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    Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry people's wishes to the families they love and miss.

There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang'e is the most touching. Chang'e was Hou Yi's beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to take it with Chang'e. However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not at home. Chang'e refused to give it to him and took it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang'e could come back.

After this, people started the traditional of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.

1.The food people usually enjoy on Mid-Autumn night: __________________

2.The most touching story about the Mid-Autumn Festival: _________________

3.Adjective that describes Hou Yi's feeling when he didn't see his wife: ____________

4.The activities to celebrate this festival: __________________

5.Please find the sentence in the passage that has the same meaning as "He put the fruits and desserts that she likes best in the garden quickly"(请在本文中找与划线句子意思相同的句子) __________________________________________________


    During the summer vacation, 1. exchange student named Wang Ying  2.(get)to Washington, the capital of America. Before that she had learned the basic customs of the USA. For example, Americans greet each other by shaking hands instead of bowing 3. kissing.

It's good manners to knock 4.the door before entering others' homes. Table manners are important, for example, putting elbows on the table is 5.(polite). She realized that good manners and customs are of value and worth learning.

When she got there, her host family went out of their way  6.(make) her feel at home. After all she is Chinese, and she had trouble communicating with them. She got upset.  7. their help, she made a good effort to practice spoken English. Gradually, she was used to  8.(talk) with them in English. Now she 9.(feel) relaxed communicating with  10.(foreigner).



    A young poor couple bought a big house from two elderly sisters. 1. The house was quite nice and the couple bought it at a low price. So they were very happy.

2. The couple were a little worried how they could keep the old house warm. The house didn't have any fireplaces(壁炉) or heaters.

At first, they planned to buy some heaters for the long cold winter. But later, they thought that if the elderly sisters could stay warm and comfortable in the old house during the winter in the past years, so could they. 3.

Winter arrived and temperatures soon dropped below zero. 4. Frost()covered the insides of its walls. Life inside the house became so hard.

5. He called the elderly sisters to ask them how they managed to keep the house warm during the winter.

After speaking to them on the phone, the husband told his wife, "For the last 30 years, the sisters have spent every winter on vacation in Thailand. "

A.However, winter was not far away at the time.

B.Finally, the husband couldn't stand it anymore.

C.They lived there for 30 years.

D.But they couldn't afford those expensive machines.

E.The large house became very cold.

F.So they just decided to wait for winter to come and did not make any preparations.

G.The wife managed to make the house warm.


    Do you try to save electricity()and magazines at home? Do you make your bed every day? Read about the home habits of Americans. Are they the same as yours?

Lights out

Saving magazines

Are you careful about saving electricity? 25% of people turn off the lights when they leave a room. 8% never do. 80% leave the lights on When they go out in the evening.

How long do you save magazines? About half the population throws away old ones after six months. But 20% keep them for years and years.

Clean and tidy

Making beds and doing dishes

Are you an organized person?13% of people like to keep the rooms clean and tidy.

The common home has fourteen cleaning products around the house.

74% of people make their beds every morning. 5% never do. And 3% actually change their sheets(床单)every day.

Do you wash the dishes right after eating? 58% of Americans do, but 5%let theirs sit for several days.




1.80% of Americans go out in the evening with the lights on.______

2.One fifth of Americans keep magazines for years and years. ______

3.Most Americans like to keep the rooms clean and tidy. _______

4.The people who make the beds are as many as those who wash the dishes every day. ______


    Fame Hotel is a very interesting hotel in California. In this hotel, you can live the same life as a famous person, such as a movie star or a scientist.

When you check into(登记入住)the hotel, you can choose a room first. Each room has a name famous person. Fame Hotel has 32 rooms, most of which are named after movie or music stars.

But there are also famous writers and even some scientists,

When you enter the room, you enter the life of that person. There are pictures everywhere. The hotel has tried to fill the rooms with clothes, and even food that the stars liked. Monroe's wardrobe (梦露的衣橱)is full of beautiful white dresses. "Albert Einstein" doesn't have any socks in the wardrobe because the real Einstein never wore them.

I spoke to one guest staying in Elvis Presley's(猫王的)room. "I love this hotel," he said to me. " I wanted to know what Elvis Presley would eat for breakfast and now I know. " The guest ate pancakes and strawberry ice cream in the morning, just as Elvis liked to do. On the next table, the guest of Einstein's room was drinking cabbage soup.

The company plans to open another Fame Hotel in New York City next year and there are plans to open some in Europe too. I'm looking forward to staying in the Churchill's suite(丘吉尔的套房) in London.

1.Most of the rooms in Fame Hotel are named after _________________.

A.sports stars B.famous writers C.famous scientists D.movie or music stars

2.We know from the passage that _____________________.

A.there are many Fame Hotels in the world

B.there aren't socks in Einstein's wardrobe

C.we can meet famous people in Fame Hotel

D.some famous people have stayed at Fame Hotel

3.The passage is mainly about _____________________________.

A.a special hotel B.hotels in America

C.famous people's lives D.things famous people liked


    Do you like Snow White or Mickey Mouse?_______ you have watched them or not, you must have heard about them. They _______to the world-famous Walt Disney Animation Studios. When Cathy was an art student, she always dreamed of working at the Studios. So she was really _________ when the Studios came to her college and looked for the best art students. She asked for the job _______ thinking.

Several months later, Cathy became a member of the Studios. It was _______ for her, but it really happened. Now Cathy has._______ here for about two years."I work _______ passion(热情)and love every day, "Cathy said. "It feels good to work with the most talented artists. With their help, I have made great _______. I believe we will _______ more and more classic films in the future. "

The working environment is great. The Studios ________ Cathy and other workers a lot of free things, such as coffee, fruit and books. How wonderful!

1.A.Though B.Wherever C.Whenever D.Whether

2.A.rise B.belong C.come D.need

3.A.excited B.nervous C.special D.tired

4.A.as B.by C.without D.before

5.A.impossible B.unbelievable C.interesting D.important

6.A.worked B.gone C.lived D.left

7.A.ever since B.instead of C.a bit D. full of

8.A.research B.pressure C.progress D.decision

9.A.collect B.explain C.invent D.create

10.A.serves B.introduces C.keeps D.provides


这是小华家里发生的一幕, 请根据你对这幅图画的理解, 写一篇100词左右的英语短文.

内容包括: 1. 描述漫画内容, 可以进行适当发挥;2. 表达你的看法。

写作要求: 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等信息。



    If you have ever seen a celebration of the Chinese New Year, you may have seen a large, colorful animal dancing to the sounds of drums, cymbals, and gongs. Of course, this is not a real beast (野兽) .1.When these dancers come together, they form the colorful dancing creature!

The lion dance is a traditional part of Chinese culture. 2. It's also performed for other special occasions, like weddings. The dance is thought to bring good luck or success.

While there are many different tales of how lion dance began, one legend traces it back to village in China hundreds of years ago. 3.A lion chased nian away. But a year later, nian returned, and this time the lion was unable to help. So the people of the village created a lion costume of their own. Their fake(伪装) lion danced, pranced, roared and chased nian away.


The lion dance is performed by two dancers. One dancer performs as the lion's head and front legs, and the other performs as the body and back legs. The head of the lion costume is made out of materials like paper-mache (混凝纸) and bamboo. The body of the costume is a long cloth attached to the head.

5.. In a southern lion dance, the dancers base their performance on a lion's behavior. Their lion may scratch or shake its body. The dance can even be funny. The other style is the northern lion dance. This style is closely related to the martial art form kung fu. It can involve rolling, leaping, and jumping.

Both styles require skill and practice to perform. And both are very entertaining to watch!

A.It is often performed on the eve of the Chinese New Year (or Spring Festival)

B.They gave nian what it wanted

C.It's actually skilled dancers in costume, performing a lion dance

D.The southern dance requires more skills than the northern dance

E.The legend says that the people of the village were attacked by a monster called nian

F.For this reason, people perform the lion dance on the night before the Chinese New Year they chase evil away for another year

G.There are two different styles of lion dance


随着技术的发展, 有些超市为顾客开设了自动付款出口。

With the _______ of_______, some supermarkets have installed the automatic checkout lanes for customers.


电影《战狼2》于2017727日上映, 它对青年人的爱国情绪产生了很大的影响。

Wolf Warriors 2 hit screen on July 27th, 2017, __________a big____________ to the young people's patriotic sentiment.


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