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Tomorrow we are going to Xixi National Wetland Park. Let’s____at the gate on Wensan Road.

A.meet            B.email            C.call           D.help


Uncle Tetsu(彻思叔叔)cheese cakes sell well____they are so nice.

A.because          B.so              C.but           D.and


Kate’s room is not tidy. Her things are_____.

A.nowhere         B.somewhere       C.everywhere     D.anywhere


John’s birthday is coming.Let’s____the gift(礼物).

A.think about       B.ask for          C.look after       D.thank for


---____is the girl in a red coat?     ---She is my cousin, Anny.

A. What           B.How            C.Who          D.Where


Tony Smith is a tall boy. We call____“Big Tony”.

A.it              B.him             C.her           D.his


Let’s play basketball.             ---Oh, great idea! That sounds____.

A.busy           B.diffficult         C.boring        Dcool


---Is Christmas____December 25th or 26th ?   ---25th, I think.

A.on             B.in              C.at            D.for


---What’s this new thing?          ---It’s an____

A. computer game   B.tape player      C.model plane    D.English notebook


Which underlined letter sounds different from the other three?

A. time            B.ice            C.trip            D.price


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