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Let's meet __________(外面)the school gate at 8 tomorrow morning.



As the saying goes, "The __________(早的)bird catches the worm. "



I haven't seen my grandpa for a long time. I __________(想念)him so much.



There is an __________()left on the plate.


A: Hello, Daming.

B: Hi, Lingling. 1.

A: I'm going to visit Mr. Li. 2.

B: Of course. I like him best.

A: So do I. 3.

B: I agree. He also makes his classes lively and interesting.

A: With the help of Mr. Li, I've made great progress in my English.

B: 4.

A: All right. I plan to write a poem to express our thanks to him.

B: 5. By the way, we'll have a school-leavers' party tomorrow.

A: Then we can read the poem at the party.

B: That sounds good.

A.He is kind and helpful.

B.That's great.

C.What are you going to do?

D.Would you like to go with me?

E.Shall we do something for him?


China gets greener

President Xi Jinping said "clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets(绿水青山就是金山银山)". With the efforts of China's government and its people, the rate of forest coverage(森林覆盖率)in China has reached 22. 96%, compared to 5. 05% forty years ago, according to a recent report from the State Forestry and Grassland Administration (SFGA).

Over the past forty years, China planted billions of trees as part of its fight against expanding(延伸的)deserts, mostly in its north. Each year, people sow seedlings(播种)over an area nearly the size of Ireland, according to Nature.

In 1978, China began a nationwide tree-planting programme known as the Three North Shelterbelt Forest Programme, also known as "the Great Green Wall". It has helped to plant more than 66 billion trees across 13 provinces in the country's north to act as windbreaks(防风林), according to China Daily.

Since 2018, SFGA has made more efforts to build a greener country. Its purpose is to grow at least 6. 7 million hectares(公顷)of forest every year in the next 15 years. Besides planting more trees, China has tried to bring back grasslands. It has also used strict forest protection methods and banned(禁止)all commercial logging(商业伐木)since last August.

The high-speed growth of forests cannot happen without public participation(参与). For example, Ant Forest, an Alipay mobile payment app, plants real tees for users who get "green energy" by taking part in low-carbon(低碳)activities. Since 2016, it has helped to plant about 122 million trees in China's driest areas.

China was praised as "one of the most successful countries worldwide in greening the desert" by United Nations Environment Programme Executive Director Erik Solheim.

1.What was the rate of forest coverage forty years ago?

A.5. 05%. B.17. 91%. C.22. 96%. D.28. 01%.

2.Over the past forty years, China has planted billions of trees to ________.

A.turn deserts into green land B.create a green area in the desert

C.stop deserts from expanding D.build an area nearly the size of Ireland

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Windbreaks have covered across all provinces of China.

B.In 1978, China succeeded in building "the Great Green Wall.

C.China has grown 6. 7 million hectares of forest since 2018.

D.Since 1978, over 66 billion trees have been planted to act as windbreaks.

4.What did China do to build a greener country?

A.Tried to bring back grasslands. B.Made strict forest protection methods.

C.Banned commercial logging. D.All of the above.

5.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.Ant Forest plants real trees for all Chinese people.

B.Everybody can help build a greener country.

C.China's forest coverage is the highest in the world.

D.China was praised for no deserts in northern China.


    Because of the coronavirus, we couldn't go back to school. But I tried to make my life at home exciting during the holiday.

I often listened to music after finishing my schoolwork. Because of this, I learned about a lot of new songs and excellent singers. Listening to music can make me relaxed and keep my mood light.

I watched the news every night. It can help me understand the world. The news tells me the strength of our motherland and the difficulties some parts of the world face. From this, I learned that peace is important.

On weekends, I sometimes watched movies, such as The Shawshank Redemption(《肖申克的救赎》)and Forrest Gump(《阿甘正传》). These movies are very educational. They taught me not to give up. I like them very much.

Even if I couldn't go out, I still played sports. Sometimes I went to the gym(健身房)downstairs. I ran and did strength training. I think exercise is the best way to relax my mind and body, so I'm still exercising.

I also developed a new hobby—I planted a pot()of flowers. Because of my care, it is growing very well now. I think growing flowers can cultivate(培养)my sense of responsibility.

During this period of time, I learned a lot and felt a lot. It was a colourful and meaningful time.

1.Why couldn't the writer go back to school?

A.Because he was tired of schooling. B.Because it wasn't time for school.

C.Because the coronavirus broke out. D.Because he wanted to learn more at home.

2.What did the writer do at home during the epidemic(疫情)?

a. Listened to music.  b. Did homework.  c. Watched movies.  d. Planted a lot of trees.

A.abc B.acd C.bcd D.abd

3.What did the writer think about the news?

A.It could make him relaxed. B.It could keep his mood light.

C.It could make him feel peaceful. D.It could help him know the world.

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Forrest Gump is an educational movie. B.The writer jogged at the gym every day.

C.The writer lived a colourful life at home. D.Exercise is the best way to relax mind and body.

5.What does the underlined phrase "sense of responsibility" mean in Chinese?

A.责任感 B.成就感 C.鉴赏力 D.想象力


    Parents always want the best for their kids. But everyone has their own way of parenting(养育). Here are some popular parenting styles. Which one do you like best?

Tiger parents(虎爸虎妈)

They are strict with their children. They want them to get the best grades in their class. They love their kids in their hearts.

Dolphin parents(海豚式父母)

They just want their kids to be happy and healthy. They make sure their kids get enough sleep and exercise.

Helicopter parents(直升机式父母)

They worry too much about their children and "fly" over them like helicopters. Many people think these parents should give their children more freedom(自由).

Lawnmower parents(割草机式父母)

Like a lawnmower that cuts grass, they get rid of(去除) all difficulties for their children. Their kids never learn to work out problems on their own.


1.Tiger parents treat their kids in a ________ way.

A.good B.kind C.strict D.right

2.Dolphin parents usually want their children to get ________.

A.best grades B.little sleep C.enough love D.enough exercise

3.If you have helicopter parents, you may ________.

A.get less freedom B.face more difficulties

C.worry about your parents D."fly" over your parents like helicopters

4.As lawnmower parents, they will ________.

A.cut grass before their kids

B.get rid of all difficulties for their kids

C.make sure their kids are happy and healthy

D.ask their kids to work out problems on their own

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Kids and parents B.How parents get on with kids

C.Everyone has their own parents D.Different ways of parenting


    The novel coronavirus pneumonia(新型冠状病毒肺炎) broke out in Wuhan, Hubei province in December 2019. Later, it spread to other parts of China. Many people got ill. This year the city was locked down from January to April to prevent the virus from spreading further to other places.

The city built two hospitals for the people with the novel coronavirus. They are Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital. Builders worked hours a day and they worked very fast. They built the hospitals in two weeks. The two hospitals have a big capacity(容量) and one of them has room for 1, 600 beds.

More than 120, 000 people, including engineers, construction workers, volunteers, and over 30, 000 medical workers, came to help the city. They worked without breaks.

Wuhan has made sacrifices(牺牲). But it has protected China and the world.

1.Many people in Wuhan became ill because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia.

2.Wuhan was locked down as soon as the novel coronavirus broke out.

3.Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital were built fast in two weeks.

4.The two hospitals are big enough to hold 1, 600 beds.

5.More than 30, 00 medical workers came to Wuhan to help the sick people.


    When I was 16, I took a part-time job for the first time in my life. I worked at a restaurant near my home for a whole ______.

I thought working in the restaurant would be the easiest job in the world. ______, I made some mistakes in the first few days of work. I broke a few glasses and cut my hands while I was washing dishes. And it was hard for me to ______ a full tray(盘子)with just one hand. My boss comforted(安慰)me. His ______ were a big help to me. They showed me that the more I do, the ______ I'll become.

Since that day, I have become more patient and willing to try new things. ______ goes well.

The month soon came to an end. I decided to ______ my work, so that I could learn a lot from this work experience. Through it, I got to understand ______ we need more than just experience to master a job. ______, we need a positive attitude(积极的态度). My time at the restaurant will ______ with me forever and benefit(使受益)me in the future.

1.A.year B.month C.week D.day

2.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Also D.However

3.A.hold B.catch C.get D.bring

4.A.changes B.words C.ideas D.promises

5.A.worse B.worst C.better D.best

6.A.Anything B.Nothing C.Something D.Everything

7.A.continue B.stop C.start D.avoid

8.A.how B.that C.when D.which

9.A.After that B.So far C.Above all D.At most

10.A.remain B.walk C.follow D.stand


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