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–Is this your map?


A. Yes, it isn’t.      B. Yes, this is.

C. No, it isn’t.        D. No, it is.


This ____ my brother and those ____ my friends.

A. is, are               B. are, is

C. are, are              D. is, is


--_______________              --J-A-C-K-E-T, jacket.

A. How do you spell it?          B. Can you spell it, please?

C. What’s this in English?        D. Spell your name, please.


This is ___ orange.____ orange is orange.

A. a, The              B. an, The

C. the, An             D. the, A


--What color is it?

--______________ .

A. It’s good           B. It’s Z

C. It’s blue            D. It’s a cup


--How is Grace?

--She is__________ .

A. good                B. nice

C. fine                D. not


--Good afternoon, Alice!

-- ____________, Bob!

A. Good morning            B. I’m OK..

C. Good evening            D. Good afternoon




1.What does he look like?       A. It’s yellow.

2.Is his bike new?             B. Yes, they are.

3.Whose book is this?           C. He has gray hair.

4. Are these your apples?      D. Sorry, I don’t know.

5.What color is your coat?      E. It’s mine.



Jim and Tom are ________. They look________ same. They are ________ . They are twelve . Thy are in No.14 Middle ________ .They are in the same ________ . But they ________ in the same room. Jim is in ________ 301and Tom is in Room 302. ________ classmates all look ________ them . Now they are good ________ .

1.A. twin sister   B. twin sisters    C. twin brothers     D. twins brothers

2.A. a             B. an             C. the               D. \

3.A. new            B. new student     C. a new student     D. a new

4.A school       B. School          C. schools            D. Schools

5.A. class         B. Class           C. classes           D. Classes

6.A. is             B. isn’t         C. are                D. aren’t

7.A. room          B. Room            C. rooms             D. Rooms

8.A. He             B. His            C. They               D. Their

9.A. At             B. like           C. after              D. to

10.A. friend       B. friends         C. student           D. students


--- ___________________?

--- It’s 61237890.

A. What’s your name?                    B. How are you?

C. What’s your telephone number?        D. Spell it, please.


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