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Jim, a successful businessman, told the experience of his childhood.

When he was 12, his parents       . He was alone and didn’t get on well with others. People always laughed       him. No one showed kindness (友善) to him. His only friend was a dog named Tige.

One day as he walked down the street, a young lady was walking in front of him. Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped       , she dropped other bags. He came to help her.“Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!”She said kindly, smiling.

A special feeling came to him. These were       kind words he had ever heard. He watched her       she went far away, and he whistled(吹口哨)to his dog and went directly to the river nearby.

“Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy!”he repeated the woman’s words. Then in a low

      he said to his dog,“You are a nice little dog!”Tige raised       ears as if(似乎)it understood.

“Uh! Even a dog likes it!”he said,“Well, Tige, I won’t say unkind words to you any more.”Tige waved its tail happily.

The boy thought and thought. Finally he looked at himself in the river. He saw       but a dirty boy. He washed his face       . Again he looked. He saw a clean nice boy. He was amazed (震惊). From then on, he had a new life.

After telling this, the businessman stopped for a while, and then he said,“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the very place where that kind woman planted in me the first seed (种子) of kindness. All of us should learn about kindness.       a great power it has!” If you show kindness to others, you will be an able man.

1.A.dead         B.dying    C.died D.die

2.A.at     B.to    C./ D.of

3.A.picking it up B.picking up itC.to pick up it   D.to pick it up

4.A.the first B.firstC.the last D.the first time

5.A.until    B.beforeC.when D.while

6.A.sound B.noiseC.noisy D.voice

7.A.it B.it’s   C.one’s     D.its

8.A.something     B.nothing   C.anything D.somebody

9.A.carefully B.careful   C.careless D.carelessly

10.A.What B.How   C.It     D.It seemed


—Have you finished your homework?

—Not _____. There are still some exercises to be done.

A.already  B.yetC.just  D.ever


—What did our geography teacher say?

—She told us that the earth _____ around the sun.

A.movesB.moved C.has movedD.was moving


Has your sister succeeded_____ the first place at the university this term?

A.for getting  B.to get    C.in getting  D.in get


The cleaners must prevent the street _____.

A.from getting dirtyB.to dirty

C.to get dirtyD.getting dirty


---Jim, you speak so fast, I can’t_____you..

----Oh,sorry, I will say it again slowly.

A.listen   B.watch   C.follow   D.think 


—Hi, Bob! I can’t find my story book. Have you seen it?

—Sorry, I haven’t. Why not ask Jim? Perhaps he’s seen it _____.

A.anywhere B.everywhere C.nowhereD.somewhere


In India,about_____ of people live in the country and some of them live a very poor life.

A.three fifth  B.third fifth C.third fifths  D.three fifths


Every student is _____ to obey the school rules.

A.suppose   B.supposedC.shouldD.ought


She bought a skate board online _____ she saved a lot of time.

A.so thatB.as soon asC.such thatD.in order to


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