满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



While 1 was sitting in the living room, the days that I spent with my mom crowded in on me. We had a very Tom and Jerry relationship. She was a strict trainer; I was naughty. She would ask me to buy groceries, and I wouldn't come right home because I'd be using the change from the milk and bread to play video games at the supermarket. I loved video games. I was a master at Street Fighter. I could go forever on a single play. I'd drop a coin in, time would fly, and the next thing 1 knew there'd be a woman standing behind me with a belt. It was a race. I'd take off out the door and through the dusty streets of Eden Park, climbing over walls. It was a normal thing in our neighborhood:

Everyone knew: The child would come through like a bat out of hell, and his mom would be right there behind him. She could go fast in high heels, but if she really wanted to come after me, she'd kick her shoes off while still going at top speed. She'd do this strange move with her ankles and the heels would go flying and she wouldn't even miss a step. When 1 was little she always caught me, but as I got older I got faster. So it was not easy for her to catch me.

Paragraph 1: When speed failed her, she used her wisdom.


Paragraph 2: If given a chance, I would let my mom run in front of me.



Paragraph 1: When speed failed her, she used her wisdom. The first trick was that if I was about to get away, she would yell,” Stop! Thief! ”. Her words brought the whole neighbors out against me. There were some strangers trying to catch me and tackle me, and I cried, “I'm not a thief! I 'm her son!” The second trick was to pretend to fall down while she was running to grab me. She wore a pair of shoes with high heels. Suddenly, she shouted, "Help.” And I ran back without hesitation and her trick worked again. Several years later, something unlucky happened. Paragraph 2: If given a chance, I would let my mom run in front of me. After graduating from college, I went to Beijing to develop my business. And I couldn't come back home frequently even seldom phone my mom. What made me hate myself was that I didn't know my mom was ill until one day I found she couldn't move by herself. If I were a child again, I wouldn't be such a naughty boy. No matter what would happen, I would stay with my mom and take good care of her. 【解析】 这是一篇故事类读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:When speed failed her, she used her wisdom. 所以后文应该是举例说明作者母亲在追赶作者时,运用的一些智慧。这些例子应该有幽默感,引起读者的兴趣。第二段开头是:If given a chance, I would let my mom run in front of me.本段应该写发生在作者母亲身上的一些不幸的事情,作者为没有好好的照顾、陪伴母亲而后悔。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。



Hi, everyone. Staying at home during the epidemic really bores me. What's worse, for lack of workout, I have put on some weight. Is there anybody who can offer me some advice?


Hi, Kate. This is Li Hua from China.


Don't hesitate to contact me if more help is needed.












    People have been told to stay separated at least six feet apart and to practice what state and local officials call “social distancing". As people try to slow the _______ of the COVID-19, the resulting chaos and fear are bringing both large and small communities_________ even though cases mount across the nation and the world.

Simple acts of kindness are _________ online and in public, as neighbors, students, teachers, and others begin to connect those who can pass this long and ___________ time smoothly, with those who may not have the means to_________ .

For Jesse Farren-James, ___________out has taken the form of organizing trips to the supermarkets for___________use of her membership card if anyone needs to buy large quantities. She_________the offer in a Facebook group for the community residents, and some people came and_________her. “I just feel so lucky that I have so many people in my life to rely on and so __________ that not everyone has that,” she wrote in the group. In another interview, Farren- James said the “community is coming together” and “there are so many good and amazing people________ to help where they can.”

Also,____________ in Dorchester have gathered together online. In a Facebook group called DotParents, parents have been____________money to buy food and supplies for students and families in the community. As the leader, Lisa Graustein has been____________ this activity. On Thursday, she used the more than $2,000 raised by neighbors to purchase food in a restaurant supply company. A group of volunteers packed the food and planned to __________it to schools for those who may need it.

“Food____________ is real in our city and this crisis is going to be severe.” Graustein said. “But here's something we can do that deals better with the hard ____________. This idea is spreading. She said friends in four other states had been running similar _________ . Next, she wants to find a way to get landlords to __________ abandon rent for residents in financial difficulties because of the__________ .

1.A.influence B.spread C.control D.procedure

2.A.shorter B.kinder C.closer D.nicer

3.A.praised B.recognized C.growing D.connecting

4.A.exhausting B.flexible. C.relaxing D.isolating

5.A.get through B.fit in C.cheer up D.break through

6.A.giving B.turning C.sending D.helping

7.A.supplies B.snacks C.drinks D.vegetables

8.A.delivered B.posted C.accepted D.ignored

9.A.looked after B.turned to C.cooperated with D.learned from

10.A.fortunate B.considerate C.heartbroken D.excited

11.A.agreeing B.hesitating C.refusing D.offering

12.A.neighbors B.teachers C.students D.parents

13.A.paying B.making C.raising D.saving

14.A.organizing B.supporting C.opposing D.sponsoring

15.A.collect B.distribute C.sell D.move

16.A.shortage B.waste C.consumption D.security

17.A.time B.task C.choice D.work

18.A.companies B.campaigns C.institutes D.communities

19.A.instantly B.gradually C.temporarily D.permanently

20.A.donation B.project C.activity D.outbreak



    When a fire broke out at Notre Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母院) in April 2019, people across the globe watched in despair as smoke rose from one of the world's most famous buildings. 1.Several museums, palaces and other cathedrals have been damaged or destroyed by fire. Without proper protection measures, fires will continue to destroy them.2.

Recognize the challenge of protecting cultural buildings.

Often built decades or centuries ago, many cultural buildings are constructed with flammable (易燃的) materials and the articles within them are also composed of such materials. 3. Thus many modern fire protection measures are viewed as damage. The absence of these measures planted seeds of ruin.

Find out proper protection methods.

These buildings and their contents are very sensitive to smoke, humidity and dust. They require specialized methods that could cause little damage. Meanwhile, some stone structures, which trap heat and smoke, make it difficult for firefighters to get to the source of the flame.4.One of them is fire compartmentation (防火分区). It uses fire wall barriers to help limit the spread of fire, which will protect the buildings from burning without damaging them.


Some countries have installed fire protection equipment but can't take action soon enough. Given this, the Brazilian government completed a project to adopt advanced electrical waning system and to inform firefighters of fires in no time, which would urge them to take immediate action to stop the fire spreading.

A.Take action quickly.

B.Improve the protection equipment

C.Sadly, it was not a specific example through the years.

D.Fortunately, firefighters came just in time to put out the fire.

E.So here are some suggestions to help save them from burning.

F.Besides, many buildings are under repairs and need to keep their original features.

G.However, some traditional strategies of fire protection for such buildings are effective.



    Fairy tales perform many functions. They entertain, encourage imagination, and teach problem -solving skills. They can also provide moral lessons, highlighting the dangers of failing to follow the social rules that let human beings coexist in harmony. Such moral lessons may not mean much to a robot, but a team of researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) believes it has found a way to turn the instructive fable (寓言) into a moral lesson that artificial intelligence (AI) can take to its cold, mechanical heart.

This, the researchers hope, will help prevent the intelligent robots from harming or even killing humanity, which is predicted and feared by some of the biggest names in technology, including Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Bill Cates.

Mark Riedl, an associate professor of interactive computing at Georgia Tech believes that the collected stories of different cultures not only teach children how to behave well but also teach robots how to get rid of violent or dangerous behaviour and help them make choices that won't harm humans and still achieve the intended purpose.

The system is called “Quixote”. The experiment involves going to a chemist to buy some medicine for a human who needs it as soon as possible. The robot has three choices. It can wait in line; it can communicate with the chemist politely and buy the medicine; it can steal the medicine. Without any further instructions, the robot will come to the conclusion that the most efficient means of getting the medicine is to steal it. Quixote offers a reward signal for waiting in line and politely buying the medicine and a punishment signal for taking it without permission. In this way, it learns the “moral” way to behave in that situation.

Quixote would work best on a robot that has a very limited function. It's a baby step in the direction of teaching more moral lessons into robots. We believe that AI has to be trained to adopt the values of a particular society, and in doing so, it will strive to avoid unacceptable behavior. Giving robots the ability to read and understand our stories may be the most efficient means.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The moral lessons learned by a robot. B.The coexistence of human beings and AI.

C.The new function of the fairy tales on AI. D.The different applications of the fairy tales.

2.What are the three technology experts mentioned in Paragraph 2 concerned about?

A.The potential threat from robots. B.The problems with moral lessons.

C.The high costs of AI development. D.The difficulties of the GIT scientists.

3.How does Quixote help the robot behave morally in the experiment?

A.By offering the robot rewards. B.By sending the robot different signals.

C.By helping the robot make right choice. D.By giving the robot specific instructions.

4.Which of the following may the author agree with?

A.The development of robots is still in a baby step.

B.Robots should have the ability to understand the fairy tales.

C.The more functions the robot has, the better Quixote works.

D.It is necessary to train robots to follow the social values.



    For a long time, hikers in Japan have considered a bear bell essential. Its tinny ring is said to scare off the huge creatures. Nowadays, however, bear bells are increasingly useful on the way to the shops as well as in the wild. “The number of animals whether bears, boars or monkeys- is expanding, and they are going into villages and towns,” says Hiroto Enari of Yamagata University.

Japan is home to many species of wild animals, including both black and brown bears. It's estimated that the number of bears has been rising since 2000. In 2018, the number was close to 13,000. The reappearance has its roots in human demography (人口统计学): the reduction of Japan's population is especially obvious in rural areas, where it is deeply influenced by ongoing urbanization. Usually, the bears are afraid of entering a village with people around. The appearance of bears is more seen in villages where the population is falling fastest.

Hunting is declining in Japan, too. Government data suggest that the average hunter is now 68 years old. The country's many forests and mountains provide an expansive habitat for wild animals. Indeed, wild areas are growing as foresters and farmers die off. Bears become particularly bold, running into villages for persimmon.

While some welcome the reappearance of bears, others suffer from it. Every year bears injure scores of people, and kill several. Besides, deer can cause damage to farmland. Simple solutions, such as changing the layout around villages or putting up fences, are rarely used. Instead, many bears are caught or killed. In 2013 the government resolved to reduce half the number of certain types of deer, boars and monkeys by 2023. “Japan is struggling to adapt to the changing power balance between animals and people," says Mr. Enari.

1.Why is a bear bell necessary for Japanese hikers?

A.Because it is tinny and convenient.

B.Because it can be used in the wild.

C.Because it can make special noises.

D.Because it can frighten wild animals away.

2.What makes the number of bears increasing so rapidly in Japan?

Hunting is not as popular as it used to be.

Bears can enter villages without people's permission.

Japan' s population in the countryside is falling fast.

Foresters and farmers are not allowed to kill bears.

A.①④ B.②④ C.①③ D.②③

3.The underlined word “resolved" is closest in meaning to “_________________”.

A.chose B.determined C.managed D.refused

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Japan is trying to balance animals with humans.

B.People are in favour of the reappearance of bears.

C.Changing the layout or putting up fences is useless.

D.The reappearance of bears is harmful to human beings.



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