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---Would you like to attend China’s Got Talent《中国达人秀》?

---_______, but I’m busy preparing for my test.

A. My pleasure   B. I’d love to

C. That’s all right   D. Never mind


What action should they _______ such a thing happening again?

A. do stopping  B. take stopping

C. take to stop   D. do to stop


_______ you are busy now, let’s go next time, OK?

A. For   B. When    C. Because of   D. Since


This piano is too big. Can you make _______ for it?

A. a space  B. some space

C. some more rooms D. some spaces


What is the correct structure of the sentence “Driving brings the young man happiness”?


C. S+V+DO+OC  D. S+V+P


---You know what, Mike. There are already five people in the car. They still want me to go with them.

---Oh. It _______ a comfortable journey.

A. can’t be  B. mustn’t be

C. shouldn’t be  D. may be


Every year there are about _______ people waiting for their trains back home in the railway station before Spring Festival comes.

A. five thousand of      B. five thousand

C. thousand of       D. five thousands of


--- Did he tell you anything ________?

--- Yes, he told us the ________ of learning English well.

A. important; important     B. importance; important

C. importance;importance    D. important; importance


--- I had _______ bad headache. Do you have _______ address of People’s Hospital?

--- I’m sorry to hear that. Here is ________ address.

A. a; an; the  B. the; an; an

C. a; /; the         D. a; the; the


书面表达  (本大题共5分)

请以“My hometown”为题,用英文写一篇60词的短文介绍自己的家乡。要点如下:

1. 我的家乡是一座美丽的现代化城市。

2. 安静,空气新鲜。

3. 有很多绿树,鲜花,能听到鸟叫,闻到花香。

4. 从我家乘公交到市中心只要15分钟。

5. 这儿的人很友好,他们乐于助人,

6. 今年将会有地铁,既便宜又快捷。

7. 我的感受。




3. 我的感受用一两句话来表达。

My Hometown

My hometown is





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