满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







Dear Lucy,

I’m Li Hua,



Li Hua


Dear Lucy, I’m Li Hua. I’m very happy to know that you’re interested in Chinese culture. You know, you’ve made much progress in learning Chinese. Our classmates are so proud of you. Yesterday we had our traditional festival — the Dragon Boat Festival. You told me our monitor gave you several Zongzi but you didn’t know how to enjoy it. Actually the Dragon Boat Festival is held to honor an ancient Chinese patriotic poet, Qu Yuan. He drowned himself on May 5th because his motherland was occupied. There are always dragon boat races to remember him. Zongzi is a kind of rice dumpling for this festival. It is wrapped with bamboo leaves. If you unfasten the thread and take off the leaves, you can enjoy the delicious snack. A very funny festival, isn’t it? Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇表达属于应用文,要求考生描述端午节的由来和习俗 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时和一般过去时 要求:1. 介绍端午节的由来 2. 介绍端午节的习俗 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) be interested in; made progress; patriotic poet; be wrapped with; drowned oneself; 第三步:连词成句 1. I’m very happy to know that you’re interested in Chinese culture. 2. you’ve made much progress in learning Chinese. 3. Actually the Dragon Boat Festival is held to honor an ancient Chinese patriotic poet, Qu Yuan. 4. He drowned himself on May 5thbecause his motherland was occupied. 5. It is wrapped with bamboo leaves. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including, 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改

假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。





Last Saturday evening, my parents and I have dinner in a restaurant. While we enjoyed ourselves, some teenagers sit beside our table began to talk and laugh loudly. What’s worse, they began to smoke in the restaurant, what made us angry. After a while, I stood up and adviced them to stop smoking but behave themselves. To their surprise, they didn’t follow my advice. Instead, they laughed me, saying that I was too younger.

In my opinion, it’s wrong to do that. The future of our country lie in teenagers, who should not only to obey the rules in public but also make contributions to the society.



    Summer holiday was coming, and I could not wait to join my grandparents on a trip to the desert. We lived in Chicago, far from the burning sand. I wasn't ____ the heat because we would be ____ in my grandparents’ new recreational vehicle (野营车). It’s called an RV for short. This would be their third trip in it and the first one to the ____.

After several days of seeing amazing places, including the Grand Canyon, Grandpa ______the RV in an area set up just for campers and RVs. The park was near a ____ and dusty riverbed. The weather was sure ____ where we were.

We were eating dinner inside the RV when suddenly we ____ a park manager shouting, “Pack up and get to ____ ground! A flash flood(山洪) is coming!”

Grandpa shook his ____, “A flood? Not here.” He pointed at the burning sand outside our windows. The hot air ____ from the sand was like snakes squirming(蠕动) in the heat.“That ____ must have spent too much time in the sun today!”

Out the front window of the RV, I could see other people ____ folding up chairs and umbrellas they had set up outside. They were taking the manager’s ____ seriously.

Should we? Grandpa noticed them, too. He thought for a while and ____ his computer. A warning rolled across the ____. “Anyone near White Gully should ____ higher ground at once. Flash floods are on their way!”

“This is White Gully! Hurry up, Kayla, "Grandpa shouted and ____ his chair. He headed for the driver's ____. Grandma hurried outside to fold up chairs and ____ back. I had never seen her move so fast!

___ we drove away from the riverbed, I looked out of the window. In the far distance, a dark wall was rushing toward us. What a terrible experience!

1.A.interested in B.surprised at C.bored with D.worried about

2.A.travelling B.standing C.studying D.gathering

3.A.desert B.wood C.lake D.mountain

4.A.repaired B.parked C.bought D.discovered

5.A.dry B.colorful C.cold D.wet

6.A.cold B.warm C.hot D.cool

7.A.imagined B.heard C.caught D.prevented

8.A.further B.cleaner C.bigger D.higher

9.A.head B.hand C.shoulder D.leg

10.A.escaping B.sinking C.rising D.flowing

11.A.traveller B.car C.river D.manager

12.A.quickly B.carefully C.hopelessly D.easily

13.A.promise B.warning C.joke D.lie

14.A.played with B.handed in C.showed off D.turned on

15.A.road B.wall C.board D.screen

16.A.point at B.move towards C.give up D.care about

17.A.fell out B.looked back on C.jumped out of D.got off

18.A.entrance B.room C.door D.seat

19.A.talked B.looked. C.rushed D.flew

20.A.As B.Until C.Unless D.Though



    How to Continue a Conversation in English?

It is not always easy to keep a conversation going in English. 1.Or maybe you are afraid that your pronunciation is not good. Here are some tips for you to continue a conversation in English.

Listen and follow up

2. Listen to the other person carefully, so that you can ask a follow-up question. For example, let’s say the other person tells you, “I just got back from a trip to California.”You can follow up with a question using Who, What, Where, When, Why, or How.

● Where did you go in California?

● What was your favorite place there?

● How was the food there?


If you want to keep a conversation going, it’s a good idea to ask questions that cannot be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ If the other person asks you a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, try to give a longer answer to help keep the conversation going. For example, a friend might ask, “Hey, have you seen the new Star Wars movie?” You could just answer, “No, I haven’t.” Or, you could say more. 4.

Be brave and practice often

5.If your pronunciation is a little different, the other person will still understand your message if you try speaking slowly and clearly. When you are traveling in an English-speaking country and have some free time, be brave and speak in English with someone who does not look too busy. You may make a new friend.

A.Try to ask different questions

B.Avoid simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions

C.Do not worry about your pronunciation.

D.You might not be sure about what to say.

E.First, remember the importance of listening.

F.Sometimes, you get nervous, so your conversation ends quickly

G.You could answer: “No, but I plan to see it soon. How about you?”



    More than half of the food produced in Canada goes to waste. A shocking new study has shown that the level of food waste is far worse than previously thought, at 58%. Of that, about 85% of food waste is due to food processors. This differs from earlier studies, which criticized families for driving food waste and said they were responsible for 51% of food waste.

The study was carried out by Martin Hooch, the leading expert on food waste and the author of several previous studies on the subject. Reflecting on the study’s findings, Hooch said, “It means stopping criticizing consumers. Sure, consumers are part of the problem, but they’re not the problem.”

In the past, Hooch didn't master good data, particularly from the private factories, but relied on numbers collected by the food industry for purposes other than tracking(追踪) waste. This time, however, Hooch worked directly with companies at all stages along the food production chain and interviewed over 700 experts in the industry. Clearly he found it hard to believe what he was seeing.

This is what they found: Food processing causes 34% of food waste. This is followed by production, which causes 24%. Next is manufacturing at 13%, then hotels and restaurants at 9%. Families cause only 14%, and market sales 6%. This should be a serious wake-up call for Canadians who would do well to examine their own food supply chains. Food waste is costly, not only in terms of dollars wasted, but also in resources like land, water, and so on. To be using these resources and wasting the product is totally irresponsible and unnecessary.

To make matters worse, when food is thrown into rubbish cans, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas 30 times more powerful than carbon dioxide (CO2). At Canada’s rate of food waste, that's like adding 12 million cars to the road. It seems that the food industry needs redesigning. Therefore, let’s hope the government takes action.

1.What did earlier studies say about food waste in Canada?

A.Food waste was better than expected.

B.Food went bad when it was processed.

C.Most of the food was wasted on purpose.

D.Families were to blame for food waste.

2.How did Hooch do his study on food waste this time?

A.By studying data from the industry.

B.By tracking the whole production chain.

C.By collecting advice from experts worldwide.

D.By drawing a conclusion from the previous studies.

3.Why does food waste have an effect on the environment?

A.Because it is harmful to the trees.

B.Because it pollutes the soil around it.

C.Because it gives off unpleasant smells.

D.Because it produces more greenhouse gas.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Canadians don’t like to save food for future.

B.More than half of the food is wasted in Canada.

C.Families are mainly responsible for food waste.

D.The food industry is better redesigned in Canada.



    May 14 marks the beginning of National Smile Month in the UK. The campaign is organized by the Oral Health Foundation to promote(普及) dental(牙齿的) health. The Foundation hopes that a month of smiling across the nation will make people think about the importance of brushing their teeth regularly, cutting down on sugary foods, and making regular appointments with the dentist.

The British, in fact, have a reputation for bad teeth. The Internet's Urban Dictionary has an entry(条目)for “ British Smile”, defining it as “Any smile with bad teeth”. On the other side of the Atlantic, however, the “Hollywood Smile” gets its name because American movie stars are so proud to show off their sparkling beautiful teeth.

But what about smiling in the UK in general? Do the British smile a lot, or do they look sad all the time? It's said that the British practice the “stiff upper lip”, meaning that they don't often show their emotions; they neither smile nor cry. But this is false: A British person likes to smile as much as anyone else.

As far as smiling in Britain is concerned just like everywhere else, it all depends on the situation. For example, you wouldn't expect anyone to smile at a funeral(葬礼). But if you were at a party of any kind, you'd find everyone smiling from ear to ear. However, smiling is sometimes not allowed under some circumstances(情形). For instance, since 2005 Britain hasn’t allowed smiling in passport photographs. At other times, for example at work and school, you simply smile when it's natural to smile.

So the British are no more and no less likely to smile than anyone else. But smiling is good for you, no doubt about it, even if you do have a few bad teeth. And smiling is good for those around you too. This alone makes National Smile Month a great idea. As the essayist William Hazlitt wrote, “A gentle smile, a kind word, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles”.

1.Why is National Smile Month held in the UK?

A.To promote the health benefits of smiling.

B.To build a more friendly society through smiling.

C.To attract people's attention to dental health.

D.To teach people how to protect their teeth.

2.What does the underlined word “sparkling” refer to?

A.aging B.loose

C.smelly D.shining

3.What can we learn from the article about smiling in the UK?

A.People can’t smile when taking passport photos.

B.British people are less likely to smile than others.

C.People are encouraged to smile all the time at work.

D.British people often hide their true emotions with a smile.

4.What does the author think of National Smile Month?

A.It lasts too long. B.It is a wonderful event.

C.It fails to achieve its purpose. D.It should be promoted around the world.



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