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must, be, the, finished, task, in two hours




must, the, guitar, Linda, belong to




might, it, tomorrow, rain




    People are always looking for lost cities. But perhaps some of the places people look for never existed. A few famous mythical(神秘的) cities are often heard for years.

EI Dorado

EI Dorado is a legend(传说) that began in 1537, when Spanish explorers found the Muisca people in the mountains. They heard the story of a chief who covered himself with gold and dived into a lake of mountain water. Soon people started to think of EI Dorado as a place, too—a city of gold and amazing riches.

The Spanish sent many people to look for EI Dorado, but they never found it. Nowadays, the name “EI Dorado” is still used to mean “a place where you can get rich quickly”.


There was once an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The people of the island were very rich because of the natural resources on their island. For hundreds of years, they lived simple lives. But slowly they began to change. They started to become greedy(贪婪的) and to want power. Suddenly, the island and its people were swallowed(吞没) by the sea and were never seen again.


In Tibetan tradition, Shambhala is a kingdom that is hidden somewhere behind the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. Shambhala is a word from an old language that means “place of peace” or “place of happiness”.

It__is__said__that__there__is__no__war__in__Shambhala. It is also said that, in the future, when the world is full of greed and wars, a huge army will come out of Shambhala.

1.完成句子EI Dorado is a legend that began in 1537, when Spanish explorers found ________________ in the mountains.

2.完成句子The people of Atlantis were very rich because of

________________ on their island.

3.简略回答问题What does the word “Shambhala” mean in an old language?





    My parents found a self­study room for me during the holiday. They didn't want me to play computer games _____ watch TV at home.They _____ it was a waste of time. So I went to the self­study room every day to _____ or read some books. There are several _____ in the self­study room.

The first rule is that we can't _____ in the self­study room. We must keep _____ in the self­study room unless it is necessary. If we have _____ to ask, we must communicate with each other in a low _____. We cannot disturb(打扰) others in the self­study room.

The second rule is that we can't eat in the self­study room. But we can drink water. If we are hungry, we can _____ go out of the self­study room and eat what we want in a rest area. The rest area is not far, just next to the self­study room.

The third rule is that we cannot leave the study room casually(随意地). If we have to, we need to ask for permission(允许). In this way, we can ______ the study well.

Although these rules sometimes make me unhappy, I think they are really good for us. Do you think so?

1.A.and B.but C.or D.so

2.A.thought B.caught C.mistook D.taught

3.A.study B.bring C.watch D.spend

4.A.ideas B.habits C.ways D.rules

5.A.sleep B.run C.look D.talk

6.A.relaxed B.noisy C.quiet D.busy

7.A.difficulties B.questions C.decisions D.troubles

8.A.health B.speed C.price D.voice

9.A.usually B.never C.hardly D.seldom

10.A.call on B.depend on C.focus on D.put on


    At Harton College, there are many rules for students to follow. For example, boys must return to school by 6 p.m. for the1. (safe) purpose. However, Bob Sandres often breaks these 2. (rule). One afternoon, Bob walked into a cinema. After he saw a film, it was already 8 o'clock.3. he walked back to Harton College quickly.

When he was going to e4. the school, he found the gate locked. His dormitory was on the 5. (three)floor, so he could not climb up the wall very easily. Then he saw 6. open window. He 7.(manage) to climb onto the window and jumped into the room. Just then he heard a sound. Bob had to hide under the sofa. The school 8.(lead) came in. He turned on the light and sat down to read a book.

Bob had been u9. the sofa for an hour. Finally, the headmaster closed 10.(he) book and walked towards the door. “Luckily, he didn't find me.” thought Bob.

Then the headmaster spoke to the sofa, “Would you mind turning off the light when you leave?”


(2020原创) The ________ of the book is to

provide a complete guide for the university students.

A.silence B.purpose C.culture D.language


(2020原创)I regret ________ you that I will leave this beautiful city for Shanghai tomorrow.

A.notice B.to notice C.noticing D.noticed


(2018抚顺) Your advice is very ________ to me. I'm sure our activity will be more meaningful.

A.terrible B.comfortable C.impossible D.valuable


(2019保定莲池区一模)After the first ________, our team had much confidence and won every game from then on.

A.victory B.reason C.position D.discovery


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