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钟南山是中国最伟大的医生之一。(one of)



我们有必要每天记日记。(It is …)






中国以其优秀的传统文化而闻名。(be famous for)



垃圾对我们的环境产生危害。(do harm to)




The third long March-5 rocket, China's largest carrier rocket was successfully launched (发射) from Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province on Dec. 27, 2019. The rocket 1.(name) Long March-5 Y3. It left the ground from the launch center at 8:45 pm, carrying the Shijian-20 satellite, the 2.(heavy) and most modern communications satellite of China. About 2,220 seconds later, the satellite was sent into 3.(it) planned orbit(轨道) .

The Long March-5 rocket 4. (make) the first flight on Nov. 3, 2016 from Wenchang. However, the 5.(two) largest rocket, Long March-5 Y2, experienced a failure on July 2,2017. 6. (Compare) with Long March-5 Y2, the new rocket Long March-5 Y3 has shown more than 200 technological improvements.

Qu Yiguang, director of the Long March-5 Y3 research team, said, "Under great pressure, the research team has put all the efforts into the rocket over the past two years. We are very 7. (pride) that we can take part in the development of the Long March-5 rocket, which shows the highest level of China's rocket technology. "After over two years of 8. (silent) in Wenchang, the Chinese welcomed the return of the "king" with excitement.

Since the Long March-1 sent China's frist satellite into space 50 years ago, the Long March series rockets 9. (complete) 323 flights. Over the past years, China's rocket technology has been greatly improved. With the success of the Long March-5 Y3 rocket, China 10.(see) a busy year in space activities next year.



According to this year's Living Planet Report by the WWF in October, populations of animals _______ mammals (哺乳动物), birds and fish have fallen by about 60 percent since 1970. This is mainly _______ human activities. Climate change, habitat (栖息地) loss, _______ and hunting are some of the biggest causes.

Humans should take this problem _______ because it can affect(影响) us as well.

According to a 2017 study, 75 percent of flying insects have died over the last 30 years. Insects help _______ produce new seeds (种子). Without _______ systems(生态系统) will break down.

The report _______ shows that Earth has lost about half of its shallow water coral in the past 30 years. In addition, 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has _______ in just 50 years.

All over the world, people are cutting down trees, using too much water from rivers and filling oceans with plastic. This problem must be solved _______ possible. ________ countries should work together to find ways of solving it.

1.A.except B.including C.within D.without

2.A.because of B.thanks to C.instead of D.in spite of

3.A.accidents B.technology C.loneliness D.pollution

4.A.quietly B.seriously C.suddenly D.strongly

5.A.planets B.animals C.plants D.machines

6.A.them B.it C.him D.us

7.A.already B.once C.also D.either

8.A.increased B.introduced C.spread D.disappeared

9.A.as far as B.as soon as C.as good as D.as long as

10.A.Different B.Developing C.Western D.Foreign


    Is modern life moving too fast? Do you feel as if you are running hard, but staying in the same place? Well, you are not alone. According to a recent study, 78% of the young people say the “sped-up” pace(节奏)of modern life is making them feel really tired.

Rapid changes in technology and society are the main causes of the problem.1.With everyone connected by smartphones, young people can easily learn about the newest, the latest and the coolest things happening around them. No one wants to miss a hot topic. And with all the videos, games and the messages they get from smartphones, they feel uncomfortable when it’s quiet— so boring!

Is there a way to help stop the “sped-up” life? Yes, there is.2.Staying away from your phone for a few hours each day, we will put you back in control of your life. Even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were worried about the influences of the technologies they had created.3.

As human beings, we are not supposed to be stimulated(刺激)all the time. It can even be harmful to both our physical and mental health.4. These things can help you lead a peaceful life. It’s a little bit hard at first, and you have to make a great effort, but it’s you who can take control of your time and life, isn’t it?


A.Turn off your smart phone.

B.However, the smart phone plays an important role in your life.

C.So, slow down to visit a park, read a book and take up a hobby.

D.And the continuous bombardment(轰炸)of information can be another cause.

E.They didn't allow their own kids to use the smart phone and the Internet for too long.


    Yang Yang, a 14-year-old girl from Changsha, Hunan Province, has moved many people by being honest and considerate. (有教养的) .

It was a day in April when Yang was getting ready to have lunch. But then she dropped a plate full of food by accident. She stood still and was upset. The manager was nice. She comforted Yang, saying, "It doesn't matter. I’ll give you another meal for free. "

Everyone thought that it would end like that. But when Yang left after eating, the waiter found 75 yuan in cash and a note on the table. The note said, "I'm sorry that the money might not be enough to make up for your loss(损失), but that's all I have. Thank you for your kindness. "The manager was touched after reading the note. The money was probably a week's worth of pocket money for the girl.

The manager shared this on social media and called for a search for this young girl. Many newspapers joined the search. Finally, Yang was found after her teacher heard the story.

However, Yang thought it was not a big deal. "I have accepted other people's help and should make up for their kindness."she said.

People Daily commented(评论) on the story, saying that it showed the good in people.

The manager cared about Yang's situation, while Yang was considerate and responsible.

1.Where did the event take place?

A.In a restaurant. B.In a theater. C.At school. D.In a hospital.

2.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase in Paragraph 3?

A.化妆 B.补偿 C.构成 D.编造

3.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 4 refers to________________.

A.the girl B.the money C.Yang’s note D.Yang's teacher

4.What can we learn from the girl?

A.Be polite to others. B.Offer help to others.

C.Save your pocket money. D.Show consideration for others.


Doing exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. But the novel coronavirus has kept millions of people from taking part in outdoor activities since late January. As a result, indoor activities have become an important way for people to keep healthy, especially during a special time like this.

These days, the sports community, medical experts and public health officials have all been actively suggesting indoor exercise to help people fight against the novel coronavirus. And ba duan jin, an easy-to-learn qigong exercise, is among the most popular exercises. After doing the exercise, people may feel like they are wearing a dress made of silk fabric, so it's also called Eight Pieces of Brocade(锦缎) .

Created nearly a thousand years ago, ba duan jin has been practiced for centuries in China. Nowadays, it is almost as popular as Tai chi, especially among the old. The exercise doesn't require much space or time. As long as people master special breathing and concentration(专注) skills, ba duan jin can help them keep both the body and mind healthy with eight well-designed movements.

This kind of qigong focuses on (关注) the breathing. Thrugh dep and slow breathing skills, it will allow the muscles(肌肉) to relax and empty the mind of all thoughts. The brain will get a chance to rest, and more oxygen will reach. Ba duan jin is reported to be helpful to many health problems. What's more, it can be learnt without a teacher. Although it may be practised by following a few pictures and instructions, success really depends on concentration, relaxation and daily practice.

1.What's the writer's purpose in writing the first paragraph?

A.To lead into the topic. B.To show an opinion.

C.To give an example. D.To make a comparison.

2.From the passage we can know that__________________.

A.ba duan jins is difficult for people to learn

B.the young may show more interest in practicing ba duan jin

C.practising ba duan jin doesn't need a large place

D.we must learn ba duan jin from a teacher

3.Which question does the 4th paragraph mainly answer?

A.When was ba duan jin created?

B.How should people practice ba duan jin?

C.How long has ba duan jin been practised in China?

D.How can ba duan jin keep people healthy?

4.We can probably read the passage in the __________section of a newspaper.

A.fashion B.sports C.advertisement D.business


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