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— Does the tiger come from Europe?

— No, it doesn’t. It comes from ________.

A.Chinese      B.Asian C.Asia   D.European


I like Britney Spears. She’s ________ favorite singer.

A.her     B.my      C.me     D.you


In the UK, there are two different types of school. One is free for every child in the country;   41   kind makes you pay for your education.

The free schools are known as “state schools” and the schools that   42   are known as “public schools”.

The UK has many famous public schools, such as Eton (伊顿公学), Harrow (哈罗中学) and Winchester (温彻斯特中学). Children from around the world come to the UK to study at these schools. Prince William studied at Eton.

  43   most kids go to state schools. Only about one in 10 goes to a public school. Fees (学费) at public schools can be very   44  . It can cost around 200,000 yuan for one year.

There are differences between state and public schools. Public schools generally attract better   45  , because they offer higher salaries(薪水).

Because public schools have   46   money to spend than state schools, they also have nicer facilities (设施). Some have football fields, gyms and swimming pools for their students to use.

Facilities in state schools are not usually as good. They often have to   47   with other nearby schools.

Despite (尽管) these differences, kids learn the same things, whichever type of school they go to.   48   schools must follow the National Curriculum, which is set by the government. It   49   teachers what they must teach their students.

This means that whether you are rich or poor, you will still receive a basic level of  50  .

1. A. other                B. others              C. another           D. the other 

2. A. cost                 B. pay                C. spend             D. take

3. A. And                     B. But                C. Although           D. Besides

4. A. high         B. low                C. expensive            D. cheap

5. A. students       B. teachers             C. professors            D. visitors

6. A. less        B. little                C. much            D. more

7. A. share        B. talk       C. play              D. help

8. A. Every        B. Some               C. Most             D. All

9. A. says         B. asks                C. tells                   D. allows

10. A. living       B. work      C. education           D. study


M: What about your history class this afternoon, Millie?

W: We were supposed to have a history class, but Mr Johnson was ill   36  . So we had a geography class instead.

M: Your mother and I will go   37   on Saturday. Will you join us?

W: I’d like to, but I have to take an exam on Sunday. I think I’d better   38   at home and study. By the way, will you go climbing in the mountains?

M: Yes, why?

W: I know it’s summer   39   it can get quite cold in the mountains even in June, so bring a coat with you. You’ll need   40   in the early morning.

M: OK, we will.

1.A. in hospital                  B. in a hospital          C. in a school             D. at school

2.A. climbing            B. climbs                    C. climbed                  D. walking

3.A. to stay             B. stay                        C. not stay                 D. not to stay

4. A. and                    B. but                          C. so                           D. or

5. A. it                       B. that                       C. one                         D. ones  


Which one of the following is NOT RIGHT?

     A. He listened carefully in every class. As a result, he got full marks in the exam.

B. He listened so carefully in every class that he got full marks in the exam.

C. He got full marks in the exam. As a result, he listened carefully in every class.


I read it aloud ________ clearly.

     A. so that I can hear you       B. in order to be heard   C. to hear


________ you can’t decide ________ to go or not, just stay at home and sleep all day.

     A. Whether, if                         B. If, whether                    C. If, weather


 ________ it is very noisy in the big cities, many people ________ love living there.

     A. Although, still                     B. But, still                         C. Although, but still


Can you share me the information about Gong Li ________ you got from the Internet?

A. who                                       B. that                                C. what


 ________ I listen to the story, ________ I like it.

A. The less, the more          B. The more, the less    C. The more, the fewer


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