满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— What are you doing now, Li Ming? — I _...

— What are you doing now, Li Ming?

— I ________ an article about China’s Change - 4 spacecraft.

A.was reading B.read C.am reading D.will read


C 【解析】 考查动词时态。句意:——现在你在做什么,李明?——我正在写一篇关于中国嫦娥四号宇宙飞船的文章。问句询问的是现在在做什么,故答语回答的也是现在正在做的事情,用现在进行时,故选C。  

Reading a large number of books ________ make us wiser.

A.should B.can C.need D.must



— What do you think of The Wandering Earth?

— It’s really ________ wonderful movie.

A.a B.an C.the D.\




Jason looked out the window of the school bus.Normally,he liked to count the number of dogs he saw on the way to school.They always looked so happy on their morning walks.But today was different.

Jason had a test.

Jason had never taken a test before. He had heard about them, but tests were for big kids.Though now that he was in second grade,his teacher announced that the whole class would take a spelling test.She stood in front of the whole class and told everyone at once in a loud,clear voice.She explained that to do well on the test,the students would have to memorize their spelling words and rewrite them without any mistakes.

This made Jason feel very nervous.What would happen if he made a mistake? He was pretty good at spelling,but sometimes words sounded different than they looked.He practiced all of the words five times each last night.He hoped it was enough.

When Jason got to school,he didn't feel well.His stomach hurt.Jason went straight to the nurse's office,but the nurse told Jason that he wasn't sick.

“Sometimes when you're nervous or scared, it can make your tummy hurt,” the nurse said. “Try taking some deep breaths to relax.And good luck on your test!” And with that,the school nurse sent Jason to class.

“Oh,good!”Jason's teacher said when he walked in the door."I'm glad you're here.We were just about to start the test."She handed Jason a piece of paper.It was numbered one to ten,but had no other writing on it.

Jason put his name at the top like he always did.Then the teacher said"Number one:friend."The students were supposed to spell the word"friend”in the first blank space.Jason did his best.





4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

He hoped that he didn't mix up the "i" and the "e" in the word "friend".


Paragraph 2:

Before long, it was over. Jason's stomach didn't hurt any more either.




假定你是李华,想邀请外教Tom一起参观校园摄影作品展(photography exhibition).请给他写封邮件,内容包括:

1. 展览时间、地点;

2. 展览内容、意义;


注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




    Michael Evans was standing in line at the Treasurer's Office last August. _______, he heard a disturbing sound ahead of him.The elderly woman at the window was crying, and so was the cashier helping her.Then Evans _______ that the woman would lose her house because she could not _______the taxes.He was also _______ that the woman's daughter had recently_______.

Evans,a _______ who had just buried his father,couldn't _______ the idea of this woman losing her house right after losing her child. He _______ the window. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said to the cashier, “_______ if you can get her house back, I'll pay for her taxes.” The amount due: $5,000.

The two women were surprised. Their despair(绝望)turned to ________.The cashier left for a moment to ________ the amount and that it was ________ for Evans to pay it. Evans promised to go straight to the________to withdraw the money and come right back.And he did.

Why does Evans give so much to a ________?"Honestly,I don't like ________ money in the banks.Doing things with your money is better."________ paying the elderly woman's taxes,he says he did it"for no other reason but to ________ the lady was in her house.”

Michael Evans Sr.is nearing 60 and will________ soon. His son will carry on with his business. “I ________ my life after him,” Evans II says of his father. “When I have ________,I want them to look at me the way I look at my dad.”

1.A.Fortunately B.Gradually C.Actually D.Suddenly

2.A.hoped B.noticed C.learned D.remembered

3.A.afford B.charge C.offer D.refuse

4.A.worried B.shocked C.disappointed D.ashamed

5.A.passed away B.hung around C.broken down D.set off

6.A.businessman B.politician C.journalist D.detective

7.A.receive B.bear C.share D.gain

8.A.closed B.seized C.approached D.opened

9.A.and B.so C.though D.but

10.A.cheer B.satisfaction C.sorrow D.disbelief

11.A.add B.confirm C.determine D.evaluate

12.A.fair B.wise C.fine D.lucky

13.A.bank B.home C.company D.office

14.A.patient B.passer-by C.consumer D.stranger

15.A.raising B.putting C.hiding D.wasting

16.A.In spite of B.In terms of C.As for D.Apart from

17.A.announce B.guarantee C.expect D.discover

18.A.escape B.forget C.decline D.retire

19.A.honor B.live C.model D.spend

20.A.kids B.students C.employees D.companions



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