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Audrey won an Oscar ________ Best Actress ______her role in the film Roman Holiday.

A. for; for      B. for; as      C. in; for      D. of; because


—I visited a paper factory last Sunday.


A. So do I         B. So did I

C. Neither did I   D. Neither do I


Look! That man looks like Mr. Brown.

It _______be him, for he _______to America.

A. can't; has gone

B. may not; has gone

C. mustn't; has been

D. can't; has been


—_____ heavy snow! How can we go to work today?

—_____ it is snowing heavily, let’s walk instead of driving.

A. What; Because

B. What a; Since

C. How; As

D. How a; Though


The National Sports Meeting will be covered __________tomorrow evening.

A. life            B. alive           C. living        D. live


A large number of Hollywood movies ________ in China every year. The number of imported (进口) Hollywood movies in 2014 ________ 34.

A. are shown; is    B. are shown; are    C. is shown; is   D. is shown; are


‘I’m a singer.’ is ________ an interesting TV show ________ many people like watching it.

A. so ; that         B. such ; that        C. so ; as       D. so ; that


— I hope I can take part in the game show Who is Still Standing and win something.

— Stop daydreaming. You will win nothing ____ you spend a few months preparing for it.

A. since   B. unless        C. if       D. because


There will be______ one-hour documentary tonight on TV. It tells a story of______honest boy in the mountain village far away.

A. an, an          B. a, a          C. an, a         D. a, an



假设你是李杰,正通过 e-mail 和美国友好姐妹校的朋友 Tom 交流校纪班规,请你用英语向他介绍下面的“班级公约”。










参考词汇:school uniform;        be active in thinking

Dear Tom,

I’d like to introduce my class rules made by us all. First, we should _______________________







It’s our duty to follow all the rules above. What about yours? Please write soon.


                                                                       Li Jie 


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