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When my 8-month-old cries, I ask him if ...

    When my 8-month-old cries, I ask him if he’s hungry, or wet or just needs a hug.

“Babububuu,” he says.

What I need is a baby cry translator. That’s just what a team of researchers say they’ve developed.

“Experienced nurses or pediatricians (儿科医师) can identify why baby is crying because they have experience, says Lichuan Liu, a professor of electrical engineering at Northern Illinois University, who conducted the research.” We talked to them, and they mentioned that based on the cry’s’ sound there’re’ some clues (线索).”

So Liu set out to identify the features of cries that can help mark them as expressions of pain or discomfort. These features include differences in pitch (音高) and frequency. The team then developed an algorithm (算法) based on automatic speech recognition to detect and identify these features. This “cry language recognition algorithm” was trained on recordings of baby cries taken from a hospital. It uses compressed sensing, a process that reconstructs a signal based on incomplete data. It can identify a baby cry against a background of, say, adult speech or loud television sounds. By classifying different cry features, like pitch, the algorithm can suggest whether the cry is due to sickness or pain, and identify the degree of urgency.

The team had experienced pediatric care providers assess forty-eight baby cry recordings for probable cause of crying hunger, tiredness, etc. They then compared these to the algorithm’s assessments. The algorithm agreed with the humans 70% of the time. Generally, so-called “uncommon cry signals”—signs of pain or sickness—are high-pitched and very loud compared to ordinary crying.

Liu and her team continue to train the technology for greater accuracy. They also plan to add more features, like the ability to identify and classify movement and facial expressions. This could help give more detailed reading of baby’s emotional (情感的) and physical state. They also hope to begin human trials in the near future.

1.The author mentions the 8-month-old child to ________.

A.draw attention to baby cries B.prove baby cries are common

C.lead in a translator for baby cries D.show the use of cry translators

2.What inspired Lichuan Liu’s idea of doing the study?

A.Pediatric care workers’ words. B.The pediatricians’ strong requests.

C.Her own nursing experiences. D.Her doubts about the previous research.

3.What did the researchers do in the study?

A.They collected baby cries from big hospitals.

B.They got 48 baby cry recordings evaluated.

C.They created an automatic speech recognition.

D.They analyzed cry features with compressed sensing.

4.What can we know about Liu’s cry language recognition algorithm?

A.It has been widely used in daily life.

B.It’s mainly meant for hungry cry signals.

C.It has been proved effective on babies.

D.It’s only been tested on recorded cries now.


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一款儿童哭声识别器的研发。 1. 推理判断题。根据第三段What need is baby cry translator. That’s just what team of researchers say they’ve developed.(我需要的是一个婴儿哭声翻译器,这正是一组研究人员所开发的。)可推断,作者在开头提到八个月大的小孩是为了导入婴儿哭声翻译器。故选C。 2. 推理判断题。根据第四段We talked to them, and they mentioned that based on the cry’s sound there’re some clues (线索).(我们和他们谈过了,他们提到,基于哭声,有一些线索是可以发现的)和第五段So Liu set out to identify the features of cries that can help mark them as expressions of pain or discomfort.(因此,刘开始识别哭声的特征,这些特征可以帮助将它们标记为疼痛或不适的表达。)可推断,是儿科护理工作人员的话语促使Lichuan Liu做这个研究。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The team had experienced pediatric care providers assess forty-eight baby cry recordings for probable cause of crying—hunger, tiredness, etc. They then compared these to the algorithm’s assessments.( 该团队经验丰富的儿科护理提供者评估了48个婴儿哭声记录的可能原因——饥饿,疲劳等。 然后,他们将这些与算法的评估进行了比较)”可知,研究者在这个研究中评估了48个婴儿哭声记录。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Liu and her team continue to train the technology for greater accuracy. They also plan to add more features, like the ability to identify and classify movement and facial expressions. They also hope to begin human trials in the near future.(刘和她的团队继续完善这项技术,以提高其准确性。 他们还计划增加更多特征,比如识别和分类动作和面部表情的能力。他们还希望在不久的将来开始人类试验。)”可推断,Liu的哭声语言识别算法目前只用于测试录制的哭声。故选D。

    After a Blockbuster store in Australia closes on March 31, the American city of Bend, Oregon will have the only one left on Earth.

For years, Blockbuster was a big name in the video rental business. The company had thousands of stores in the United States and around the world. But Blockbuster began to lose money during the 2000s. By 2014, all company-owned stores had closed. Since then, locally owned Blockbusters have closed, one by one.

Operating the last Blockbuster Video on Earth is not easy. The computer system uses old disks that only the store’s general manager knows how to use. The video rentals are recorded on a kind of aging tape. The tape cannot be replaced because Radio Shack, another once famous store, went out of business.

Sandi Harding has worked at the Blockbuster in Bend for over 15 years and is the store’s general manager. She says “stubbornness” is part of the reason the store is still open. “We did everything we could to cut costs and keep ourselves relevant,” she said.

Zeke Kamm lives in Bend. He is making a documentary about the store with his friend. He notes that many people who rented videos over the years want to share memories of their experiences Kamm explained how Blockbuste were once an important part of small town in America. The Blockbuster was the only place that was open past nine at night, and a lot of them stayed open much later.

Recently, Harding has noticed that more children are coming to the store, brought in by their parents who like remembering the past. Jerry Gilless and his wife, Elizabeth, on a trip to Oregon, recently brought their two children, aged 3 and 5, to the store in Bend. They watched with a smile as their children walked from row to row, looking at movies. “How could we not stop? It’s the last one,” said Gilless. “They need to see that not everything’s on the iPad.”

1.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.The popularity of the video rental business. B.The special computer system of the last store.

C.The value of the last Blockbuster on Earth. D.The difficulties of running the last Blockbuster.

2.Why is the Blockbuster store in Bend still open?

A.It has a long history in all Blockbuster stores. B.Its employees try their best to keep it running

C.Its general manager is very stubborn woman. D.It is a place where people can watch old movies.

3.What is the documentary of Zeke Kamm probably about?

A.People’s experiences of sharing their own memories.

B.Zeke Kamm’s work with his friend in the Blockbuster.

C.People’s memories of renting videos in the Blockbuster.

D.Blockbusters’important role in a small town of America.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.Oregon Will Have the Last Blockbuster on Earth B.Different Opinions About the Last Blockbuster

C.People Are Interested in the Last Blockbuster D.A Documentary About the Last Blockbuster



    The Berkshire Riding Centre Ltd is a highly recommended riding school. Everyone is welcome. Whether you are an absolute beginner or have dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, we can design the right riding lesson program for you.

Riding lessons for beginners

We help kids from the age of 4 and adults learn to ride. We start beginners with half-hour private lessons while they learn the basics. Once you ride independently (usually after 4—6 lessons), your instructor will recommend a suitable group.

Private lessons

We offer 1-to-1 private tuition (讲授) for riders of all levels. We start beginners with half-hour private lessons while they learn the basics and build their confidence. The more experienced riders will benefit from personal tuition too. Whether you want to improve specific aspects of your riding, or just enjoy riding, private lessons are tailored to your specific requirements.

Group riding lessons

We offer broad range of group riding lessons, from child or adult beginner to advanced dressage (花样骑术) lessons and jumping lessons. Call the office to discuss the weekly Group Lesson Schedule on 01344 884992.

Riding lessons on your own horse

We also welcome horse owners who would like to bring their own for either one-off lessons or a concentrated course of lessons to improve their riding. Your horse is going or to prepare you both for competitions. Pricing is the same.

How to book your riding lesson

Call the office on 01344 884992 or email us on info@brc. co. uk.

We are open 7 days a week and have evening riding lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our three all-weather schools, two outside and one inside, make us have good all-year-round riding.

Note: All new riders, regardless of their abilities, must have a 30-minute assessment lesson so that we can design the most appropriate plan for them.

1.When are beginners likely to ride on their own?

A.Before having three private lessons. B.Before building up their confidence.

C.After meeting with their instructors. D.After taking about five riding lessons.

2.How can learners discuss their schedules of group riding lessons?

A.By making calls to the office. B.By visiting the riding school in person.

C.By writing to group members. D.By writing emails to their instructors.

3.What are all new riders required to do?

A.Take four evening riding lessons. B.Get assessed for proper programs.

C.Spend half an hour riding horses. D.Offer plans on how to ride horses.




While 1 was sitting in the living room, the days that I spent with my mom crowded in on me. We had a very Tom and Jerry relationship. She was a strict trainer; I was naughty. She would ask me to buy groceries, and I wouldn't come right home because I'd be using the change from the milk and bread to play video games at the supermarket. I loved video games. I was a master at Street Fighter. I could go forever on a single play. I'd drop a coin in, time would fly, and the next thing 1 knew there'd be a woman standing behind me with a belt. It was a race. I'd take off out the door and through the dusty streets of Eden Park, climbing over walls. It was a normal thing in our neighborhood:

Everyone knew: The child would come through like a bat out of hell, and his mom would be right there behind him. She could go fast in high heels, but if she really wanted to come after me, she'd kick her shoes off while still going at top speed. She'd do this strange move with her ankles and the heels would go flying and she wouldn't even miss a step. When 1 was little she always caught me, but as I got older I got faster. So it was not easy for her to catch me.

Paragraph 1: When speed failed her, she used her wisdom.


Paragraph 2: If given a chance, I would let my mom run in front of me.






Hi, everyone. Staying at home during the epidemic really bores me. What's worse, for lack of workout, I have put on some weight. Is there anybody who can offer me some advice?


Hi, Kate. This is Li Hua from China.


Don't hesitate to contact me if more help is needed.












    People have been told to stay separated at least six feet apart and to practice what state and local officials call “social distancing". As people try to slow the _______ of the COVID-19, the resulting chaos and fear are bringing both large and small communities_________ even though cases mount across the nation and the world.

Simple acts of kindness are _________ online and in public, as neighbors, students, teachers, and others begin to connect those who can pass this long and ___________ time smoothly, with those who may not have the means to_________ .

For Jesse Farren-James, ___________out has taken the form of organizing trips to the supermarkets for___________use of her membership card if anyone needs to buy large quantities. She_________the offer in a Facebook group for the community residents, and some people came and_________her. “I just feel so lucky that I have so many people in my life to rely on and so __________ that not everyone has that,” she wrote in the group. In another interview, Farren- James said the “community is coming together” and “there are so many good and amazing people________ to help where they can.”

Also,____________ in Dorchester have gathered together online. In a Facebook group called DotParents, parents have been____________money to buy food and supplies for students and families in the community. As the leader, Lisa Graustein has been____________ this activity. On Thursday, she used the more than $2,000 raised by neighbors to purchase food in a restaurant supply company. A group of volunteers packed the food and planned to __________it to schools for those who may need it.

“Food____________ is real in our city and this crisis is going to be severe.” Graustein said. “But here's something we can do that deals better with the hard ____________. This idea is spreading. She said friends in four other states had been running similar _________ . Next, she wants to find a way to get landlords to __________ abandon rent for residents in financial difficulties because of the__________ .

1.A.influence B.spread C.control D.procedure

2.A.shorter B.kinder C.closer D.nicer

3.A.praised B.recognized C.growing D.connecting

4.A.exhausting B.flexible. C.relaxing D.isolating

5.A.get through B.fit in C.cheer up D.break through

6.A.giving B.turning C.sending D.helping

7.A.supplies B.snacks C.drinks D.vegetables

8.A.delivered B.posted C.accepted D.ignored

9.A.looked after B.turned to C.cooperated with D.learned from

10.A.fortunate B.considerate C.heartbroken D.excited

11.A.agreeing B.hesitating C.refusing D.offering

12.A.neighbors B.teachers C.students D.parents

13.A.paying B.making C.raising D.saving

14.A.organizing B.supporting C.opposing D.sponsoring

15.A.collect B.distribute C.sell D.move

16.A.shortage B.waste C.consumption D.security

17.A.time B.task C.choice D.work

18.A.companies B.campaigns C.institutes D.communities

19.A.instantly B.gradually C.temporarily D.permanently

20.A.donation B.project C.activity D.outbreak



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