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The students     how to do the experiment in class yesterday.

A. were taught          B. better           C. was taught       D. teach



—How many god medals did China     at the 2010 Winter Olympics?


    A. win                  B. to win           C. winning              D. won



—You have a beautiful voice. I love your songs.



A. Sorry,you don’t    B. thank you        C. It’s OK             D. That’s all right



     are you going to the airport?

A. What             B. How              C. When             D. Why



China lies     the east of Asia.

A. in               B. on               C. To               D. of



—Tina, is this     schoolbag?

    —Yes,it’s mine.

A. his                  B. her                  C. Yours            D. your



—What’s your     ?

    —I like swimming.

A. job                  B. age                  C. hobby            D. number



They often take     walk after dinner.

A. a                B. ∕               C. the                  D. an




1. It’s        (real)cold today.

2. This        (write)writes lots of interesting stories for kids.

3. Many people don’t enjoy        (live)in big cities.

4. I am in my        (three)year in this middle school.

5. As we all know,the weather in southwest China is        (dry)than any other time in history


6. I usually have a piece of         (面包)and some milk for breakfast.

7. You need to­        (浇水)the flowers twice a month.

8. They planted many trees        (在……之间)the two buildings.

9. Don’t always depend on others. You can do it by        (你自己).

10. He was as        (聪明的)as a monkey.








Free time activities

Future job


Favorite subject







draw pictures of animals

enjoy the singing of birds in nature listen to music

read English books…






make good friends




Dear Friends,

    I’m very happy to be in this Summer Camp to know about the famous universities in London. I’m glad to introduce myself to you.                                                                






                                                                That’s all.

Thank you for listening.



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