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—What's this?—It's ______.

A.V                    B.a V

C.an V                D.the V



—— It’s green.

A. What’s  this             B. What time is it

C. What color is it          D. What’s  this


What’s  this  in  English?     It’s  a_______.

A. pen                B. red

C. black            D. blue



Spell, color , what’s , key , yellow

A:1. this in English ?

B:It’s a2..

A:3. it,please.


A:And what 4. is it.

B:It’s 5. .

A:Yellow? And what’s this in English?

B:It’s an orange.

A:And what color is it?

B:It’s green.



1.What’s that in         (英语)?

2.What color is         (你的) jacket?

3.The ruler is         (绿色的),not blue.

4.The quilt is blue and        (白色的).

5.It’s a       (黄色的)bag.



1.A. color     B. red     C. blue   D. black

2.A. Ee        B. Aa     C. Uu     D. Rr

3.A. HB        B. CD      C. and    D. kg

4.A. B         B. V      C. T      D. X

5.A. a         B. an    C. the    D. it


this 的对应词是______


what is(缩写形式)______


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