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(2019辽阳)My computer doesn't work. There must be ________ wrong with it.

A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything



My name is Juliana, and I love travelling. Last summer, I went on a four-day holiday to Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加).  It was a 1. (wonder)trip! I love animals. And the animals in Costa Rica are 2.(cool) than any I've seen.

First, we 3.(decide) to spend two days in the Barra Honda National Park. This park is famous for 4. (it) large caves. We wanted to see the bats that live there. There were thousands of them! We brought flashlights to help us see them better b5. it's too dark in the caves. At night, the bats fly out of the caves and eat insects—lots of insects. Do you know that some bats can eat 1, 000 insects 6. a single hour? That's 7.(amaze).

After 8.(leave) Barra Honda, we travelled south to Corcovado National Park. It is 9. bigger park. Corcovado has got many different kinds of 10.(animal): 220 different types of butterflies, 400 different types of birds and 6,000 different types of insects!



    Have you ever thought of taking fishing as a hobby or one of your activities on weekends? If not, it's time to think about it. Fishing is relaxing and it makes you go out to enjoy the beautiful nature.

I think it's great to go fishing on the bank of a river under some green trees. You can forget the unpleasant things when you are fishing. If you don't try fishing, you will never know what you are missing. Imagine standing on the bank of a river and catching a lot of fish. You should allow the fish to bite the hook(鱼钩)before pulling it up. When you finally catch the fish, you will feel quite happy and excited. You will never have this feeling until you give fishing a try.

Now that your interest is motivated(被激起), you may be thinking that you don't have any idea about how to fish. If that's the case, these tips will help

Find a good place for fishing.

Read a book about fishing.

Research online.

There are hundreds of websites that will give you instructions on fishing. For example, www.Bigfish.tackle. com has a lot of forums(论坛). There you can share your knowledge about fishing and get helpful advice from other fishermen. And www.fishing for beginners.com is also a good website. It teaches beginners how to fish. Choose the website you are interested in, and enjoy yourself by going fishing.

1题完成句子;2题用英语表达文中画线单词it所指代的内容; 3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第二段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。

1.Fishing is relaxing and it can make you go out to enjoy____________


3.How many tips does the writer give the beginners?





    Four students are talking about May Day Holiday.

Li Yufang: I went to Xiangyang with my cousin. We visited the ancient city of Xiangyang. We ate the most famous Xiangyang Beef Noodles. Xiangyang is a beautiful city with the history of more than 2,800 years. I like it very much. We stayed there for two days.

Zhang Xin: My parents took me to Beijing by plane. We visited the Great Wall, the Bird's Nest and the Palace Museum. We had planned to visit the Beijing Expo, but the tickets were too difficult to buy. My parents said they would take me there this summer.

Liu Liang: My uncle and aunt work in Shanghai. I took a train to visit them with my sister. They took us to Shanghai Disneyland. It opened on June 16th, 2016. It is the sixth Disney theme(主题)park in the world. It is different from the others.

Wang Lan: My father drove me to Hainan Province. It's in the south part of our country. The weather there is pretty good. We stayed in Haikou for a short rest and then we drove on to Sanya. There, we found many beautiful beaches.

1.Li Yufang visited Xiangyang with her ________ on May Day Holiday.

A.father B.uncle C.cousin D.sister

2.Liu Liang's  uncle and aunt work in ________.

A.Xiangyang B.Beijing C.Shanghai D.Haikou

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Li Yufang stayed in Xiangyang for three days.

B.Wang Lan's father drove her to Sanya without rest.

C.Liu Liang and her sister went to visit their parents by train.

D.Zhang Xin will go to Beijing again with his parents this summer.


The bird's singing came into my room ________ the window and woke me up in the early morning.

A.over B.past C.across D.through


(2020原创) ________  jeans were invented over 100 years ago, they're still in fashion today among teenagers.

A.When B.If C.Although D.Since


(题文)I think there will be________ pollution in the future because of the new law.

A. more    B. less    C. fewer    D. lower


(2019秦皇岛市海港区一模)Kunming is a much more ________  place to visit all year round.

A.enjoyable B.boring C.meaningful D.harmful


(2019张家口市一模)There is a new restaurant nearby. Let's ________ its dishes this evening.

A.use B.try C.make D.wash


(2019唐山市路南区二模)Nowadays people are paying more and more attention to improving their ________ through sports.

A.wealth B.health C.work D.situation


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