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Basketball has not only become a popular sports to play, ____________ it has also become a popular sport to watch.

A.if       B.and      C.but    D.because


The computer is one of _____________ inventions in the world.

A.useful         B.more useful

C.most useful     D.the most useful


The earthquake happened all of ____________, but luckily no one got hurt.

A.sudden   B.a sudden  C.the sudden  D.suddenly


Look! _________ alien is running after ____________ woman.

A; a    B.An; a    C.A; an   D.An; an





历史悠久,深受喜爱     世界杯4年举行一次



利于培养团队精神develop team spirit   考生自拟(至少1)


梅西,有足球天赋has a gift for



注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;

3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

参考词汇:梅西 Messi

Dear classmates,

I’m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020.







Thank you for your attention.



We may have many different kinds of hobbies during our lifetime. When we are very youngit takes us most of our time to play with toys. When we get olderwe start to find our first hobbies. Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating. These new interests can last(持续) a long time and most children put a lot of energy into them. Some other children might be interested in less active activities like readingpaintingor stamp collectingwhile some others might enjoy playing an instrument like the piano or the violin.

As we get olderour hobbies might change. Some people collecting stamps as a child might still be collecting stamps when they are 80 years old. But other people might change their interests every year depending on fashion. Some people are so lucky that they have found work that is similar to their hobbieslike the kid who loves music becomes a singer.

Some of the most popular hobbies include watching TVreading booksand playing a musical instrument. Many people like to do sports. Lots of people like traveling as a hobby. The main purpose of a hobby is to relax. A hobby is something we should do only for ourselves.

Information Card

The thing we spend most of time playing with when we are young


The sports most kids put much energy into when we get older


The number of less active activities that some children might be interested in

3. __________________.

The most popular hobbies include


The main purpose of a hobby




Waste can be seen everywhere and it can bring a lot of problems. China is rich in some resources(资源),   1. we are short of others, for example, fresh water. It is said that we will have no coal() or oil to use   2.  100 years. Also there is not enough food in some areas. So if we keep   3.  our resources, what can we use in the future and   4. can we move? Think about it, I think we should   5. “no” to the people who waste things every day.

In our everyday life, we can do many things to   6. __ waste from happening. For example, remember to turn   7. the lights when we leave the room and we’d better use both 8.  of paper. Also we should try not to order   9.  food than we need and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed, waste can be stopped one day if we do 10.  best.




1.Nick wants to know the time. He needs something at home to tell him the time, but he doesn’t want to set the time first.

2.Sally has to send e-mails every day and she likes listening to music when she is free. She needs something that can help him.

3.Tony buys what he will eat once a week. Summer has come. He wants to buy something to make them cool and fresh.

4. Alice washes clothes for her one-year-old son every day. They are hard to dry on wet days. She is going to buy something that can dry clothes in a short time.

5. Tina is a housewife. She has to wash lots of dishes every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.

A.  This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity(适度) of your room.

B.  You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to the music with it when you want to relax.

C. This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have it at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.

D.  This can help you wash your dishes and dry them. What you need to do is to turn it on and later get them out. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.

E.  Each family needs this product. You can use if to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.

F. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.

G. You need this product on wet days. It can make your wet clothes dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your hair or some other wet things.



When people talk about air pollution, they usually think of smog, acid rain(酸性雨),and other forms(形式) of outdoor air pollution. But did you know that air pollution also is inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildingsIndoor air pollution is more serious. The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times(倍数) more polluted than the air outdoorsIn fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have something to do with polluted indoor air. Indoor air pollution is bad for our health in many ways. Young children and the old often suffer(遭受) more from air pollution. People with health problems may also suffer more when the air is polluted. Indoor air pollution can be bad for people’s eyes, nose and throat. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also lead to cancer, heart disease, and even bad for the brainIn the great London fog in 1952, 4,000 people died in a few days because of air pollutionIt is said that half a million young kids and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution

There’re many ways to reduce(减少) indoor air pollution. Here are some of them and see if they can help you

Increase outdoor air coming indoors and open your windows for 15 to 30 minutes each day.

Turn off all the lights and fans when you don’t need them.

Share your room with others when the air conditioner is running.

Don’t smoke and try to stop your family members from smoking. People who smoke are going to have trouble breathing and even die someday. If you’re smart, don’t ever start.

Environment-friendly products, such as water-based paints pollute less and work well.

1._______is more serious in the writer’s opinion.

A, outdoor air pollution       B. indoor air pollution

C. noise pollution             D. water pollution

2.Lots of people died each year in_______ because of indoor air pollution.

A. India       B. England      C. America       D. China

3.How many ways does the writer talk about to reduce indoor air pollution?

A. Four.        B. Five.      C. Six.       D. Seven.

4.Which is NOT the right way to reduce indoor air pollution

A. Open the windows for 15 to 30 minutes each day to let the fresh air in.

B. Turn off the light when you don’t need them.

C. Don’t smoke and stop others from smoking.

D. Don’t use water-based paints because they can pollute air.

5.The best title of the passage is_______.

A. The forms of outdoor air pollution

B. The ways of reduce indoor air pollution

C. The indoor air pollution

D. The environment-friendly products


Singapore's public transport system (交通系统) is one of the best in the world, so you should have no problem finding your way there. There are three main forms of public transport — trains, buses and taxis.


Trains run from 6:00 am to midnight. Single trip tickets start at 80 cents. If you buy an EZ-Link card for $15, you can ride the trains and buses as you like. If you need more information, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.


There are several bus services in Singapore and fares(费用) start at 80cents. Be sure always ask the driver the cost of your ticket because he can not give change. If you need help, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.


There are three main taxi companies City Cab (6552 2222), Comfort (6552 1111) and Tibs (6552 8888). Booking can also be easily by calling the numbers listed above.


Driving in Singapore is a pleasure and if you like to travel to the places you like, renting a car is a good choice. Renting takes away the hassle of getting to places around Singapore. Just sit back and enjoy the city. It also means you'll get to see a lot more that a train or a bus won't let you see. For car rental, call Avis on + 65 6737 1668.


1.If you need to find the bus number, you may call ____________.

A. +65 6737 1668                    B. 6552 8888

C. 1800 767 4333                     D. 6552 2222

2.Buy an EZ-Link card, you can take ____________.

A. both buses and trains

B. both trains and taxis

C. both buses and taxis

D. both bus and rental cars

3.When you take a bus there, always remember to ____________.

A. take your own license with you

B. ask the driver how much your ticket is

C. buy the bus map of Singapore

D. book your ticket ahead of time

4.What does the word "hassle" mean in Chinese?

A. 麻烦         B. 乐趣        C. 景点       D. 费用

5.What do you know about traveling in Singapore from the passage?

A. There are four main taxi companies in Singapore.

B. It's much cheaper to go around by bus than by train.

C. You can see a lot more in Singapore only by renting a car.

D. It's very convenient (方便的) for visitors to travel in Singapore.


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