.

D.Practice time didn't make much difference between"the best"and"good"violinists.

3.The underlined word"discount"probably means

A.prove B.ignore

C.recognize D.consider



    If you walk through a park,you may enjoy the scents(气味)of flowers,water and soil.If you are especially lucky,you will get to smell fresh-cut grass.It's a beloved scent that transports many people back to their childhood.But there's a dark side to that smell.Indeed,we are in love with the scent of fear.

Plants have many different chemical defenses.That smell is one of them,as the grass responds to an attack,signaling(......示意)to the surrounding grass that danger is coming.The fresh,"green”scent of a just-mowed lawn is the lawn trying to save itself,says a story at science website Real-Clear Science.

The smell is produced by a mix of chemicals called green leaf volatiles(GLVs,绿叶挥发物).When the leafy plants are injured by animals eating them, people cutting them, or any other rough treatment-they give off GLVs into the air.These GLVs are a warning to neighbouring plants that their flowers might be removed,so they can move resources like sugar toward their roots and away from their flowers.This reduces a plant's potential losses and can help it grow back later.

The rush of GLVs does a few other things,too.One chemical helps to close the wound on the damaged plant.Others act as antibiotics(抗生素)and prevent bacterial infections.

Some GLVs may also react with animals that eat plants.Silke All-mann and Ian T.Baldwin, researchers from the University of Amsterdam,Netherlands,found that some caterpillars(毛虫)are changed by the GLV compounds(化合物)when they eat a tobacco plant.Tobacco makes the caterpillars more attractive to predators(捕食者).For the tobacco plants,this is like having an older brother come to beat up your bully(欺凌者).

Thankfully,nothing is coming to eat you when you mow the lawn.Instead,we human get treated to some great-smelling GLVs.One is a compound known as"cis-3-hexenal".This is the same chemical that gives strawberries their sweet scent.Similar compounds are also found in apples and olives.

Just about all fresh vegetables have some GLV scents to them,"Baldwin told Live Science,and fruits may release the compounds as they soften."Throughout evolutionary history,we've used that information to know when something is ripe,"Baldwin said.Now we can use it to know when grass is frightened.

1.What do we know about GLVs?

A.They are harmful to humans. B.They are unique to flowering plants.

C.They tend to stay in the air for a long time. D.They are released when plants get hurt.

2.How may plants react to the GLVs produced by neighbouring plants?

A.They grow more quickly. B.They produce more flowers.

C.They absorb more water. D.They transport resources to their roots.

3.In paragraph5,the underlined part"an older brother"refers to

A.a kind of antibiotic B.a predator. C.a caterpillar. D.a tobacco plant.

4.According to Baldwin,GLVs can

A.tell us whether fruits are ready to eat. B.protect plants from pests.

C.help fruits grow more quickly. D.help people choose delicious fruits.




1. 活动目的; 2.活动时间、地点、具体内容等。


1. 词数100左右;






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