当前位置:首页 > 初中英语试题

---It’s difficult for the villagers to cross the river.

---I think a bridge______ over the river.

A.should be built

B.is being built

C.has been built

D.was built


--- He has never traveled to a foreign country,        ?

--- Yes. He has been to England once.

A.does he

B.doesn't he

C.has he

D.hasn't he


---What did Tom ask you yesterday morning?

--- He asked me if I _______________ to Beijing with him this Saturday.

A.will go



D.would go


---Did you go to school yesterday?

--- Yes, I did. But I was late. When I got to school, Mr. Zhang  __________his lessons.

A.has already begun

B.had already begun

C.has begun yet

D.had begun yet


--- May I go now?

--- No. You ______________ let the teacher know first.”






--What do you think of the EXPO 2010?

--- It’s great, of course.                 people are going to Shanghai for the EXPO 2010.

A.Ten millions

B.Ten millions of

C.Million of

D.Millions of


---Do you know Lisa’s address?

---No, she didn't tell me ________________.

A.where did she live

B.where she lived

C.where did she work

D.where she worked


---You are quite different from your sister.

---Yes. We are both short. But my eyes are ________ than ________.

A.much bigger, his

B.more big, hers

C.bigger, hers

D.much bigger, him


---The sick kids look unhappy. What shall we do?

--- Let's do something to ___________.

A.cheer them up

B.cheer him up

C.take care of him

D.look them after



Saturday morning

Go shopping with friends

Saturday afternoon

Clean the room, cook dinner

Saturday night

Watch TV with parents

Sunday morning

Play basketball with friends

Sunday afternoon

Stay at home , practice English

Sunday evening

Do homework

Dear Jim,

How’s it going? I had an interesting weekend. _________________________________________






Can you write and tell me about your weekend?




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