满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

用单词的适当形式填空 1.She wanted to i________ her...


1.She wanted to i________ her students by having them listen to this instructive speech.

2.Please be more c_______ and don’t play loud music late at night.

3.An outbreak of fire or an accident is an________ (突发事件).

4.The cat walked slowly and carefully to a________ the mouse and then suddenly it jumped onto it.

5.The committee includes _________ (代表) from industry.

6.I was surprised that _________ (贯穿) our whole visit to Australia we only saw one kangaroo.

7.The teacher w________ to me, “ You did a good job.” He did not want the others to hear.

8.The condition prevents the blood from _________ (循环) freely.

9.Her comfort put me at e___________ .

10.There’s a  _________ (迷惑的) look on her face.


1.inspire 2.considerate 3.emergency 4.approach 5.representatives 6.throughout 7.whispered 8.circulating 9.ease 10.confused 【解析】 本题考查学生的单词拼写能力和词汇的语境应用能力。 1. 考查动词。句意:她想通过让学生们听这个有启发性的演讲来激励他们。根据所给的句子,结合首字母提示可知,应是inspire。inspire,动词,意为“鼓舞;激励”,句中应是动词不定式形式作谓语“wanted”的宾语,且不定式符号to已存在,填动词原形即可。故填inspire。 2. 考查形容词。句意:请多体谅,不要在深夜大声放音乐。根据所给的句子,结合首字母提示可知,应是considerate。considerate,形容词,意为“体贴的;考虑周到的”,句中作“be”的表语,结合句中暗含的语气可知,应是比较级形式“more considerate”,句中more已存在。故填considerate。 3. 考查名词。句意:火灾或事故的爆发是紧急情况。根据所给的句子,结合汉语提示可知,应是emergency。emergency,可数名词,意为“突发事件; 紧急情况”。故填emergency。 4. 考查动词。句意:猫慢慢地小心地靠近老鼠,然后突然它跳到老鼠身上。根据所给的句子,结合首字母提示可知,应是approach。approach,动词,意为“走近;靠近”,句中为动词不定式“to do”形式作目的状语,不定式符号to已存在。故填approach。 5. 考查名词。句意:该委员会包括工业界的代表。根据所给的句子,结合汉语提示可知,应是representative。representative,可数名词,意为“代表”,结合句意可知应用复数形式。故填representatives。 6. 考查介词。句意:令我惊讶的是,我们整个澳大利亚之行只看到一只袋鼠。根据所给的句子,结合汉语提示可知,应是throughout。throughout,介词,意为“贯穿;自始至终”。故填throughout。 7. 考查动词。句意:老师小声对我说:“你做得很好。”他不想让别人听见。根据所给的句子,结合首字母提示可知,应是whisper。whisper,动词,意为“耳语;低声说”,句中担当谓语成分,根据后文“He did not want the others to hear”可知,应是一般过去时。故填whispered。 8. 考查动词。句意:这种情况使血液不能自由循环。根据所给的句子,结合汉语提示可知,应是circulate。circulate,动词,意为“循环”,prevent sth from doing,固定结构,意为“阻止……做某事”。故填circulating。 9. 考查名词。句意:她的安慰使我感到安心。根据所给的句子,结合首字母提示可推知,应是ease。ease,不可数名词,意为“舒适;悠闲”,at ease,固定结构,意为“舒适自在;安心”。故填ease。 10. 考查形容词。句意:她脸上有一种困惑的表情。根据所给的句子,结合汉语提示可推知,应是confused。confused,形容词,意为“迷惑的;困惑的”,句中作定语用于修饰look(神态;表情)。故填confused。

    I live about a mile from a gas station. In front of that gas station is a bus stop. I see people at that bus stop every single day, but 1 never really have ____ them.

A few days ago in the morning,____ I was waiting at the light in front of the gas station, a man ___a loaded cart down walked in front of me at the crossings. I __ him. He was someone I had seen at the bus station before. When 1 came home later in the day, I____him sitting at the bus stop again. And, the next morning, there he was. When I came home that evening, he was____there. Suddenly I ___he wasn't catching any ____ . So, today I ____ pulled into the gas station and ____ myself. The man’s name is Bill. He was reading a book and I apologized for the____. I told him that I saw him sitting there every day and ____ what he needed, ____ . Bill smiled and told me that the money from his check ____halfway through the month and that sometimes people helped him out with food. I reached for my____ and pulled out every bill in it. He accepted with _____ eyes. He shook my hand and thanked me. ____I plan on buying some ____ groceries when I shop next and pick up some ____ he likes to read.

I just wonder how many others are like me and see someone in ____ every day, but never think to ask them what they can do to assist.

1.A.looked at B.searched for C.accepted D.understood

2.A.until B.after C.as D.since

3.A.packing B.pushing C.removing D.passing

4.A.discovered B.admitted C.ignored D.recognized

5.A.reminded B.noticed C.felt D.prevented

6.A.still B.ever C.only D.finally

7.A.occurred B.predicted C.realized D.confirmed

8.A.thief B.flight C.breath D.bus

9.A.proudly B.finally C.normally D.casually

10.A.approached B.presented C.introduced D.mentioned

11.A.interruption B.disturbance C.mistake D.trouble

12.A.wondered B.weighed C.desired D.begged

13.A.even so B.if anything C.just in case D.when possible

14.A.broke in B.set up C.ran out D.gave away

15.A.money B.account C.card D.wallet

16.A.sleepy B.watery C.surprising D.curious

17.A.Besides B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Therefore

18.A.delicious B.valuable C.extra D.healthy

19.A.checks B.books C.words D.comments

20.A.return B.vain C.relief D.need



Ways to Track Your Personal Health Information on Your Phone

Your smartphone is a powerful and flexible tool for acquiring information related to your health. 1. There are other various ways that allow the user several approaches for acquiring health information.

2.The sensors (传感器) built in to your phone can automatically acquire selected types of health information when they are linked to suitable apps. Thus, the apps take advantage of the phone's stock hardware to deliver specialized health-related functions. 3. Numerous apps use the phone's GPS to track outdoor activities like running or walking. A handful of apps also use the accelerometer (加速度计) to track indoor activities like treadmill runningwhich would be impossible to measure with the GPS.

● Acquire information with a separate health sensor. The smartphone itself is a wonder of modern technology. 4. Here are a few devices you can connect with your phone to track health information: Activity trackers like the fitbit, blood pressure monitor, heart rhythm monitor. Comprehensive platforms like Apple's Health app make it easy to tie all this information together.

● Link to your electronic health records. Much of your health information may be stored in electronic health records maintained by your health care providers. 5.You can access your health records through a patient portal (入口) on your phone or download it with the Blue Button function.

A.See doctor with remote-controlled technology.

B.Acquire information with the phone’s sensors.

C.A popular example is tracking physical activity.

D.This is the most primitive way to track your health information.

E.Patients are now allowed to access information stored in electronic health records.

F.You can use your phone’s native apps or a cloud storage service to track your health information.

G.However, its greatest potential for health tracking may lie in the ability to connect to separate sensors.



    The U.S. high school dropout rate has fallen in recent years, with the number of dropouts declining from 1 million in 2012 to about 750,000 in 2016, according to a new study released on Tuesday. The number of “dropout factories" — high schools in which fewer than 60 percent of freshmen graduate in four years—declined significantly during the same period.

"Clear progress is being made," said Bob Wise, a former West Virginia governor who heads the Alliance for Excellent Education, one of the organizations that published the study. “It’s not a total success yet. We shouldn't take a victory lap. But we can at least start warming up.”

Education Secretary Arne Duncan has said the improving graduation rate serves as evidence that the nation's public schools are making progress. But there are many reasons that graduation rates can rise, and not all of them have to do with stronger schools preparing more students for life after high school.

Alabama, for examplemade outsize gains in 2014: Its graduation fate jumped more than six percentage points, the second-biggest increase in the nation. But the increase coincided with a policy change that took in the same year: Alabama students no longer had to pass a high school exit exam to earn a diploma. So what looks like a major improvement stemmed at least in part from easier requirements.

It is also not clear how many students are graduating with the skills they need for the workplace or for college. Graduation requirements vary widely across states, and many states offer multiple levels of diplomas with different requirements.

Arizona students can earn a standard diploma that requires four courses in math, four in English and three in science, according to Achieve, a nonprofit organization that has studied graduation requirements in each state. But Arizona students also can earn a “Grand Canyon" diploma, which requires just two courses each in math, science and English—less than many colleges require for admission.

1.The passage is meant to say that         .

A.there are few dropouts in U. S. high schools

B.the U.S. high school dropout rate has fallen

C.the number of “dropout factories" has increased

D.the number of high school students is increasing

2.The underlined phrase “coincided with" in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by        .

A.led to B.agreed with C.conflicted with D.contradicted with

3.What do we know about the “Grand Canyon" diploma in Arizona?

A.Students need to put more efforts into it.

B.It's much required for colleges in Arizona.

C.Students who get it won't necessarily be admitted to colleges.

D.It' s more difficult to get than a standard diploma.



    Something strange was happening inside Anne' s home. During the summer of 2014, twins Gavin and Garrett, then three, each had skin rash (疹子) that wouldn't go away. 14-year-old J. D. had stomach pains so severe that he couldn’t climb the stairsbut tests found nothing wrong. By winter, the family's health problems were getting worse.

One day, Anne found brown water flowed out of the tap. Worried that the water was polluted, the family began using bottled water for cookingdrinking, and bathing.

In January 2015the city of Flint sent out a notice stating that the water supply—which had been switched, in a cost-cutting measure, from the Detroit water system to the Flint River the previous spring—contained high levels of trihalomethanes (三卤甲烷). The notice warned that elderly people might be at risk for health problems but emphasized that the water was otherwise safe to drink.

Shocked, the self-claimed "stay-at-home mom turned water warrior" researched the water supply and searched the Internet for information that she distributed to city officials, listing the side effects of exposure to trihalomethanes. Then she urged her neighbors to attend city council meetings, where they shared their health problems. Still, officials insisted the water was safe to drink. So Anne demanded that the city test her water. The results were disturbing. The trihalomethanes were the least of her problems. The tests included that the lead levels in her water were nearly seven times the legal amount.

Anne had her children tested for lead. All the kids showed lead poisoning. She requested Flint's water quality reports and discovered that the city wasn't applying the proper corrosion (腐蚀) control standards to its pipes; the standards prevent the metal in pipes from leaking into the water.

1.How did Gavin suffer from the disease?

A.His stomach hurt so much that he couldn’t' climb the stairs.

B.He had rash on his skin which wouldn’t' disappear.

C.His disease got too ill for him to get any medical tests.

D.He had weak eyesight and couldn't go to school,

2.Why did the city of Flint change its water supply?

A.The Detroit water system had been polluted.

B.The Flint River was made clean a year ago.

C.They wanted to cut the cost of water supply.

D.The Flint River always has brown water.

3.The test of the water from Anne' s home showed that         .

A.her family had the worst of the trihalomethanes pollution

B.the water from her tap was safe to use except for drinking

C.her family was located in the most polluted part of the city

D.there was something more serious than the trihalomethanes

4.The water problem was caused by        

A.the lack of proper corrosion control to the pipes

B.the overuse of water-purifying chemicals

C.the exposure to trihalomethanes in the water

D.the improper use of metal in the pipes



Best Bites of Beijing (Fall, 2016)

Shangri-La’s AZUR launches healthy French bunch

AZUR, the newly opened fine-dining French restaurant by Shangri-La Hotel, is unveiling its weekend brunch menu on Saturday, featuring Michelin-class healthy and authentic French cuisine.

The buffet will offer unlimited seafood and each chef’s signature dish. The brunch (498 yuan) is available every Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 a.m.to 2:30 p.m. You can upgrade the experience with another 200 yuan to enjoy free-flowing champagne and other beverages.

29 Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing (8882 6727)

Get ready for the capital’s biggest pizza party

Pizza lovers, rejoice! The capital’s biggest annual pizza party organized by the Beijinger will be held on October 1516 this year at Wangjing SOHO. The 2016 Pizza Cup is expected to see thousands of festival-goers savoring a variety of pies from over 30 pizza joints in Beijing. Besides pizza, there will also be live music, beer, wine and interactive games for family and children.

For ticket information, visit: yoopay. cn/event/2016pizzacup (8601 6718). To learn more about the 2016 Pizza Cup, visit www. thebeijinger. com/2016pizzacup.

Celebrate the grape harvest with “Sofitel Wine Days”

September through October is the time when grapes are harvested in France. During this special season, all of the Sofitel hotels (French luxury hotel brand) around the world celebrate with its annual “Sofitel Wine Days”. The month-long celebration at Sofitel Wanda Beijing, started on Thursday, will host a number of events, from wine class, wine tasting to wine dinner.

Sofitel Wanda Beijing Tower C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Road, Beijing (8599 6666)

Unlimited lobster buffet, half price

The Grand Metro Park Hotel at Sanyuanqiao has just launched its all-day-dining seafood buffet on Thursday, including unlimited lobsters. For the first month, guests can enjoy the international buffet at half price at just 198 yuan net. You can also expect fresh sushi, sizzling grill, ice cream and more.

Grand Metro Park Hotel No.2 East Road, North Third Ring, Beijing (6462 2288)

1.If you want to reserve a table for brunch to enjoy fine French food, you should call         .

A.8882 6727 B.8601 6718 C.8599 6666 D.6462 2288

2.Sea food buffet at half price will be offered by         .

A.Shangri-La’s AZUR B.Beijinger

C.Sofitel hotel D.Grand Metro Park Hotel

3.What is the passage intended to do?

A.Advertise lifestyle in Beijing. B.Promote some food services.

C.Impress readers with Chinese food. D.Offer food service at special prices.



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