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I enjoy             basketball after school.

A. play             B. played           C. playing           D. to play


We             a party next weekend. I hope you can come.

A. have             B. will have     学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!    C. had               D. would have


            your coat. It's cold outside.

A. Look at          B. Take off         C. Put on           D. Hang up


— What shall we do tomorrow?

    — How about             trees?

A. planting          B. to plant           C. plant             D. planted


— Mum, can I watch TV now?

    — No, you             . It's too late.

A. can't              B. needn't            C. won't              D. wouldn't


Please tell him             dinner with us.

A. have             B. to have           C. having            D. had


My grandfather doesn't know               to use a computer.

A. what           B. who             C. how              D. which


Get up early,             you'll miss the bus.

A. so               B. and              C. but               D. or


I             many new friends since I came here.

A. make              B. was making       C. will make         D. have made


— When shall we go to the museum, today or tomorrow?

    —             are OK.

A. Both             B. All              C. Either            D. Neither


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