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     book named Harry Potter is       good friend of mine.

A. A; a     B. The; the  C. A; the   D. The; a


They always buy __________ food and drinks before they go on a trip.

A. much           B. many           C. plenty of          D. a few


Nanjing is _______ capital of Jiangsu. It is _______ old city in China.

A. /; the           B. a; the           C. the; an            D. the; a



1.When you are in a library, you should keep ____________ (安静的).

2.How many ___________ (零) are there in this number?

3.His uncle does well in ____________ (饲养) some cows and sheep on his farm.

4.Fog and haze weather (雾霾天气) brings traffic problems in China, so it is ____________

(危险的) to drive so fast.

5.He is always late for school. Today he is the ______________ (四十一) to come to our class.


6.A friend of ___________ (they) is coming to China tomorrow.

7.Giraffes are the tallest among the animals, so they can eat the ___________ (leaf) from trees.

8.If you take more exercise, you will feel ________ (well).

9.The green car is one of the ___________ (policeman) over there.

10.The computer in our classroom doesn’t work at all. Maybe, it is ____________ (break).


单词辨音  在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项,


1.A. palace     B. capital      C. famous      D. balcony

2.A. knife     B. office      C. invite             D. inside

3.A. beach        B. school     C. exchange     D. bench

4.A. treasure       B. wheat     C. leaf       D. east

5.A. already    B. always        C. salt         D. talk

6.A. lazy        B. pretty     C. carry         D. style

7.A. cook     B. wool      C. soon      D. foot

8.A. uncle     B. think         C. pink             D. plenty

9.A. thing     B. thousand    C. path          D. that

10.A. keys    B. pandas        C. works            D. kings


书面表达  (本大题共5分)



1. 获取知识,开阔视野;2. 放松和愉悦,益于学习


1. 作业多,没有足够时间读书; 2. 无良好读书习惯;3. 电视和网络占时多。






Dear friends,

Reading is very important in our daily life.




Lets start reading now!


完成句子   按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案。(本大题共10分,1-4小题每空0.5分,5-6小题各1.5分)


Has the teacher told us ________ ________ ________ ________ our homework?

2.Sandy 多久用一次电脑搜索信息?

________ ________does Sandy use her computer to ________ ________ information?


They were ________ ________ after a busy days work.


When looking at these old photos, the old man _______ _______ ______ ______ his childhood.


He                                                               half a year.


Its very important                                            as often as possible.


动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1. When I was a child, I once dreamed of __________ (receive) a letter from the queen in the UK.

2.---Is everybody here?

---No, sir. Jim and Mike ____________ (not arrive) yet. They are still on their way.

3.---I didnt see you at Susans birthday party yesterday evening. Why?

---Because I ____________ (wait) for a call from my best friend in Hong Kong.

4. Now most teenagers refuse ______ (communicate) with their parents when they have problems.

5.You have to walk home or take a taxi because the last bus __________ (leave) ten minutes ago.

6.No one is sure what ____________ (happen) to himself next minute.

7.---Tom doesnt look well. Whats wrong?

---He ____________ (catch) a bad cold.

8.Please dont play with your mobile phones while we ______ (have) such an important meeting.



1.The rain kept beating ____________ (撞,碰) the windows, and the little girl looked so sad.

2.We all look forward to ____________ (实现) our dreams by taking online tours.

3.Her friend ____________ (嫁) a world-famous football player last year.

4.I really hope to go abroad for getting more traveling ____________ (经历).



1.The more books you read, the richer ____________ (know) you will get.

2.Next week it will be his grandfathers ____________ (ninety) birthday.

3.The UK is a ____________ (Europe) country. Like China, it also has a long history.

4.Cutting down too many trees makes it ____________ (possible) for people to protect wild animals

in the world.


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