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1.If it _________( rain ) tomorrow, we won’t have the football match.

2.Those volunteers are looking forward to __________(raise) cows on a farm.

3.Jim, never _________(miss) the shows at the Palace Museum.

4.Look! There are some key rings on the ground. Maybe they are those _______(postman).

5.My parents went back on the 17th of June, but three days later, they left for Beijing on the _________(twenty) of June.

6.I can find my toys, but where are __________(they)?

7.Look! Mrs Gao _____(look) so beautiful in her new blouse.

8.How ______ (keep) the balance between hobbies and homework is still a problem.

9. I often hear the girl _______(sing) the song Tomorrow will be better”.

10.With the help of the doctor, now my grandpa is out of _______(dangerous).



1.I live on the fifth floor, and my sister lives on the floor        (上面).

2.We are going on a __________(宝藏) hunt this afternoon.

3.Just go       (径直) along the road, and you’ll see the bookshop on your right.

4.There is too much __________(来往车辆) in this street every morning.

5.Spring comes, old         (叶子) are falling down and the new ones are growing.


When the bell rings, every student takes out an iPad. The light from the screens makes their young faces pretty and lively. That’s what happens every day at my school in the US. We use iPads in class.

I felt surprised and excited when I got an iPad the first day I arrived at the school. But it was not free. I spent about $100 to rent (租) it for three years.

Every iPad at my school has a special learning system (系统) called Focus. Teachers put their teaching materials(材料) like textbooks and PPTs on it. When we have classes, we enter the system and download (下载) the materials with our iPads.

It makes the classes interesting and efficient (高效的). For example, a few weeks ago, we learned about London in the UK. Our teacher prepared a video. Through the video, we saw many places of interest in London. We could not only watch the video, but also see the words at the same time. Because of the video, I know more about the city.

We also do our homework with iPads. We can know how well we do our homework right after we hand in our homework.

However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of my classmates play games or surf the Internet in class.

I believe the key to use iPads well is to have good self-control (自制), isn’t it?

1. In the writer’s class, every student ________.

A. gets a free iPad from the teacher

B. plays games on iPads in each class

C. shares an iPad with their classmates in class

D. rents an iPad to use at school for three years

2.The underlined word “Focus” is ________.

A. the name of the iPad at school

B. PPTs and videos

C. teachers’ teaching materials

D. a special learning system

3.When students are learning with iPads, they should not ________.

A. play games

B. watch any videos

C. download the materials

D. hand in the homework

4. According to the example in Paragraph 4, we learn that ________.

A. students don’t like to use iPads in class

B. iPads are not useful when having classes

C. students use iPads to watch videos every class

D. iPads make the classes interesting and efficient

5.What is the right way the writer think of using iPads in school?

A. Students should use iPads as often as possible.

B. To use iPads in school is very bad for students’ eyes.

C. Students should have good self-control when using iPads.

D. All students should use iPads to surf the Internet in class.


I work as a volunteer for the poor in Haiti. I decided to take my son Brain there for a week, hoping to educate(教育) him.

Before getting out, I told Brain this trip would be tiring and hard. For the first two days, he said almost nothing. Then on the third day, when we were climbing over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and smiled, “Really hard.”

After that, a five-year-old girl, wearing a too large dress and broken shoes, followed Brain around. Later he said regretfully(遗憾地), “I wish I could speak French.” I was surprised that this was from a boy. He always hated French classes.

One day, I was interviewing(采访) a woman villager for an article. By working hard, she had learned to read and write and became part of the leadership(领导层) of the village. That really touched my heart.

Learning her story, Brain was greatly touched. His eyes were wet and there was love and respect(尊重) on his face. He finally understood the importance of my work. When leaving for home, Brain even offered(提供) to stay in as a volunteer. This trip was very meaningful.

1.Why did the writer take his son to Haiti?

A. Because they wanted to take a trip there.

B. Because the writer wanted to educate his son.

C. Because his son wanted to help the poor there.

D. Because they wanted to visit a friend there.

2.Why was the writer surprised about his son?

A. Because his son wished to speak French.

B. Because a little girl liked his son.

C. Because his son said nothing about the hard trip.

D. Because his son wanted to talk with the little girl.

3.What does the underlined word “touched” mean?

A. 发生 B. 攻击 C. 感动 D. 到达

4.What did NOT the boy learn from this trip?

A. To love and respect poor people.

B. To be a good leader.

C. To offer help to people in need.

D. To be a kind and hard-working man.

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A meaningful trip.

B. How to be a volunteer.

C. A story of a village leader.

D. The importance of learning French.



Hongnan Restaurant

Tel: 83386223                        Add: 635 Grand Road

Open:   Mon to Fri: 7:00 am— 2:30 pm        4:30 pm—9:00 pm

Sat & Sun: 7:30 am— 2:00 pm        5:00 pm—10:00 pm

History Museum

Tel: 87796960                        Add: 69 Hong Kong Road

One of Guangdong’s largest museums specializing (专门) in the history of local Guangdong people.

Open:   Mon to Fri: 9:00 am— 10: 00am           3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Sat & Sun: 8:30 am— 11:30am            2:30 pm—6:30 pm

Baihe Shopping Center

Tel: 87872738                            Add: 5300 Shanghai Road

Open:   Mon to Fri: 10:00 am— 11:00 am          2:30 pm—8:30 pm

Sat & Sun: 9:00 am— 10:30 am           2:00 pm—10:30pm

Fuli Hotel

Tel: 83338989                            Add:368 East Huanshi Road

Breakfast: 6:30 am— 9:00 am               Lunch: 11:30 am—2:00 pm

Dinner: 6:30 pm— 10:00 pm

Coffee shop:

Mon to Fri: 7:00 am— 10:00 am                 2:30 pm—8:30 pm

Sat & Sun: 8:00 am— 10:00 am                  2:30 pm—11: 30 pm

Welcome to our hotel, you can book rooms at any time. We always offer you good services.


1. If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday, you can call ______.

A. 83386223 or 83338989        B.87796960 or 83386223

C. 83338989 or 87872738        D. 87872738 or 87796960

2. ______ is closed for 2 hours in the afternoon on weekdays.

A. Fuli Hotel         B. Hongnan Restaurant

C. History Museum      D. Baihe Shopping Center

3.You can learn about ______ when you visit History Museum.

A. the history of South China

B. the history of local Guangdong people

C. the history of Shanghai

D. the history of Hong Kong

4.Which is true about the advertisement?

A. You can go shopping on 635 Grand Road.

B. You can have lunch from 12:00 to 2:30 on Saturday.

C. You can learn the history of local Guangdong people for more than three hours on weekends.

D. You can only go back to the hotel after 12:00 pm.

5.The information may come from a ______.

A. story  B. picture book   C. newspaper    D. text book


完形填空阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my bag and some sandwiches, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m _________  .”

“If you want to   _________   , that’s all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I   _________ my bag and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.

“Wait a    _________   ,” Mom said. “I want your   _________  back. You didn’t wear anything when you   _________   .” This really angered me. I took my clothes off—shoes, socks, underwear and all—and _________  , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but when you close that door, don’t hope to come back!”

I was so   _________ that I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out of it.   _________ I found that I was outside with   _________  on. Then I noticed that two neighbor girls were walking to my house. I ran to _________    behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was    _________  that the girls went away. I rushed to the front door and knocked on it loudly.

“Who’s there?” I heard.

“It’s Billy! Let me in!”

The voice behind the   _________  answered, “Billy doesn’t live here any more. He ran away from home.” Glancing(瞥) behind me to see if anyone else was coming. I begged(乞求), “Aw, come on, Mom! I’m still your son. Let me _________ !”

The door opened and Mom’s   _________ face appeared(出现). “Did you change your decision about running away?” she asked.

“What’s for supper?” I answered.

1.A. leaving       B. playing       C. shopping       D. coming

2.A. find out    B. go by        C. move around   D. run away

3.A. cut          B. hit         C. threw          D. hurt

4.A. day          B. minute        C. week           D. month

5.A. bags          B. clothes       C. sandwiches    D. shoes

6.A. left          B. went         C. came          D. ran

7.A. said         B. told         C. laughed       D. shouted

8.A. angry       B. sorry         C. interested    D. excited

9.A. Certainly     B. Quietly       C. Suddenly      D. Wonderfully

10.A. something    B. anything      C. everything     D. nothing

11.A. play       B. hide        C. rest          D. walk

12.A. sure         B. amazing      C. surprised     D. lucky

13.A. house      B. tree         C. door           D. flat

14.A. in          B. out          C. off            D. down

15.A. surprising   B. interesting   C. exciting      D. smiling


Where’s Jiangyan? Is it far away from Xuzhou?

It’s ______the south of Xuzhou and ______ the east of Taizhou.

A. in; to        B. on; in          C. to; on      D. to; in


We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us.

_________? I’ll give them a call right now.

A. What for       B. Why       C. What        D. Why not


You should write a          passage in the English exam.

I think it’s not difficult for us to write          if you try your best.

A. 70 words; 70 words     B. 70-word; 70 words

C. 70-word; 70-word       D. 70 words; 70-word


May I speak to Jim Green ?

—_________ He is in the supermarket now.

A. Who are you speaking?

B. Yes, of course you can.

C. Could you call him later?

D. This is Jim Green.


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