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阅读下列短文  从短文后各题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中  选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项  并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Philip is a school boy. On his twelfth birthday, he decided to give up eating I don’t think it’s right to eat animals,he said.They live on the Earth just like us and they are our friends. Philip s parents were not happy about that.  You are a growing boy, his mother said. You need meat. Don t you want to become healthier and  ?

His mother put some    , rice and carrots in front of him. “I want you to eat all your food now,” she said. “Don’t    anything.” Philip didn’t want to make his mother sad. But he ate only the rice and the carrots, not touching the beef.

You’re a silly boy!said his father     .I’m getting very angry with you.

I'm sorry, Mum and Dad,answered Philip.I don't want you to be sad or angry.    ____I really don’t want to eat any meat.

Then have some fish,dear, said his mother.

Oh no, I can’t!cried Philip.Fish are living things too. ”“Well, you can’t have    to eat at all if you don't eat any meat or fish, said his father.

The next morning Philip got up hungry. His father walked to the    with him and asked to see the teacher.

Is this what you teach the students at school?he asked the teacher. Philip      to eat meat at home. He doesn' t listen to what I say.

I don’t agree with Philip,replied the teacher.But I think he’s     to do what he thinks is right. We teach the students to do that.   

1.A.fruit  B.vegetables      C.meat D.rice

2.A.shorter  B.taller          C. weaker D.lazier

3.A.beef  B.pork           C.chicken D.duck

4.A.eat  B.have           C.taste D.leave

5.A.angrily B.happily        C.rudely D.politely

6.A.And  B.But            C.So D.Or

7.A.nothing  B.everything     C.anything D.something

8.A.factory  B.hospital       C.supermarket   D.school

9.A.agrees  B.hopes          C.wants D.refuses

10.A.brave  B.kind           C.foolish D.shy


Our teacher often asks us   time.

A. not waste    B.don t waste      C. not to waste  D.doesn t waste


I have been in China   1997.

A. since    B. for    C. in   D. until


Be careful with the knife. You may hurt   .

A. himself    B. ourselves      C. myself   D. yourself


Their classroom is as  as ours.

A. cleaner   B.clean           C. the cleanest   D.much cleaner


Beijing is capital of China.

A. a   B.an      C. the   D./




1、 如何得到的;

2、 拥有多久了;

3、 珍爱的原因。



My favorite thing from childhood is _____________________________________________



find  book  big  how  mind  clever  swim  school  always  name

Many years ago, there was a family named Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706 another baby was born. The boy’s mother and her husband gave the boy a   1.   —Benjamin.

Benjamin was the  2.   of all the children. He could read when he was five and he could write when he was seven. The next year his parents sent him to  3. .

At school Benjamin was good at reading and writing, but not good at maths. He read all of his father’s   4. . And when he had money, he  5.   went to buy books. He liked books. They told him  6.   to do something. The boy liked to use his head and tried to  7.   ways to help people enjoy life more. For example, he tried to know if there was some way to   8.   farther, maybe with something on his hands or feet. Slowly a picture of swimming shoes, or paddles, grew in his  9. . The paddles must be neither too   10.   nor too small. And they must be neither too heavy nor too light. At last he invented the paddle for swimming.



Many earthquakes happen every year. Some of these earthquakes are very strong. When they happen in cities, they can be very serious. Many people will be hurt or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.

If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, the safest place is under a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows, tall furniture and pictures or anything that may fall on you. Do not try to run out of the building.

If you are out of doors, move to clear areas. Get away from buildings and trees. Be very careful of fallen power lines.

The danger is not over when the strong shaking stops. There will be some shocks after most earthquakes. We call them aftershocks and they sometimes can be more dangerous than the first earthquake.

When it is safe for you to move around, check the people near you. Some may need help. You may feel afraid, but you should try to stay calm. That is the most important thing to do in the earthquake.

How to protect yourself in the earthquake?



● Hide under a strong table or desk.

● Sit in a doorway or close to a   2.  .

● Protect your head and neck with your   3.  .

● Stay away from anything that may fall on you.

● Do not try to run out when the earthquake is happening.

● Move to clear areas.

● Stay away from buildings and trees.

● Be careful of fallen power lines.

● Remember that   4.  can be more dangerous sometimes.

● Move around to check the people near you when it is safe.

You should always stay   5.  !



根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项( AB、C、D、E F )中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。选项中有一个为多余选项。

A. How was your trip?

B. At times I feel like giving up.

C. What did you buy in the USA?

D. Im really afraid of the final exam.

E. I think I should work harder at English.

F. Could you make yourself understood in the USA?








A: How nice to see you back, Li Lei!   1.

B: Wonderful! Ive been to many places of interest and I enjoyed myself in Disneyland.

A: 2.

B: Not really. Sometimes I got into trouble. They spoke too quickly and I couldnt have long conversations with the people there.   3.

A: Yes, I agree. I know English is very important, but I often feel sleepy in English classes.   4. 

B: Im afraid, too. And its very difficult for me to remember new words.

A: Me, too. I dont know what to do.   5. 

B: Dont let these difficulties discourage you. Remember: where there is a will, there is a way.


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