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Airports are mini cities, often with the...

    Airports are mini cities, often with their own firefighters, doctors and even priests. But goat herders(牧工)? Passengers flying out of San Francisco International Airport recently might have caught a glimpse of something strange: nearly 600 goats chewing away at overgrown weed. Each spring the airport needs to remove the brush in a remote comer to protect nearby homes from possible fires.

For the past seven years, the airport has turned to Goats R Us, a goat-powered brush removal company, which charged US $34,900 for the service this year. A large amount, isn't it? Why not employ machines on humans? Two endangered species, the San Francisco garter snake(束带蛇)and the California red-legged frog, live there. Thus, this humane approach has been adopted to secure their peaceful life.

What do the herders and their dogs do? There's always a goat or two that would like to take a different path. "Just as a kindergarten teacher knows which kids need a little extra attention, so we will make sure the dogs can target the 'naughty goats' to keep them secure," says Terri Oyarzun, co-owner of Goats R Us. When asked how to lead goats to the next plot of plants. Terri says, "It's effortless. You know, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? Goats were the inspiration for that philosophy."

The goats travel 30 miles each spring from their home in Orinda, California to the airport in a 16-wheel truck. They spend two weeks cutting away a 20-foot firebreak on the west side of the airport. When Oyarzun's mats aren't clearing brush at the airport, they are busy doing similar work on the side of California's free-ways, at state parks, and anywhere else with overgrown vegetation. The family has about 8,000 total active goats, nearly twice that of three years ago.

1.What can we know from Paragraph 1?

A.There is too much grass to feed goats B.Goats have successfully built firewalls.

C.Overgrown grass covers much room for planes. D.Grass is cleared annually to prevent potential fire.

2.Goats are hired to clear the grass for the purpose of       .

A.cutting down the expenses B.reducing the risk of deaths

C.guarding against possible fires D.protecting certain endangered species

3.Terri's words in Paragraph 3 can be best described as       .

A.critical B.humorous C.ridiculous D.objective

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The goats walk 30 miles to the airport every year.

B.More passengers have been attracted to the airport.

C.Oyarzun's business is now booming and promising.

D.Goats are not accustomed to life at the airport yet.


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了旧金山国际机场用山羊除草的一种奇怪现象。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句Each spring the airport needs to remove the brush in a remote comer to protect nearby homes from possible fires.可知,每年春天,机场都需要将偏远地区的灌木丛清除,以保护附近的房屋免受可能发生的火灾。由此可知,从第一段我们得知,机场每年都要清理草以防止潜在的火灾发生。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段Why not employ machines on humans? Two endangered species, the San Francisco garter snake(束带蛇)and the California red-legged frog, live there.可知,因为两种濒危物种,旧金山束带蛇和加利福尼亚红腿蛙,生活在那里,所以为了保护某些濒危物种,人们雇佣山羊来清理草地。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据该段Terri话中的Just as a kindergarten teacher knows which kids need a little extra attention, so we will make sure the dogs can target the 'naughty goats' to keep them secure," says Terri Oyarzun, co-owner of Goats R Us. When asked how to lead goats to the next plot of plants. Terri says, "It's effortless. You know, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?”正如幼儿园老师知道哪些孩子需要额外的关注一样,我们也会确保这些狗能瞄准那些“淘气的山羊”,以保证它们的安全。当被问到如何带领山羊到下一块植物区。特里说:“这很容易。你知道吗,篱笆那边的草总是更绿?由此判断出Terri在第3段中的话可以最好地描述为幽默。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。阅读最后一段,可知文章最后一段描述的是该公司业务繁忙;再结合The family has about 8,000 total active goats, nearly twice that of three years ago.这个家庭总共有8000只活跃的山羊,几乎是三年前的两倍。可知,员工(羊)数的变化则表明公司发展前景喜人。由此可推知,Oyarzun的业务现在蓬勃发展,前景光明。故选C。

    What comes to mind when you think of a museum? Perhaps you picture an impressive building in a rather traditional design made of high-quality stone? Some might consider these customary institutions the best way to safeguard the future of typical educational topics. But according to the Museums Association, a museum is traditionally defined as a place enabling "… people to have more knowledge via various collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment."

There are about 2500 museums in the UK; a few are bound to be considered a little unconventional, unusual or even unknown. However atypical your interest is, there's a museum for you!

What about Neil Cole's Adventures? This museum was opened by founder Neil Cole. Visitors to this Allendale attraction in Northumberland can see items ranging from stage properties used in the BBC series Dr Who to part of Thor's costume from the Avengers movie. "Science fiction has now become more mainstream so I thought people might want to see this," says Mr Cole.

If clocks are more to your taste, why not visit the Cuckooland Museum? Set up by brothers Roman and Maz Piekarski, this Cheshire collection of over 600 cuckoo clocks is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world— and all from the Black Forest region in Germany.

Then, you could visit the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities in London. This offbeat, alternative institution is against the trend of educating visitors through written descriptions alongside its collections. Instead, it displays all of its rare treasures, which include dodo bones, shrunken heads and a collection of McDonald's Happy Meal toys, with no caption at all.

There are many more wonderful institutions out there that march to the beat of their own drum. All you have to do is go and find them!

1.What do the traditional museums serve to do?

A.To educate kids more about the world. B.To help people explore more

C.To show visitors a specialized field. D.To help understand the real life.

2.What does Neil Cole's Adventures focus on?

A.Allendale scenery. B.Stage properties.

C.Science fiction. D.The Avengers movies.

3.Which of the following museums has no written explanation for visitors?

A.The Museum Association. B.Neil Cole's Adventures.

C.The Cuckooland Museum. D.The Viktor Wynd Museum.



阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

As a father, I was always seeking for opportunities to teach my son how to balance risk with freedom.

Last month, I bought four little chicks. I decided to make a beautiful coop (鸡笼) for them.

In the next few weeks, I, together with my son Gordon, spent all our spare time in the garage. Finally, the coop was finished.

While admiring his well-made handwork, Gordon suddenly raised his head and asked,

“Dad, shall we lock the chicks in the coop all the time? I am afraid they will be attacked by some fierce animals or become someone’s chicken soup?” Seeing his anxious look, I cracked a smile and asked, “Do you want to be trapped in a limited room or have the freedom to get around?” Hesitant for a while, he murmured, “Freedom, of course.” “Chicks will also think so.” Therefore, our chicks were often seen chasing around in the lawns (草坪), digging for bugs in the bushes and laying eggs in the yard.

Yesterday, we needed to go downtown to shop for food supply after lunch. Knowing that the chicks wouldn’t go very far, we left home with them running around the lawn. When we got back, the first thing Gordon did was to check on his chicks. There were only three chicks in the yard. Their feathers were no longer fair and smooth but dirty and tangled (乱糟糟的). Hearing our steps, they jumped to their feet and scattered in all directions, seeming to have just experienced a terrifying disaster. Worse still, Pecky, Gordon’s favourite chick was nowhere to be found.

We searched the yard inch by inch and found some feathers littering the yard. Seeing this, Gordon’s eyes got watery. I picked Gordon up and comforted him. As we began to accept the fact that we were now a three-chick family, we heard it---a soft clucking (咯咯声) sound under a bush.

Para 1: I put Gordon down and we looked under the bush.


Para 2: The next day Gordon offered to have a talk with me.





1. 主题:爱与和平;

2. 要求:上传视频到百度云(Baidu Cloud)

3. 截止时间:720日下午4点。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


The notice is to inform that the English Club is organizing its 2020 Best School Voice online competition.


July 14th, 2020 the English Club



    My mother believed in magic. She believed things happened for a/an _______ . She was vocal about “happy accidents”.

“See this little box? It’s magic: inside _______ a bird that can sing.”

I carefully wound the tiny music box, and my sons were _______ attracted by the beautiful music, coming up and wondering what it was. Besides singing, the bird _______ flapped (拍打) its wings, and opened and closed its small beak (鸟喙).

“Please don’t touch it,” I _______. However, weeks later I noticed the bird no longer moved back fully. I was so angry that I _______ my sons.

“I pushed the lid down,” volunteered the 7-year-old cautiously. Obviously, he realized what a big mistake he had made. I was going to _______ him. However, another voice told me that I might find a skilled person to _______ the bird back to life first.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered that few people could _______ broken music boxes. It took me lots of ________ to find one. After lots of time and cost, I was delighted to witness the fragile bird sing once more. What I did not ________ was that the tiny bird would also spin (旋转).

“It spins!” I said, totally ________.

“It’s supposed to do that,” the man said with a heavy German accent. “I guess it is ________ that your son broke it, because now the bird does what it was ________ to do.”

A happy accident, ________.

1.A.excuse B.result C.reason D.goal

2.A.flies B.lives C.lays D.sees

3.A.instantly B.eventually C.gradually D.accidentally

4.A.merely B.still C.suddenly D.also

5.A.requested B.declared C.warned D.repeated

6.A.gathered B.seized C.dragged D.led

7.A.comfort B.believe C.ignore D.punish

8.A.carry B.take C.bring D.get

9.A.discover B.make C.own D.repair

10.A.fortune B.efforts C.chances D.risks

11.A.observe B.expect C.realize D.feel

12.A.sad B.moved C.satisfied D.amazed

13.A.wrong B.reasonable C.good D.obvious

14.A.trained B.asked C.allowed D.designed

15.A.indeed B.though C.either D.instead



    In 1972, UNESCO started a programme to protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage. Since then, more than 800 cultural sites that are thought to be of special importance to human history and culture have been added to the World Cultural Heritage Site List. 1..

The Taj Mahal, which was built between 1631 and 1648, is a masterpiece of architecture.

It took more than 20,000 workers and 1,000 elephants to complete the project, and the stones came from as far away as China.

2.. In the early 17th century, India was ruled by an emperor named Shah Jahan. The emperor loved his wife, Mumtaz, so much that he built the Taj Mahal in her memory. Shah Jahan was later buried next to Mumtaz, and the couple now rest together forever.

If the Taj Mahal is a celebration of the heart, then the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are a monument to the mind and spirit. 3..

What makes the Qing and Ming Tombs so unique among amazing global buildings?

4.. Built by several emperors, the Imperial Tombs represent Chinese architectural styles and historical values that have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

5.. The UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites programme attempts to protect and preserve the best of human history. Masterpieces such as the Taj Mahal and the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us of what we can achieve at our finest, and inspire us to live up to our great past in the future.

A.Building the Taj Mahal was a labour of love.

B.There are many beautiful legends concerning it.

C.Two of the best-known examples are listed below.

D.The Imperial Tombs have been well-preserved ever since.

E.It’s the fact that they bring together architecture and philosophy.

F.Human life lasts only a short time but art and culture last forever.

G.Visitors can feel both the weight of history and a wonderful sense of peace.



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