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﹣Can I finish my homework tomorrow?

﹣__________. You must finish it today?

A. Yes, you canB. No, you can’tC. No, you needn’t


﹣What are you doing this weekend?

﹣We are going hiking if it ___________.

A. will rainB. doesn’t rainC. rains


﹣How delicious the bread is!

﹣It must taste __________ with some jam in it.

A. goodB. wellC. better


﹣When did the earthquake in Lushan happen?

﹣It happened __________ 8:02 __________ the morning of April 20, 2013.

A. on; inB. at; onC. at; in


My father has a great sports collection, __________ he plays sports every day.

A. orB. butC. and


﹣Let’s play soccer.

﹣Good idea! Do you have __________ soc学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ce学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!r ball?

A. aB. anC. 不填












Dear Tom,

How’s it going? This time I’d like to talk about my parents. I don’t realize how much they love me until I am under pressure.





Yours sincerely

Li Hua



1. 医生叫他戒烟。

The doctor asked him to give __________ __________.


Dazhou is __________ __________ Zhang Aiping’s hometown.

3. 作为一名学生,你必须按时上交作业。

As a student, you must__________ __________your homework on time

4. 我们应该互助互爱。

We should help and love __________ __________.


He talked loudly in order to __________ __________.



1.Our dream came true in the end. (同义句转换)

Our dream came true _______  _______ .

2.Mr. Zhang is 70 years old. Mr. Li is 70, too. (将两句合并为一句,意思不变)

Mr. Zhang is _______ old _______ Mr. Li.

3.My father is working in the yard. (对划线部分提问)

_______ your father _______ in the yard?

4.Bob sends emails to his friends every weekend. (改为否定句)

Bob _______  _______ emails to his friends every weekend.

5.I’m too busy to chat with you on QQ now. (改为复合句)

I’m _______ busy _______ I can’t chat with you on QQ now.



everything   seem   get   about  success  close  climb work  teacher    yourself

Everybody wants success. Some people work hard at it, others just talk   1. it. There are many successful people around us, so we all know what success looks like. Sometimes it just   2.   like something too far to get.

But the truth is that success is   3.  than you think. It’s just over there. You must want it enough, and be willing to   4.  it.

Success has no excuses. If you have a reason that you can’t make it, you’ll not be   5.  . Success comes after many failures. Not   6. is suitable for you, even if it’s fit for others. What we need to do is to let the failures become our   7.  . Then we can learn something from them.

Success is like a ladder(梯子). You need to 8.  it. But it’s not an escalator. You can’t just stand there and let it do the   9. for you. You must do the work 10. . Sometimes it will be easy, other times it’ll be difficult. It’s necessary for you to keep climbing. Just start, you’ll be on the way to success.


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