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One of the most common questions I am asked is whether, when, and how to follow up (跟进) after a job interview. Following up in some way is necessary. Yes, you can get a job without it, but if you’re having a competition with other top candidates (候选人), following up can sometimes help you when the other candidate doesn’t. Here’s how to follow up well

Send a thank-you note at once. E-mail is fine for this and has the advantage of arriving faster, but handwritten notes are still appreciated (欣赏). And if there are many interviews, send a thank-you note each time.

Find out their timeline. Hopefully, you asked about their timeline in the interview itself, but if you didn’t, follow up within a week to express your interest and politely ask what they expect their timeline for a decision to be.

Be patient. Most commonly, job seekers (求职者) are too worried about the result. It doesn’t look worried to express your interest in the job or check in to ask about the timeline.

Don’t be nervous if you don’t hear from them at once. The hiring process often takes longer than you would like, maybe the man who makes the decision is out of town. If you’re past the time they decided, you would hear something, so you needn’t be nervous. Hiring often ends up taking longer than expected. Just politely follow up, explain you’re very interested but understand that hiring can take time, and ask if they have the latest timeline.

How to follow up after a job interview

Importance of following up

Following up is very   1.   in some ways.

2.  of following up

Send a thank-you note at once

E-mail can arrive 3.  .

The employer still appreciate   4.  notes.

Find out the timeline

Follow up to express your 5.   .

Ask what they 6.  the timeline to be.

Be   7.

It’s   8.   that job seekers are too worried.

Don’t be nervous

The hiring often takes a longer time.

The decision   9.   is out of town.

If the decided time is past, follow up   10.   and explain you are interested in the job.




1.The whole class is____________ (divide)into four groups

2.The series of Tiny Times is one of the New Generation  ________(导演) works.

3.Country music is a_________(传统) type in most western countries.

4.We never doubt that anyone who does anything ________(违反)the law will be punished.

5.He can’t keep his things in order, _________(也) can I.

6.Wearing red can help you when you have trouble in making _______ (decide).

7.Jiao Long Submersible (蛟龙号) has __________(success) reached the depth of 7,062 meters.

8.I am sorry that I __________(mistake) you for my cousin just now.

9.The police are searching for any clues of the _________(miss) diamond necklace.

10.Don’t be_______ (耐心的)! Please think about what I said first.


Does this ever happen to you? Someone introduces you to a friend, you hear his or her name, and then two minutes later, you forget it. Or you go to the same restaurant every day and the owner always says “Hello” to you but you can never remember her name. If this happens, you are typical— actually most people have the problem remembering names.

Here are some ways that can help people remember names.

Repeat the person’s name loud at least three times while you talk together. For example, instead of saying “Nice to meet you.” say “Nice to meet you, Jack.” Instead of saying “Where do you live?” you can say “Where do you live, Jack?”

Introduce the person by name to someone else right away.

Write the name down as soon as possible.

There are other ways which may seem a little strange. However, try them.

Think of a story using the person’s name. For example, think to yourself, “Jack has a nice jacket.” Imagine Jack in a nice jacket.

Think of a rhyme(押韵)for the person's name. For example, think to yourself, “Jack would look nice in black.” Imagine Jack wearing black clothes.

All these ways have one thing in common. You must pay attention to the people you meet. You can’t just meet someone, nod your head, say hello, and walk away. Remembering names takes work and practice.

1.The word “typical” probably means “______”.

A. funny     B. common     C. strange    D. careless

2.Which of the following may seem unusual to help remember a name?

A. Repeating the name.

B. Writing the name down.

C. Making up a story with it.

D. Introducing the person to others.

3.If you want to remember names easily, you must ______.

A. look after the people you meet

B. pay attention to the people you meet

C. nod your head to the people you meet

D. talk politely to the people you meet

4.The passage probably comes from ___________.

A. A science magazine.   B. A boy’s diary

C. A story book.         D. A community survey.


I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend-Tiger. We met at the school fair (集市). Each year, all the fourth-grade classes hold a school fair. Everyone in the fourth grade works at the fair. Some sell ice cream, drinks and snacks, others take care of the little children who ride the horses. I got the second job and I've never forgotten it, because that's where I met Tiger.

My job was to help little children get on the back of a little horse. I kept telling the children to wait their turn and holding ice cream for them while they rode about. It’s clear that I was growing older and should be more responsible.

Suddenly, a boy came to the horse. He took the little horse's reins (缰绳)! The horse stopped, and the girl on its back started to fall. I was trying to reach the girl when I saw Tiger go by my legs. It held the horse's reins and pulled the horse away from my legs. I caught the girl just before we both hit the ground. The girl sat on top of me. She was laughing at the ice cream on my face. The horse's reins were in Tiger's mouth!

Thanks to Tiger's fast action, I saved the little girl. We were both heroes. And Tiger, the fastest dog I've ever known became my new best friend.

1.Tiger is ________.

A. a tiger   B. the boy’s name

C. a dog     D. the girl’s name

2.The writer’s job was to________.

A. feed the horse              B. look after the children

C. ride the horse              D. take care of the horse

3.Who made the horse stop at first?

A. A boy.      B. The writer.      C. The girl.     D. Tiger.

4.From the passage we can know that the writer is ________.

A. serious and outgoing

B. patient and interesting

C. brave and responsible

D. careful and hardworking


A group of frogs (青蛙) were travelling through the bush when two of them fell into a deep hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how deep the hole was, they told the two frogs that they could not be saved and that they were almost dead. The two frogs didn’t listen to their words and tried their best to jump out of the hole. But the other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs listened to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

The other frog, however, continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him to give up and wait for death. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs asked, “Didn’t you hear us?” The frog explained that he had poor hearing. He thought they were encouraging him the whole time.

Words have the power of life and death. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through their difficulties. A destructive (破坏性的) word to someone who is down can be fatal. So always be careful of what you say.

1. What happened when a group of frogs were travelling through the bush?

A. Two of them died

B. Two of them lost their way

C. Someone caught two of them

D. Two of them fell into a hole

2.The other frog jumped out of the hole because he ________.

A. wanted to save his friend

B. wanted to tell the others they were wrong

C. was afraid of destructive words

D. thought the others were encouraging him

3.The underlined word “fatal” in the last paragraph means ________ in Chinese.

A. 致命的.      B. 注定的.      C. 有益的.     D. 必要的.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A. We shouldn’t try to give others advice.

B. We should be careful of what we say to others.

C. Destructive words can also be helpful.

D. Words have nothing to do with life and death.



Fun Places to Visit in Singapore

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Jurong Bird Park

At Jurong Bird Park you can see more than 5,000 birds and even feed some of them by hand! If feeding birds makes you hungry, you can join the park’s parrots for lunch.

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Take a small boat into Singapore’s past. A 10-minute ride will take you to this island. The life on the island hasn’t been changed since the 1960s.

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Malls and Markets

Walk through Orchard Road’s modern malls. Then try an open-air shopping experience at the markets. There you can buy inexpensive clothes, toys and old furniture.

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Night Safari

Night Safari lets you see animals that are active at night in their natural environment. Walk through the park at night to get close to the animals from seven different areas.


1.How many fun places are mentioned?

A. 2     B. 3    C. 4    D. 5

2.Where can you get to know Singapore’s past?

A. At Night Safari.      B. At Malls and Markets.

C. At PulauUbin.           D. At Jurong Bird Park .

3.You can go to Night Safari to ____________.

A. watch animals           B. Take a boat trip

C. buy some clothes       D. Feed and eat with birds




Are your parents “helicopters”(直升飞机)? That’s a new word I read about. It means parents who are “over” their children. They   ________ about every little thing in their child’s life Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Too hot? Too cold? Do you need more books? ________  pens? More anything? More everything?

These parent ________   their children and want to   ________ that everything in their life is perfect. Some kids may become upset but ________ like being pampered (纵容). The pampered kids get used to being treated very well. They don’t like   ________  to make decisions.

I don’t think this is a good idea. I think it’s important for kids to do things for   ________ . I think it’s important for kids to make decisions. This   ________  them grow up. It helps them to    ________    an independent (独立的) and responsible (负责的) person.

________ can you become independent and responsible? It’s easy, just ________ with little things. You can make your own meals sometimes for help with the cooking. You can also  ________   your own bed and clean your room. You can  ________   your parents that you can be responsible with money.

Your parents are “helicopter” ________  they love you. So, tell them that you understand and that they really shouldn’t worry. Tell them they can “________” the helicopter because you are a responsible kid.

1.A. worry       B. change            C. collect        D. bring

2.A. Many       B. Much             C. More           D. Most

3.A. love       B. hate             C. trust          D. punish

4.A. make up    B. make sure         C. make of       D. make from

5.A. another    B. the other         C. other         D. others

6.A. talking    B. doing            C. giving         D. having

7.A. himself     B. yourselves        C. themselves     D. ourselves

8.A. asks      B. decides           C. helps          D. stops

9.A. become      B. learn             C. believe       D. develop

10.A. Why       B. When             C. How            D. What

11.A. talk       B. start             C. dream          D. finish

12.A. make      B. repair           C. sweep          D. move

13.A. teach      B. train             C. plan           D. show

14.A. so        B. because          C. but            D. though

15.A. land       B. invent           C. make          D. design


---Thank you, Mille and Kitty. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons. ---- _________.

A. With pleasure.     B. Better not.

C. Of course not     D. It’s our pleasure.


--- Could you tell me _____?   --- Sure. Go along this street and you will find it on your left.

A. where is the museum

B. how can I get to the museum

C. If I should go to the museum by bus

D. which is the way to the museum


It’s always bad news that the war between two countries _________.

A. comes out      B. puts out

C. works out       D. breaks out


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