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Asthma (哮喘) and allergy (过敏) attacks hav...

    Asthma (哮喘) and allergy (过敏) attacks have increased in the United States, despite the fact that our outdoor air quality has improved. Some researchers think these problems have increased because kids are spending too much time indoors.

When outdoors, we are exposed to different kinds of pollen (花粉) and dust. But when indoors, we are also exposed to allergens (过敏源) . Allergens cause allergies and most people know that allergens can make you sneeze, have runny eyes, and other cold-like symptoms (症状). But allergens can also lead to asthma attacks, which are more serious. Asthma symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, especially during exercise and tightness in the chest. Allergic asthma affects about three million children (8 to 12 percent of all children) and seven million adults in the United States each year!

You can get rid of the allergens from your environment! Most children with asthma are allergic to something, so staying away from the allergen should help control the asthma. If you have asthma or allergies, stay away from animals, remove the teddy bears, rugs and curtains in rooms that you spend a lot of time in. Removal of dusty things can help you breathe more easily. If it's trees and pollen that affect you, air conditioning and air filters(空气过滤器) should help.

And research helps, too! Children whose parents, brothers or sisters have asthma are more likely to develop it themselves. But even though our genes do play some part in whether or not we'll have asthma, researchers hope to make the most progress in fighting the disease by looking at the environmental aspect (方面) of asthma. The hope is that if kids are exposed to fewer allergens early in life, they'll be less likely to develop allergic responses. Asthma research is performed at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIAID).

1.What makes asthma and allergy attacks increase in the United States?

A.Poor outdoor air quality. B.Not enough outdoor time.

C.Too much pollen and dust. D.The decrease of people's physical condition.

2.What can we know in the second paragraph?

A.Allergens in home environment can affect our health.

B.The number of allergens in the average home has decreased.

C.Asthma symptoms are the same as those of the common cold.

D.Allergens from outdoors are more dangerous than those in our homes.

3.What do we know from the passage?

A.Allergies are more serious than asthma.

B.People do not get asthma when they are outdoors.

C.We should stay away from allergens to help control asthma.

D.Children whose parents have asthma are certain to develop it.

4.Where can you most probably find this passage?

A.In a storybook. B.In a news report.

C.In a travel guide. D.In a health magazine.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述过敏和哮喘的特征以及如何摆脱过敏源。 1. 细节理解题。由第一段的最后一句“Some researchers think these problems have increased because kids are spending too much time indoors.”可知,一些研究者认为这些问题的提升是因为孩子们在室内花费太多的时间。由此可见,在户外时间的不充足使得美国的哮喘和过敏发作提高。结合选项可知,选项B正确。 2. 推理判断题。由第二段的第二句“But when indoors, we are also exposed to allergens (过敏源) . ”和第三句“Allergens cause allergies and most people know that allergens can make you sneeze, have runny eyes, and other cold-like symptoms (症状).”以及第四句“But allergens can also lead to asthma attacks, which are more serious.”可知,但是当在室内的时候,我们也是暴露在过敏源中。过敏源会引起过敏,并且大部分的人知道过敏源能让你打喷嚏,流眼泪,以及其他像感冒的症状。但是过敏源也能导致哮喘的发作,这是更加严重的。由此可见,在房屋环境中的过敏源会影响我们的健康。结合选项可知,选项A正确。 3. 细节理解题。由第三段的第二句“Most children with asthma are allergic to something, so staying away from the allergen should help control the asthma.”可知,大部分有哮喘的儿童会对某物过敏,所以远离过敏源可以帮助控制哮喘。由此可见,我们应该远离过敏源来帮助控制哮喘。结合选项可知,选项C正确。 4. 推理判断题。由全文内容可知,第一段第一句“Asthma (哮喘) and allergy (过敏) attacks have increased in the United States, despite the fact that our outdoor air quality has improved.”表达的是尽管我们户外空气质量已经提高,哮喘和过敏发作在美国还是已经增加了。第二段的第三句“Allergens cause allergies and most people know that allergens can make you sneeze, have runny eyes, and other cold-like symptoms (症状). ”和第四句“But allergens can also lead to asthma attacks, which are more serious.”表达的是过敏源会引起过敏,并且大部分的人知道过敏源能让你打喷嚏,流眼泪,以及其他像感冒的症状。但是过敏源也能导致哮喘的发作,这是更加严重的,第三段的第一句“You can get rid of the allergens from your environment!”表达的是你可以从你的环境中摆脱过敏源。以及最后一段的第三句“But even though our genes do play some part in whether or not we'll have asthma, researchers hope to make the most progress in fighting the disease by looking at the environmental aspect (方面) of asthma.”表达的是但是虽然我们的基因确实在是否我们将会有哮喘方面起到了一些作用,但是研究者希望通过查看哮喘环境方面来获得在对抗这种疾病的最大进展。由此可见,全文都是在讲述哮喘和过敏,这是有关健康的内容,可以在健康杂志中看到这篇文章。结合选项可知,选项D正确。

    Chef Wolfgang Puck told Fox News on Tuesday that the nationwide near-shutdown of the restaurant business will not only be a disaster for its workers due to the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒), but also will have a bad effect on the nation's economy in the long term.

Puck said that the American restaurant industry gives jobs to 15.6 million people nationwide. He added that in a normal year, the food service industry provides USS I trillion to the U.S. economy.

“How are we going to continue this way with no work for so many people?” Puck said, “It's really a tragedy to have so many people out of work, not getting their money.”

Puck said Congress must act to protect the restaurants and help them get back on their feet when the coronavirus contagion(扩散) declines. “If every restaurant should go to the government, local state or federal individually and say, 'We need money', it would be impossible. We would be waiting for ten years.” He said, “We've seen in the time after Hurricane Katrina how long it took to get money from the federal government to the people in need. We really need it now. We cannot wait a month.”

Puck pointed out that some restaurants survive on takeouts (外卖) and delivery orders, but it is not possible in the long term.

Puck was joined by chef Thomas Keller, who said the federal government is the most effective way to bring relief to the food service industry right away. “The most important thing is that the restaurants survive,” Keller said.

1.What can we learn about the American restaurant industry?

A.It can't be saved by the government.

B.It can survive on takeouts in the long term.

C.It has a bad effect on the nation's economy.

D.It provides jobs for a large number of people.

2.Why did Puck mention Hurricane Katrina?

A.To stress how serious the current economic situation is.

B.To show that the government failed to provide timely help.

C.To tell us that the country has gone through too many disasters.

D.To compare the different effects of the hurricane and the coronavirus.

3.Who could save the restaurant industry according to Thomas Keller?

A.Insurance companies. B.The federal government.

C.The food delivery industry. D.Restaurant owners and employees.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.People are dissatisfied with the federal government.

B.The novel coronavirus has not influenced restaurants.

C.The restaurant industry needs relief in the United State.

D.The restaurant industry is important in the whole economy.



    With attractiveness in its structure and in its presence, the Eiffel Tower has become a symbol of France and Gustave Eiffel's architectural (建筑的) wonder. Do you know how tall the Eiffel Tower is? Standing at 1, 063 feet tall, this is the second tallest monument in France after the Millau Viaduct, a road bridge over the river Tarn. The tower was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the World Fair. About 18,038 pieces of iron were put together with millions of rivets (铆钉). Gustave Eiffel was helped by several design engineers. Ironically, at first, the tower was considered unpleasant by a lot of artists. Several members from the arts community said it only ruined the empty skyline of the Paris city. French novelist Guy de Maupassant expressed his dislike for the tower by eating lunch everyday at the tower's restaurant-his explanation was that it was the only place in Paris where one could not see the structure!

The tower, weighing 10,000 tons, includes several non-metallic (非金属的) parts as well. The metallic parts used in the structure weigh 7, 300 tons, which, if melted, will fill up a 125-meter square with a depth of 6 cm. At the time when the tower was built, the great structure amazed lots of engineers and common people. The Eiffel Tower needs 50-60 tons of paint every seven years to keep the rust(铁锈) away.

Being one of the most visited sites in the world, the Eiffel Tower still remains an architectural wonder! To sum up its beauty, here's a quote by Gustave Eiffel, “I ought to be jealous (嫉妒的) of the tower. She is more famous than I am!”

1.Which of the following about the Eiffel Tower is TRUE?

A.It runs across the river Tarn. B.It's the tallest monument in France.

C.Gustave Eiffel was its leading designer. D.It has become a less popular landmark.

2.What does the underlined word “Ironically” in the first paragraph mean?

A.Impolitely. B.Excitingly.

C.Surprisingly. D.Carefully.

3.How much paint was probably used from1996 to 2016 on the tower?

A.About 7,300 tons. B.About 170 tons.

C.About 10,000 tons. D.About 55 tons.

4.What is the purpose of the second paragraph?

A.To show how grand the Eiffel Tower is.

B.To show what the Eiffel Tower was used for.

C.To show what was used to build the Eiffel Tower.

D.To show how difficult it is to clean the Eiffel Tower.



General Library of the University of Tokyo

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:30-22:30

Weekend: 9:00-2 1:00

National Holidays: 9:30-17:00

Rules and Regulations:

Please keep quiet.

No smoking.

No eating.

No photography.

Drinks only in spill-proof(防溢的) containers are allowed.

Phone calls are only allowed in the lounge(休息厅) (2F).


Current students or faculty (教员) of the University of Tokyo: .

A student ID or faculty ID card is required to enter the General Library.

In some cases, it is necessary to register or renew your ID at your department library. If you don't have an ID card, please contact your department library. If there is no library in your department, please ask at the General Information Desk.

Former students of the University of Tokyo:

A “University of Tokyo Library Pass (UTL Pass)” is required to enter the General Library. With this pass, you can use the General Library during its opening hours. (On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, only books and journals in the open-shelf section are available.)

Students and staff of other universities:

Show your university ID card at the reception desk to fill out the application for a one day pass (from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays). If you bring a litter of introduction, you may use the General Library continuously for an extended period of up to two weeks, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. (On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, only books and journals in the open-shelf section are available.)

1.What time can you go to the library on Saturday?

A.At 8:00. B.At 10:00. C.At 21:00. D.At 22:00.

2.Where can you make phone calls?

A.At your department library. B.Outside the reading room.

C.In the lounge on the second floor. D.At the General Information Desk.

3.How can students of other universities enter the library?

A.By showing a student ID. B.By showing a faculty ID card.

C.By showing a UTL Pass. D.By applying for a one-day pass.



你校将举办一次主题为“我和我的祖国(Me and My Motherland)”的英语征文比赛,你受学生会委托为学校宣传栏的英语天地写一则通知。内容包括:

1. 征文比赛的具体要求;

2. 动员大家参加。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。






增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Tom was three year old. He liked to watch TV with his parents after the supper, but his parents never let him stay too longer. His mother would say, “It’s eight o’clock now, and it’s time of you to go to bed, Tom.” “But how don’t you go to bed?” Tom always asked. “We are adults,” his mother would say“And adults go to bed lately.” One evening Tom asks his mother for an apple. She didn’t want to give him anything eat at bedtime, so she said, “It’s too late, and the apples are already asleep.” “But not both of them, Mom,” Tom said. “The baby apples is perhaps asleep, but their parents are surely awake.”



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