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Summer Program Guide for Teens Pre-Colle...

    Summer Program Guide for Teens Pre-College Immersive Program

Wellesley College is known for the thousands of accomplished women it has sent out into the world—women who are committed to making a difference. Especially designed for high school girls, the program is based on Wellesley’s campus. Students will take courses and become members of the Wellesley community.

When: July 7 - August 1

More Information: 781-283-2748 Young Scholars Program

Open to high school students who have an academic average of 3.2 or better, the program is a great introduction to the University of Maryland. Seminars featuring speakers in innovative(革新的) career or academic fields further enrich the learning experience. Students enjoy movie nights, activities at the students’ union and more.

When: July 8 - July 27

More Information: 301-405-7762 Zeal Adventure and Travel

We offer two-week and three-week long trips to Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, Costa Rica, and Spain. All trips include 15 to 25 hours of community service activities. Depending on your trip of choice, you’ll be volunteering with sea turtles, caring for dogs in Spain, and much more. Every  trip also includes exciting outdoor activities like surfing, ice climbing and hiking.

More Information: 844-282-9325 California College Tour

Students will visit top schools throughout the state on this fun-filled tour. The tour includes enjoying tourist attractions along the way, including Disneyland! Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admissions staff, and learn how to make the most out of future college visits.

More Information: 510-548-6612

1.What can you do if you attend the Young Scholars Program?

A.Take part in various outdoor activities.

B.Learn the history of Wellesley College.

C.Watch films together with other students.

D.Enjoy some tourist attractions along the way.

2.Which number can provide access to volunteering chances?





3.Which program may help students make a choice during the college application?

A.California College Tour.

B.Young Scholars Program.

C.Zeal Adventure and Travel.

D.Pre-College Immersive Program.


1.C 2.D 3.A 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了专为青少年开设的四个暑期项目。这些项目对中学生——尤其是高中生具有指导意义。 1.细节理解题。根据 Young Scholars Program 部分最后一句“Students enjoy movie nights, activities at the students’ union and more.”可知,参加该活动时,你可以和其他学生一同看电影。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据 Zeal Adventure and Travel 部分第二句“All trips include 15 to 25 hours of community service activities.”和该部分第三句中的“...you’ll be volunteering with sea turtles...”可知,该活动提供做志愿工作的机会。根据该部分末尾的“More Information: 844-282-9325”可得知联系电话。故选D。 3.推理判断题。根据 California College Tour 部分最后一句“Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admissions staff, and learn how to make the most out of future college visits.”可知,学生在该活动中将参观多所大学,与招生工作人员见面,并学会如何充分利用以后参观大学的机会。这些活动有助于学生了解不同的大学以及招生流程等,对学 生在将来选择、填报大学志愿会有所帮助。故选A。


1. 活动的时间和地点;

2. 活动的目的;

3. 活动的内容。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Steven,



Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My speaking English was not standard at first. My English teacher once asked me to read a text, but all my classmates laughed me. I didn’t understand why. Late, my friend told me that my pronunciation was really strange. It was the first time that I have read an English text in class, and failed. I felt very ashamed. Then, I didn’t want to speak English in the front of anyone.

When my English teacher knew it, she began to correct my pronunciation. With his encouragement, I put my heart into read words, phrases and texts. He told me that when there’s a will there’s a way. Thanks to him, I have made great progresses.



    After watching a race, Carole and Verne King returned late at a stormy night to their hotel, where dogs are allowed. They discovered Katie, their 7-year-old border collie (牧羊犬), was _________. Apparently, she was probably frightened by the _________ and rushed nervously out.

Where would they find it in this town of 23,000 citizens, _________ by forests and fields? The couple spent the next 57 days _________ searching. “I go to bed every night feeling terrible.” Verne King said. “Will she be cold? Has she eaten anything today? We are in _________.” Carole King also started jogging and biking around the neighborhood, hoping her sweat would _________ to the dogs. They placed used T-shirts, Katie’s blanket and dog bowls in carefully _________ places. Even more, they put on night-vision glasses and stayed out in the cold for hours. But they didn’t see any _________.

By the second weekend, Carole was losing _________ and began to cry. But her husband __________ her to stay another week. Some of her new __________ encouraged her and helped her to search for it.

One morning, a resident called and said she looked out of the window and __________ Katie was in her backyard. Carol King __________ with a friend. When they arrived, a woman __________ to a dog under a nearby tree. It was a border collie. They started calling Katie’s name. The dog was __________, and recognized Carol. Katie ran at full speed and __________ herself into Carol King’s arms.

Carol King said “I cried, __________ her and holding her close to my arms. I can’t wait to put her in the car. ” Katie soon fell __________ in the front seat. She was tired and has __________ 15 pounds. They took her to the emergency vet, who was moved to tears when he learned Katie had __________ a lot and so many people had been trying to find her.

1.A.missing B.anxious C.naughty D.abnormal

2.A.waiter B.thunderstorm C.accommodation D.darkness

3.A.buried B.attracted C.surrounded D.accompanied

4.A.desperately B.directly C.roughly D.briefly

5.A.charge B.vain C.danger D.pain

6.A.expand B.signal C.speak D.respond

7.A.inspected B.experimented C.swept D.selected

8.A.ending B.explanation C.assistance D.hope

9.A.confidence B.direction C.interest D.face

10.A.replaced B.approved C.persuaded D.ordered

11.A.friends B.colleagues C.guests D.employees

12.A.answered B.found C.appreciated D.forgot

13.A.looked ahead B.hurried over C.settled in D.showed off

14.A.contributed B.appealed C.pointed D.agreed

15.A.cautious B.accessible C.appropriate D.sensitive

16.A.threw B.poured C.slipped D.delivered

17.A.beating B.fastening C.hugging D.fixing

18.A.ill B.asleep C.apart D.short

19.A.reached B.remained C.gained D.lost

20.A.developed B.witnessed C.suffered D.changed



    Many people feel their parents are overprotective. Try communicating your frustrations, setting firm boundaries, and taking steps to reduce your parents’ anxiety.

Pick a safe time and space

Choose a location where both you and your parents feel comfortable. If you live at home, the living room or kitchen table might work. If you have already moved out, choose a location like a quiet coffee shop. Pick a time when there isn’t any disturbance. 1..

Use “I” statements

Begin your sentences with the words “I feel” first. 2. This will make your parents feel like you’re not complaining. For example, do not say, “It’s really overbearing when you check up on me every five minutes. “ Instead, say something like, “I feel stressed out when you call and text a lot when I’m out.”

Express your needs and wants

3.. So it’s important to be transparent about your wants and needs. Express your goals in a way that is firm and respectful. For example, say “I don’t mind following a curfew (宵禁), but I would appreciate not having to answer phone calls every half-hour.” Express appreciation for your parents. Let your parents know you appreciate that they love you.


If you’re trying to have an honest, effective conversation, consider their viewpoints. While you may think it’s unnecessary that your parents worry about a small cold turning into pneumonia, allow them to express this feeling without judgment. 5. .

While it’s important not to let your parents fear’s affect your life, understanding the root of a fear can help you better address it in the future.

A.Don’t overlook your parents’ viewpoints

B.Don’t communicate right before work or bedtime

C.In this way you’re focusing on your own feelings

D.You cannot expect your parents to read your mind

E.Overprotection is unintentionally a form of control

F.Try to understand the issues driving their overprotection

G.Acknowledge that you understand their worry about you



    Put “crottin de chevre” into Google Translate, and you’ll be told it means “goat dung () So if it appeared on a menu, you might feel sick of it. Actually, you have missed a delicious cheese made of goat’s milk that is often served as a starter in France.

Such misunderstandings are why Google admits that its free tool, used by about 500 million people, is not intended to replace human translators. Tourists might accept a few misunderstandings because the technology is cheap and convenient. But perhaps in business, law or medicine, these services often fall short. “Using Google Translate can lead to some serious errors, especially when words have multiple meanings, which is often the case in fields such as law or engineering, says Samantha Langley, a translator in France.

That is not to say professional translators do not use Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools. Some applications can help them take the dull work out of repetitive translations. CATs are even used as part of modern language degree courses these days. So how good are they?

One of the most popular new tools is the so-called translation earphone. Usually paired with a smartphone app, they pick up spoken foreign languages and translate them for the user. “It has taken decades of research to combine that with speech recognition technology, which has allowed us to make a huge leap forward in terms of accuracy,” says Andrew Ochoa, chief executive of Waverly Labs, which produces translation earphones. “For meetings and conferences, wearable translators like Waverly’s are undoubtedly popular. But even this new generation tech has limitations. Users must wait at least a few seconds for a phrase to be translated, or more if the internet connection is poor.”

And computers still lack the subtlety (微妙) of human communication. “I find it’s actually harder to desert part of the sentence and rebuild it than to just create something from scratch.” says Antonio, a translator. But he thinks this problem could be resolved within the next 10 years.

1.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 1?

A.Add some more related information.

B.Provide some advice for the readers.

C.Introduce the topic of the text.

D.Summarize the following paragraphs.

2.How do professional translators do to improve their working efficiency?

A.By changing Google Translate. B.By surfing online.

C.By working with engineers. D.By using CAT tools.

3.What advantage does the translation earphone have compared with many CATs?

A.It is more accurate. B.It is more attractive.

C.It is cheaper. D.It is smaller.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Are Computer Translators Good?

B.Why do Human Translators Need Help?

C.What Is the Problem of Human Translators?

D.Can Computer Translators Replace Human Translators?



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