当前位置:首页 > 初中英语试题

The boy, _______ his father, ____ playing basketball.

A. like, likes    B. like, like

C. likes, like    D. likes, likes


Now children, turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture in Unit 1.

A. Twentieth, one    B. Twenty, one

C. Twentieth, first    D. Twenty, first


—Listen, the music sounds_______ .I like it very much.

—It’s Yesterday Once More, my favourite.

A. well    B. bad    C. badly    D. good


I want to buy a house ________ a big garden in it.

A. has    B. at    C. from    D.with


—Hello, may I speak to Millie, please?—________.

A. Who are you?        B. What are you?

C. I'm Millie.         D. This is Millie speaking.


—Bob, can you read the number 15,858?

—Yes, I can. It’s ________.

A. Fifteen thousands eight hundred and fifth-eight

B. Fifteen thousand eight hundreds and fifth-eight

C. Fifteen thousand eight hundred and fifth-eight

D. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifth-eight


There are six floors ______our school building. Our class is ______ the third floor.

A. in, on    B. in, in    C. on, in    D. on, on


—Where does your uncle work?

He works in Paris, the capital of ______.

A. the USA    B. France    C. Thailand    D. Japan




1. 在Lily 家附近车站乘2路车到Blue Star站下车;

2. 沿着北大街(the North Street) 往前走,在第二个交通灯处向右转弯;

3. 一直往前走,会看到一座桥,走过桥后向左转入公园路(the Park Road);

4. 走过超市,会看见在这条路的尽头就是你的家,你的家是181号。

5. 我父母将为我们准备充足的食物和饮料。期待你来我的聚会。



2.词数80个左右, 英文信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Lily,

I’m going to have a birthday party this Saturday. I hope you can come to my party.














4.那个公园离旅馆多远? 乘地铁只要十分钟。


5.如果你想对中国艺术有更多了解, 别错过那里的京剧表演。



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